View Full Version : Harper's Point

09-16-2009, 04:17 AM
Discussion thread for Harper's Point (http://www.birthright.net/brwiki/index.php/Harper's Point). If you would like to add a comment, click the Post Reply button.

09-16-2009, 04:23 AM
I initially made all ogres into orogs, but have changed my mind. I don't think orogs would be that subserviant to giants. They are too bright for that.

09-17-2009, 03:25 AM
Looks good Sorontar. Some really great ideas and a great point of focus for adventures. I agree with you on the orogs. I think they tend to have their own plans and would not be subserviant to giants. Not to mention that they dislike sunlight.

09-17-2009, 07:00 PM
Hmm, some of those links should be working - I thought I'd put the giants on now. I'm not sure I recall Orogs mentioned in the Giant Downs - but they are probably there along with all the others.

Ogres are good because they are the stereotypical 'bad daddy' - too big and strong to easily fight, but easy to outwit and hide from - a good foe for low level PCs, while still able to give some resistance at mid-level.

09-17-2009, 07:13 PM
I like it. I might take it as a kick-off point to my "Return to the Giantdowns" I want to run someday.

09-18-2009, 08:54 AM
I didn't write this page. The original text was Andrew Tall's doing. I was just cleaning it up and adding links when I noticed that it was talking about ogres, not orogs. That seemed wierd for Cerilia so I swapped them, but then after further reflection I changed them back.
The main points are

ogres are allowed in Cerilia
ogres are commonly found as the giants' lackeys
ogres speak Giant tongue
ogres can live aboveground, but orogs like to live underground

BTW orogs are subserviant to some others but its normally only to strong regents, e.g. the Warlock.


09-18-2009, 04:51 PM
There were ogres in the Stonecrowns adventure, apologies, I'd assumed that they were found elsewhere in BR.

When (if) my internet gets fixed I'll try fixing some of the links, uploading more of the stuff, etc.

Harper's Point is an adventure site, but also an explanation of why the province pop is so low (recent giant invasion, market town conquered leaving many villages hard to reach) and domain opportunity (resolve the problem, build a new town easily and thus rule the province).

I've done a fair amount on Dhoesone so the site should end up tying in to several other areas.

As ever, any ideas welcome.

09-19-2009, 09:53 AM
BR does allow ogres, but my initial concerns were that they not common enough to be appropriate to be such an organised community as this article described. So I started changing it to orogs.

However, I then realised that there are many reasons (see my previous post) why orogs are not appropriate and ogres are, so I changed them back to ogres.

I am not sure which links you are saying don't work. Are you meaning the NPCs?


09-21-2009, 05:26 PM
Hmm, Stonecrowns had battallions of Ogres, and I thought I'd been vague on exact numbers anyway, but I grow old and forgetful.

The links I was mentioning were the NPC links, I was sure that I'd put the giants up and a few others. I know that I've done them and thought I'd put up all the non-human factions now, I know that I did the Red Fist goblin clan at least.