
The SYMUON team is happy to present you its project, BIRTHRIGHT ONLINE, a game system based on D20 Birthright rules.

This system will allow everyone to create its own birthright campaigns with the benefit of a graphical interface, a dedicated web site and a forum. All of this will be free, and hosted by the SYMUON TECHNOLOGY domain.

The game strictly speaking is mainly the fruit of my work and of the work of SYMUON team, and our stage of progress is like that :

Analyse is almost finished.
Design is almost finished.
The translation of birthright D20 draft in french is at the beginning of the project (only the chapter 2 is finished, and we need help for the other chapters).
SGBDR is ready (for the structure but I still have to modify some things in function of the way Birthright d20 take in this site Birthright.net).

Actually, I begin the programming strictly speaking.

Technical environment is :
For analyse : RUP and UML2
For Interface : UTF-8, Xhtml 1.0 strict and CSS 2
For web server : Mysql and Php5 (in Oriented Object Programming)
Langage : French, but there will be additionnal langages (english...) when the game will be finished

Here is the URL of the SYMUON Birthright forum (Unique skin especially for Birthright) : http://symuon.com/birth/forum

Who is part of SYMUON domain : http://symuon.com

Team e-mail : equipe@symuon.com

We will give you other screenshots this week end. Feel free to post any comments !