View Full Version : The Changeling

09-23-2009, 01:06 AM
Well I made a pathetic attempt to add my take on the "The Changeling" event from the Tuornen Secrets book to the wiki in the adventures section. Sadly all computers and associated technology are magic to me and I can't seem to get it to do what I want. My apologies, for I am but a simple caveman (apparently) anyone who cares can take a crack at making it work. :mad:

09-23-2009, 03:05 AM
I have tidied it up for you. The main thing was that your paragraphs were indented, which the wiki interprets as a formatting command. Instead, each new paragraph has to be on a separate line with a blank line (or two) between.

I have also added some links.


09-23-2009, 10:36 PM
You are a god...

09-23-2009, 11:17 PM
Just a very handy moderator who does all our link work for us, I'm afraid :D

09-24-2009, 12:05 AM
I just remember which pages have been written (and a few that should be written). I wish I could use the same memory for my research references.


09-24-2009, 12:45 AM
Well again my thanks... what did you think of it by the way?

09-24-2009, 01:10 AM
I never read the original form, but it is a switcheroo on the traditional idea of fairies switching children for their own purposes. Normally the story is from the human point-of-view. This time, the background reveals a deeper fairy story. Of course, the players have to work that out for themselves.

The main aspect that I think can really utilised will be the political outcome of the realisation that Nesa is really elven nobility. As you suggested, there are many unknowns:

* Will she side/ally with her father?
* How strongly is she influenced by the Azrai bloodline?
* What are her personal objectives?
* Will she become a meak or a bold political player?
* What are her blood abilities?
* What is her skill set? Which holdings may she be interested in being involved with, if any?
* Will she be accepted by the human community she was brought up in? Will she became a member of the Tuornen court once rescued?

This would be increased if the human "father" (or mother) was now of more importance than just a village alderman. If he/she held a position of greater responsibility then Nesa would be more important to Turonen (and Rhuobhe Manslayer). He might have been a nobody when she was "born", but 17 years is a long time.


09-24-2009, 02:29 AM
The original was only a short hook about the Manslayer carrying off a Teen girl who walked up to him arms extended while he raided her village.

It was left very vague for the D.M. to fill in as he chose.

It was titled "the Changeling" in obvious reference to the Fae habit of carrying off infants. Of course in Ireland there are tales of the Adult swap.

I simply wanted to provide a good reason why. My Players are not the kind to accept the old stand-by "Well he's a bad guy".

Also the Manslayer has always been a sort of favorite of mine in a tortured sort of evil way. The Gorgon is the Gorgon because of jealousy and greed, all around not a very sympathetic fellow. But the Manslayer to me holds a tad more pathos.

So determined to avenge/defend his people he becomes the evil he has beheld and is content. Or is he? ;)