I found a thread on ENWorld commenting the new races on the Player's Guide, but so far no "elves variations" are mentioned

This is the quote I found on ENWorld:

The Forgotten Realms Player's Guide will include the Swordmage, as well as Drow and Genasi (source). It will also include a multiclass-only class for characters with spellscars (source). Barbarians, Bards, Druids, and Gnomes will be mentioned in Forgotten Realms products (source), as will Half-Orcs and Goliaths (source).
Gnomes are in the PHB2 (source). Others races in the PHB2 start with D, G, H, and S, and have second letters O, E, and H, and one has the final letter R (source, source). A Goliath appears on the cover, as well as what may be a Gnome or Shifter.
This is the thread:


This thread (Differentiating Races: Racial Classes) talks about a similar subject, so maybe it's a good place to get ideas and other points of view about the human sub-types:
