View Full Version : Random Events

11-11-2009, 11:26 PM
Just wnated to know what the general concensus might be on how often you should incorporate a random event (as defined in chapter five of the BR rules) into game play? Also, should a character be able to use regency or the expenditure of gold bars to affect the final resolution check in their favor?

My apologies if I have placed this in the wrong thread, I realize now it probably should have gone in the Royal Library.

11-11-2009, 11:34 PM
I have moved it to the Royal Library.

For people's reference, the BR wiki copy of what ch 5 says on random events is at http://www.birthright.net/brwiki/index.php/Random_event#Domain_events


11-11-2009, 11:41 PM
Thank you for moving this to the correct location and the reference.

So since the resolution of the event can be based on a regent or his/her court using standard or court actions, wouldn't the expenditure of regency or gold be allowed to sway the final event resolution die roll?

11-12-2009, 12:16 AM
Alright, I have a question to ask then, as I've pondered a similar question: Is this rolled for one PC and then selected either at random/rolled or specific? or all the PCs?

11-12-2009, 12:23 AM
One thing wasn't made totally clear by you Grinster. Are you playing AD&D or D&D3.5? (I suspect 3.5 because of the ch5 reference) I don't know whether there is any difference between the rules about domain events for them, but it might help people put things in perspective.


11-12-2009, 01:59 AM
I use 3.5 with the BR rules.

I don't often use random events, maybe once every 6-months of game time. But when I can use them to spice up the plot line, this question invariably arises. It's an area that has never really been all that clear.

11-12-2009, 02:13 AM
I might have to use 3.5 with some of my friends still not responding to my text messages about running a 2E game. I last texted three weeks ago. :) I assume they are trying to convince me to run a 3.5. Anyways, still curious of anyone's opinion of my above question. I assume it means for each domain. :D

11-12-2009, 12:58 PM
Alright, I have a question to ask then, as I've pondered a similar question: Is this rolled for one PC and then selected either at random/rolled or specific? or all the PCs?

Your choice as DM.

In general the rules suggest picking 1 area to focus on for the center of action.

These random actions also help determine adventure hooks by the way.

I would roll for all PCs in the area of action, unless I had already "planned" an adventure hook to set up. 1 PC shouldn't have a disadvantage by having to respond to a random event while the others don't.

11-12-2009, 04:18 PM
I do normally use them for adventure hooks, if needed, and also to remind PC regents that large organizations such as guilds, churches, or realms are not always smooth running machines - problems can and do occur, and their reactions to those problems can have some pretty interesting consequences.

But as I've already stated, I try to be pretty frugal in my use of random events.

Thanks for the insight.

11-13-2009, 01:05 AM
Thanks for the response. I'll definitely look forward to implementing that when it comes to the game time. Thanks again. :)

11-15-2009, 04:34 PM
As might be guessed from the wiki page I made:


I'm quite a fan of random events, but on a 'does it sound fun, then lets have it' basis, I'd generally auto-resolve any that came up during a busy patch or that the pc's weren't interested in doing.

I'd make random events more common for domains that are large, complex, or both for a variety of reasons, not least of which is the need for a large domain to fragment via strong vassals (i.e. interesting npc's).

11-16-2009, 05:32 AM
It's been forever since I've been by, but thought I'd poke my head in. The following is a list of random events (not 100% done) from 10+ years ago.

If nothing else it's a source of inspiration for your own ideas:

11-18-2009, 03:13 PM
Hmmm :) digs out the never-ending to-do list...

I've now added the examples from Lawgiver's list...