
It's been a while since I posted. I just got done with a 2-year all Dwarf campaign and I wanted to thank those of you who helped me with ideas to make it really cool. My players are ready for another story (on the surface, not just Dwarves).

I don't post often, as I try to search threads for answers. But, I was toying with the idea of "latent" or "dormant" bloodline that could surface later in a character's career and couldn't seem to get a search term that hit anything. I am aware that awnshegh have something like this in that their form changes (bloodform) as they embrace their evil side (so to speak).

But, does it seem possible that a bloodline could not be detected for some reason (character is a commoner) and later "discovers" their bloodline? Or, is that really not possible as some awnshegh and such can "sense" if another character is blooded?

I realize it's my game and I can do what I want, but I try to stay true to the spirit of the game as much as I can. Thanks for any help you could give.
