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  1. #1

    Gladatorial Arenas in Birthright?

    I'm getting ready to run a certain Dungeon Magazine adventure that requires the PC's to journey to a city that has a big arena for gladiatorial matches in it. I'm not sure if such a thing has been mentioned in any BR source material, and I don't have time to read through every single domain so I am hoping somebody here might know of one off hand? Something within Anuire or relatively close to it.

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Birthright Developer Raesene Andu's Avatar
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    South Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by hirumatogeru
    I'm getting ready to run a certain Dungeon Magazine adventure that requires the PC's to journey to a city that has a big arena for gladiatorial matches in it. I'm not sure if such a thing has been mentioned in any BR source material, and I don't have time to read through every single domain so I am hoping somebody here might know of one off hand? Something within Anuire or relatively close to it.
    I doubt that anything like that would be seen anywhere in Anuire. The society doesn't really lend itself towards blood-sports like those practiced in gladiatorial arenas. Somewhere in the Gorgon's Crown (either Kal-Saitharak or Fellport) would be the most likely locations. Otherwise, maybe somewhere in the Chimaeron or Thurazor.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Gladatorial Arenas in Birthright?

    In a message dated 9/9/05 8:41:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
    brnetboard@BIRTHRIGHT.NET writes:

    << I`m getting ready to run a certain Dungeon Magazine adventure that
    requires the PC`s to journey to a city that has a big arena for gladiatorial matches
    in it. I`m not sure if such a thing has been mentioned in any BR source
    material, and I don`t have time to read through every single domain so I am hoping
    somebody here might know of one off hand? Something within Anuire or
    relatively close to it.

    Any help is appreciated. >>

    I really cannot think of one. The closest I come to this might be one or
    more orders dedicated to Cuiraecan having a jousting-tournament league.


  4. #4
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    Vos challenges

    I too know of no existing examples but I imagine it's not too hard to make up a Vos city that has such an arena. Perhaps to 1) show how feeble other races are at fighting compared to the Vos 2) to determine who was a worthy fighter for the Vos hot-bloods trying their blade against 3) entertainment for an agressive society. They all seem to fit into my understanding of the Vos culture is in BR.

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  5. #5
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    Gladatorial Arenas in Birthright?

    Does it have to be a brutal gladitorial arena?
    Can it just be a knightly tournament held in the king`s/baron`s/duke`s
    honor among a three-day festival with knights from all over coming to earn
    glory for themselves and their homelands?
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  6. #6
    Administrator Green Knight's Avatar
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    Gladatorial Arenas in Birthright?


    Here are some suggestions (which I have used myself on occasion):

    1. Dark arenas in Osoerde, where the followers of Belinik pit their political
    enemies against each other or against Belinite warriors or wild

    2. Pit fights for entertainment in a big brigand camp. Works especially well
    in remote areas like the Five Peaks (you can substitute the brigands with
    goblins, gnolls or somthing similar).


  7. #7


    I imagine that Aduria and the Vos would have such arenas if anyone would.

    In the game I've been playing (though its been on hold for a long while now as some other groups catch up) I built a gladiator arena in the capital city, which is in Aduria. I started in Mieres, btw. I have several different types of fights going on in there, from illusionary monster fights (as capturing ogres is just too much of a hassle) to military reenactments.

    I hired a magician to create some illusionary monsters and have a few clerics of Neserie (the patron goddess of my realm) to heal any injuries. When they fight for real they use blunted weapons and still have the clerics handy.

    It was made a a wonder, so it was expensive, however, as I love to occasionally jump in there myself and test my troops, I think it's worth it Heheh, nothing like showing them how invincible you appear when one is a leader to help keep order.
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  8. #8
    Birthright Developer Raesene Andu's Avatar
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    The only time I've ever featured an arena in my current campaign is when the PCs found themselves in Kal-Saitharak and end up being tossed into the arena for a fist fight with one of the Gorgon's generals (a very long story).
    Let me claim your Birthright!!

  9. #9
    Good ideas guys! Yeah, I figured there probably would not be much in Anuire, but the ideas posted sound really good. The tournament has to be to the death as the bodies of the deceased are a key part in the adventure. My current regent player resides in the southern coast of Anuire so I might try Oseorde as the focal point. The Gorgon's Crown would be too brutal for my 4th level PC's

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