One of the first questions many players have when looking at a new Domain Sheet is "How many people live here?"

The following is an alternative approach one can use to determine a realm's starting population.

Step 1. Determine the realm's BIRTHRATE MULTIPLIER based on the population's primary race:

Dwarf - 7,500
Elf - 5,000
Goblin - 15,000
Halfling - 7,500
Human - 10,000

Step 2. Determine the realm's BASE POPULATION.

The BASE POPULATION of a realm equals the sum total of all province levels multiplied by the realm's BIRTHRATE MULTIPLIER*

Step 3. Determine the realm's POPULATION DENSITY BONUS.

The POPULATION DENSITY BONUS of a realm equals the sum total of all province levels divided by the number of provinces, usually rounded to the nearest tenth. (eg. 4.716 = 4.7)

Step 4. Determine the realm's TOTAL POPULATION


Example: Medoere has 3 provinces: Alamier (4), Braeme (3), and Caerwil (2). Its population is primarily human, giving it a Birthrate Multiplier of 10,000. The sum total of its provinces is 9 (4+3+2=9), so its Base Population is 90,000 (9 * 10,000 = 90,000). Factoring in Medoere's relative population density is 3 (9/3=3), we can determine its total population is 90,000 x 3 = 270,000.

Using this equation, we can determine the following realm populations:

Roesone = 630,000
Talinie = 468,000
Avanil = 1,517,000
Diemed = 874,000
Cariele = 559,000
Alamie = 528,000
Ilien** = 150,000
Pashacht*** = 36,000
Ariya = 561,000
Zikala**** = 500,000

*The Birthrate Multipliers listed above are strictly based on race. Other factors such as a realm's terrain, culture, and other unique factors are, by default, presumed to be
abstractly factored into province levels.

**This method breaks down if used to determine the population of a 1-province realm. Instead, multiply its Province Level by its Birthrate multiplier, then adjust that number up to + or -5,000 based on whatever factors you deem relevant. Then double that number.

Ilien (7) * 10000 = 70,000 + 5000 (coastal city with no immediate threats) = 75,000 * 2 = 150,000. Approximately half of that number are residents of the City of Ilien, the other half live in small farming or fishing villages, ranches, etc.

Pashacht (2) * 10,000 = 20,000 - 2,000 (due to nightly attacks by the Banshegh) = 18,000 * 2 = 36,000

****0-level provinces are not counted when determining Population Density. Zikala has 11 provinces but 3 of them are level (0). When determining its Population Density, the sum of its province levels (20) is divided by 8, not 11.

An upcoming post will detail how a realm's Total Population can be used to determine things like: noble population, blooded population, army mustering limits, and more.. I will also detail how this system can be compatible with non-birthright campaign settings.