View Full Version : BRCS unit statistics errata

04-25-2009, 06:54 PM
Anuirean units
1) Table 6-1a: Engineers. Mv should be 2 (1 + 1 for standard unit) instead of 1.
2) Table 6-1a: Scouts. Type should be LtIrr (they have def 12 and 3 GB cost) instead of Irr (def 10 and 2,5 GB cost).

Brecht units
3) Table 6-1b: Artillerists. Mv should be 2 (1 + 1 for standard unit) instead of 1.
4) Table 6-1b: Elite Infantry. Cost should be 3 GB (0.5 infantry + 0,5 medium + 2 veteran) instead of 4.
5) Table 6-1b: Irregulars. Mrl should be +2 (+0 irregulars +2 standard) instead of +4. Cost should be 1,5 GB (0,5 irregulars + 1 standard) instead of 2 GB.
6) Table 6-1b: Marines. I don’t understand where “+2 def. vs. missile” comes from. And infantry shouldn’t have a Missile rating.
7) Table 6-1b: Scouts. Type should be LtIrr (they have def 12 and 3 GB cost) instead of Irr (def 10 and 2,5 GB cost).

Khinasi units
8) Table 6-1c: Archers. Cost should be 1,5 GB (+0,5 archers + 1 standard) instead of 2 GB.
9) Table 6-1c: Artillerists. Mv should be 2 (1 + 1 for standard unit) instead of 1.
10) Table 6-1c: Marines. I don’t understand where “+2 def. vs. missile” comes from. And infantry shouldn’t have a Missile rating.
11) Table 6-1c: Spearmen. I don’t understand unit statistics.

Rjurik units
12) Table 6-1d: Battle Ragers. Cost should be 5 GB (+0,5 infantry + 1,5 heavy + 2 veteran + 1 berserk) instead of 4.
13) Table 6-1d: Cavalry. Mv should be 3 (3 cavalry +1 standard -1 medium) instead of 4.

Vos units
14) Table 6-1e: Berserkers. Cost should be 5 GB (+0,5 irregulars + 0,5 medium + 2 veteran + 1 berserk +1 tough) instead of 6.
15) Table 6-1e: Raiders, Scouts and Tribesmen should have Mrl +4 (+0 irregulars +2 standard, +2 tough) instead of +2.
16) Table 6-1e: Scouts. Non elven standard units can have only one special training.
17) Table 6-1e: Vaarskriders. Mrl should be +8 (+2 cavalry +4 veteran +2 tough) instead of +6.

Dwarven units
18) Table 6-1f: Crossbowmen. Missile should be +4 (+2 archers +4 veteran -2 medium) instead of +2.
19) Table 6-1f: Guards. Cost should be 5 GB (+0,5 infantry + 1,5 heavy + 2veteran +1 def+) instead of 6 GB.
20) Table 6-1f: Homeguard. Mrl should be +2 (+0 irregulars +2 standard) instead of +4.

Elven units
21) Table 6-1g: Archers. Missile should be +8 (+2 archers +4 veteran +2 scout) instead of +6.
22) Table 6-1g: Cavalry. Missile should be +8 (+0 cavalry +4 veteran +2 scout +2 missile+) instead of +6. Melee should be +6 (+2 cavalry + 4 veteran -2 scout +2 Melee+) instead of +4. Mv should be 6 (3 cavalry +2 veteran +1 scout) instead of 4. Cost shoud be 9 GB (+2,5 cavalry +0,5 light +2 veteran +1 scout +1 melee+ +1 missile+ +1 def+) instead of 8 GB.
23) Table 6-1g: Knights. Missile should be +6 (+0 cavalry +4 veteran -2 medium +2 scout +2 missile+) instead of +4. Melee should be +6 (+2 cavalry + 4 veteran -2 scout +2 Melee+) instead of +4. Mv should be 5 (3 cavalry +2 veteran +1 scout -1 medium) instead of 3. Mrl should be +8 (+2 cavalry +4 veteran +2 tough) instead of +4.

Goblin units
24) Table 6-1h: Guards. Mrl should be +2 (+0 irregulars +2 standard +2 toughness -2 mercenary) instead of 0.
25) Table 6-1h: Infantry. I don’t understand where “+2 def. vs. missile” comes from. What is Cmnr (“+2 melee vs. Cmnr, Irr, Pike”)?

Common foes
26) Table 6-1i: Gnoll Marauders. Cost should be 6 GB (0,5 irregulars + 0,5 light + 2 veteran x2 mercenary) instead of 5 GB.
27) Table 6-1i: Orog Lizardriders. Mrl should be +8 (+2 cavalry +4 veteran +2 toughness) instead of +6.

Mercenary units
28) Tabe 6.4: Medium Cavalry. Cost should be 8 GB (2,5 cavalry +0,5 medium + 1 standard x2 mercenary) instead of 6 GB.
29) Tabe 6.4: Infantry. Cost should be 4 GB (0,5 infantry +0,5 medium + 1 standard x2 mercenary) instead of 3 GB. I don’t understand where “+2 def. vs. missile” comes from.
30) Table 6-4: Marauders. I don’t understand unit statistics.

04-27-2009, 12:26 AM
On the BR wiki, the BRCS stats are at http://www.birthright.net/brwiki/index.php/Military_units

I will try and check the content and move them to http://www.birthright.net/brwiki/index.php/BRCS:Chapter six/Armies and warfare/Military_units later today. This has now been done.

In the meantime, you are welcome to set up your own alternative tables and stats on alternative pages, e.g. http://www.birthright.net/brwiki/index.php/User:Elrond/Military_units
After all, that is one of many reasons we created the wiki... to allow alternatives and share additional information.

I am not saying your corrections are right or wrong. I'll leave that to others. As it is, there is already at least one known textual error in that chapter, cf. http://www.birthright.net/brwiki/index.php/BRCS:Errata .


04-27-2009, 05:46 PM
I wonder if 'cmnr' means commoner, i.e. militia levies?

I should dig out the stats I did for Rjurik Winds and post them up, but converting the excel spreadsheets into wiki tables would be hellish...

I sounds like Elrond has a fairly extensive system for organising troops consistently, I'd love to see it.

04-27-2009, 06:31 PM
I wonder if 'cmnr' means commoner, i.e. militia levies?

Quite likely. But it would be a repetition. Levies are irregulars.

I sounds like Elrond has a fairly extensive system for organising troops consistently, I'd love to see it.

Just the old system: I checked the statistics one by one.

04-27-2009, 08:41 PM
I have a question: if elves do not field levies, why on table 6-1g is there a drafted unit (the homeguard)?