So far I was neutral towards the ECL modifications of blooded scions. Now I started several new Birthright campaigns, experienced the character creation system and
felt the resonance of the players.

Furthermore I discussed with people which also use the ECL system. Here is my personal

The ECL modification does not seem to work for "normal" adventuring campaigns. However, it seems to make sense when getting involved with regency points.

- the ECL for scions is in absolutely no relation to the ECL of races
- the ECL modifier is unfair: player choosing a better bloodline may have bad luck and
have a low bloodline score or bad blood abilities
- the differences of the bloodline abilities of a minor bloodline are not weak enough compared the the major abilites. Characters with the minor ability can have nearly as good abilities as a character with a major ability.

The result is that players with e.g. a major bloodline are very frustrated, since they have to live with the ECL.

For groups not using the Regency rules (or don't use them that often), the ECL system
does not work.