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Thread: Create holding.

  1. #1

    Create holding.

    As usual, all regents with a presence in the province may bid RP to support or oppose the check.

    This is fairly vauge.As i understand it usually :

    Law - affects law, guild, temple
    Rest : affect same type only.

    Does this mean that the ruler and anyone with any type of holding may supporto r oppose this check?

  2. #2
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    But you need to go back and read the section on Resolving Actions to find out "what is normal". These rules apply all the time, unless specifically called out as otherwise. The normal rules for general and specific text would apply to the BRCS.

    Regents with the same type of holding may apply the holding level as a bonus (support) or a penalty (oppose) to the check. In addition Law holding may be applied to Temple and Guild holding actions in the same manner.

    All regents with holdings and the province ruler may also use RP to influence the action (add as a bonus - support, provide as a penalty - oppose).

    Create Holding [Standard; Administrate; 1 GB]

    A regent wishing to establish a holding in a province where he has no holdings of a specific type may attempt to create a holding (0). Once created, the regent is free to Rule the holding to a higher level (if the province level permits such growth) or to contest existing holdings in order to increase the influence of his holdings.

    The base DC for the domain action check is 10. As usual for standard domain actions, holdings of the same type as you are attempting to create may apply their level as a bonus or penalty to the action check. In addition, however, law holdings may apply their levels as a bonus or penalty to the action check if the target holding is a guild or temple. As usual, all regents with a presence in the province may bid RP to support or oppose the check.

    Resolving actions

    Domain actions, like many combat actions, are not automatically successful. Many require a domain action check. A domain action check is the roll of 1d20 plus any modifiers. The base Difficulty Class of a domain check is dependent on the specific action attempted. The following modifiers commonly apply to success rolls for domain actions:

    Holding modifiers: +1 per level of allied holdings of the selected type in province, -1 per level of opposed holdings of the selected type. The regent or members of his court carry out the administration of a domain action, but for most domain actions, the details of the action are handled by the employees and personnel of a holding under the regent's control. When you take a domain action in a province, you must use one of your holdings in the province to execute the action. You gain a bonus to the action check equal to the level of this active holding.

    In addition, other holdings of the same type as your active holding can support or oppose your action. Using holdings to oppose or support another regent's actions is not a domain action. Allied holdings of the same type provide a bonus equal to their level. Opposed holdings of the same type provide a penalty equal to their level. Holdings of different types cannot add or subtract their level to your check. Any applicable regent may order such support or opposition once he is aware of the action. Support from holding level is highly visible, all regents (and residents) of the area will be aware of the regent's support, opposition, or apathy regarding the action.

    Skill modifier: (Full domain actions only) +1 for every 5 ranks that the regent has in the relevant skill. Each domain action is dependent on a specific skill listed in its description. If the regent sacrifices his character action to take a personal hand in the implementation of the domain action, then the domain action receives a bonus proportionate to the regent's skill.

    Loyalty modifier:+1 for Helpful, -2 for Unfriendly, -4 for Hostile. The attitude of a province's population toward the active regent has a significant impact on any actions that he takes in the province.

    Regency Points: +1 per RP spent to support, -1 per RP spent to oppose. Regents may spend RP to support or oppose most domain action checks. The province regent and any regent that has any holding of any level in the province in which the domain action is taking place may spend RP to support or oppose the action. There is no limit (save availability) to how many RP may be spent to support or oppose an action.

    Spending RP to support or oppose an action is done in reverse domain initiative order. Each eligible regent may spend RP to support or oppose the domain action check. Each regent must be offered the opportunity to spend regency each round. Bidding continues round by round, until a round passes in which no regent bids additional RP, a which point the domain action check can be made.

    Although it is obvious when a holding level opposes or supports an action, the spending of RP is not necessarily so. RP can be spent "anonymously" at the regent's desire. The player is always aware of the RP being spent against them (and can use this information during bidding), but the character may not be aware of the mastermind behind the forces opposing his action.

    Duane Eggert

  3. #3
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    OK, so I can buy it that a law, guild or temple regent can easily interfere with the creation of a law, guild or temple holding. But a source regent tossing in RP to oppose? This seems a bit over-the-top.

    Typically nothing affects sources, and sources affect nothing. Almost their own independent universe. I know that RP reflect a connection to the land and people, but sources don't really affect the people. In fact, most people distrust wizards implicitly so I would not think that a source regent could affect holding creation.

  4. #4
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    True but that is why the holding level can't be used only the fact that the regent has some influence in the province and can thus spend RP.

    This is a bit shakey, but there is a distinction by not allowing source holdings themselves to be used.

    This can be changed when the chapter is revised if enough people think it should. It is definitely ripe for discussion.
    Duane Eggert

  5. #5
    When is chapter 5 going to be revised?

  6. #6
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Question
    When is chapter 5 going to be revised?
    Based on replies to my requests for assistance in completing the BRCS these are the people working on it:



    Darkon (although I believe Arjan has “hijacked” him to be a co-webmaster instead).


    Up until just about a month or so ago it was only me and I was trying to focus on a chapter at a time. The current one being worked was Chap 6 (Armies and Warfare). I’ve turned that mostly over to Deesler. So expect some sort of proposal for discussion and subsequent vote on a way to handle troop experience and advancement fairly soon. IMO that is the last outstanding issue needing resolution before the actual writing of the proposed chapter revision can start.

    RaspK_Fog is going to work on chap 9 (Creatures, with the first tasking (by me the slave driver) to finish resolving how to handle Anshegh/ershegh).

    So since this is the first time that there has been more than one person actually working on this thing since right after the playtest document was issued perhaps things can start to move along.
    Duane Eggert

  7. #7
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    Regency is Regency

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin
    OK, so I can buy it that a law, guild or temple regent can easily interfere with the creation of a law, guild or temple holding. But a source regent tossing in RP to oppose? This seems a bit over-the-top.

    Typically nothing affects sources, and sources affect nothing. Almost their own independent universe. I know that RP reflect a connection to the land and people, but sources don't really affect the people. In fact, most people distrust wizards implicitly so I would not think that a source regent could affect holding creation.
    I disagree on this point. Sources DO represent one measure of influence over a province. While not as _visible_ or as obviously connected to the "every-day-life" of the populace, they do provide their owner a certain measure of influence. This influence can manifest itself through subtle manipulation of the thoughts and feelings of the people, by "unfortunate accidents" that occur during construction (termites attacking the wood stockpiles of a guild under construction, perhaps) or through unfavorable weather. Exerting such influence is not without cost, however (thus the requirement for the source regent to expend RP rather than just being able to apply the source level as a modifier to the roll.) For that reason, I like the rule as presently written.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by irdeggman
    So since this is the first time that there has been more than one person actually working on this thing since right after the playtest document was issued perhaps things can start to move along.
    If there's something I could do to assist with the project, I'd be happy to.

  9. #9
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramlyns
    If there's something I could do to assist with the project, I'd be happy to.

    Read this thread and drop me an e-mail. We need people with a good knowledge of 2nd ed BR and 3.5 rules.
    Duane Eggert

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Eloquently stated Ramlyns. I withdraw my objection.

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