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  1. #1
    Junior Member FallenPaladin's Avatar
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    Hi All;

    I Have a question about Bloodline. I'm from Turkey and i have a little english sorry I'm reading BRCS and i only cannot understand Bloodline, Blood ability, regent etc.. etc... This is very complex for me and I want to play in BR and also I'm DM.

    Can anybody explain this as very simple. (and detailed pls)

    I'm preparing a character sheet but I dont know what I'll put in the boxes on floowing figure.

    Please can you help me?
    Last edited by FallenPaladin; 11-25-2006 at 01:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    I would suggest that the first figure is the bloodline score, which is typically 3-18 under BRCS.

    The second number is the ability score modifier which affects targets saving throws, etc.

    I.e. the boxes might read 15 and +2

    I can't see anywhere to write down the bloodline strength, but this could be noted anywhere.

    How it works:
    Andrew's attempt at Bloodlines:
    Bloodline is a little complicated because it has several parts with similar names.

    Bloodline strength: For PC's this is either minor, major or great. It affects the maximum strength of possible bloodline powers. I.e. if a charactor has only a minor bloodline, then they can only have minor bloodline powers.

    Bloodline score. This is a seventh ability score (like strength or intelligence), it determines how many bloodline powers a PC has. I.e. a bloodline of score 14 indicates that the PC has two bloodline powers, one of at most minor strength and one of at most major strength.

    Putting strength and score together.

    If you have a bloodline score of 18 which is of minor strength you can choose 3 minor bloodline powers.

    If you have a bloodline score of 18 which is of major strength you can choose 3 minor or major bloodline powers.

    If you have a bloodline score of 18 which is of great strength you can choose 3 bloodline powers of any type.

    It is a little more complicated if you are randomly assigning bloodline powers as you hav e to re-roll powers that are too strong for the bloodline strength.

    Andrew's attempt at Regency:
    This is not an ability score. A PC only usually gets regency points if they rule some holdings and they usually start the game with none.

    Regency is used to carry out realm actions or more rarely to increase the bloodline score. I.e. a PC with a bloodline score of 3 could use 12 regency points to increase their bloodline score to 4.

    Regency is gained based on the number and size of holdings held, and the PC's skill at relevant skills. This is described around page 95 of the BRCS.

    I.e. a PC very good at diplomacy will gain a lot of regecy from holding province levels (being the king), a PC very good at leadership will gain a lot of regency from law holdings (being in charge of the police, taxman, etc).

    Each type of holding (province, law, guild, temple, source) has at least two skills relevant to gaining regency from that type of holding, add the ranks of the revelant skills together - if it is over ten you get regency equal to the holding level, if it is less than ten the regency gained is less than the holding level (see table 5-10 on page 96).

    The example at the end of page 95 appears to also add the PC's level to the skills ranks but I can't see where it says to do this.

    Hopefully I have helped - I'm new to BRCS myself so if one of the veteran's says that I'm wrong believe them not me

    Birthright has a lot of new rules and attitudes to learn - mostly these relate to how realms and rulers interact, but it is worth it - even if your player's don't play regents, looking at the 'big' picture can give you a lot of adventure ideas.

    Enjoy your game.


  3. #3
    Junior Member FallenPaladin's Avatar
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    Thank you very much, Andrew. You're big man

  4. #4
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    London, England

    seriously no problem - that sort of stuff is why probably why irdeggman, arjan, etc made

    let us know how it goes and ask any questions you like - if people aren't interested they will just ignore them anyway.


  5. #5
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Andrew is actually using the old, unsanctioned version of chapter 2.

    Make sure you are using the “sanctioned” versions of Chapter 1 and 2 from the Latest Version of the BRCS by Chapter pinned thread. There have been some major changes from the BRCS-playtest version on these two chapters.

    The very beginning of Chapter 2 explains what a bloodline is and what it is made of.
    Bloodlines have three primary characteristics. A scion's bloodline derivation (Anduiras (And), Azrai (Az), Basaïa (Ba), Brenna (Bre), Masela (Ma), Reynir (Re), or Vorynn (Vor)) specifies the old god whose divine power flows in the veins of his family. A scion's bloodline strength (minor, major, great, or true) describes the purity of the scion's family's bloodline. A scion's bloodline score describes the power of a specific scion's divine essence. The manifestations of a bloodline are known as blood abilities.

    Basically the three parts are:

    Derivation (from which of the old gods the bloodline comes from)

    Strength (the purity of the bloodline)

    Score (the numerical measure of the power of the bloodline)

    The numerical score will determine the number of blood abilities a scion has and the strength will combine with that to determine the level of the powers he can have (minor, major or great).

    Table 2-3 lists the number of blood abilities (and power) that the scion can have.

    For example with a bloodline score of 32 a scion can have any of the following combinations:

    A scion can have up to 1 minor, 1 major and 1 great blood ability.

    In order to take a major blood ability a scion must have 1 level of a scion class.

    In order to take a great ability a scion must have 2 levels of a scion class.

    A character can only have type of scion class (depending on his derivation).

    He can substitute lesser leveled abilities for higher leveled ones. Tat is he can take 2 minors instead of a minor and a major.

    Chapter 5 explains RP and GB.
    The power and profitability of a domain are represented by two important domain assets: the regency reserve of the domain's regent and the size of the domain's treasury. A regent's available regency is measured in regency points (RP). RP represent political or divine power which allows the regent to influence political affairs to their advantage. A domain's treasury is measured in gold bars (GB).
    RP is Regency Points and is limited by bloodline score and a number based on skill ranks and holding levels. See Tables 5-9 and 5-10.

    Gold Bars (GB) is the income that a holding brings in it is also the unit used to measure the expenses paid for domain level assets (like troop maintenance).

    If you are not playing at the domain level then you do not need to worry about RP or GB.
    Duane Eggert

  6. #6
    Junior Member FallenPaladin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by irdeggman

    Basically the three parts are:

    Derivation (from which of the old gods the bloodline comes from)

    Strength (the purity of the bloodline)

    Score (the numerical measure of the power of the bloodline)

    Thank you irdeggman. But can you explain these as detailed?

  7. #7
    Junior Member FallenPaladin's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Please forgive me, bcs i can write wrong.

    for example;

    Race: Anuirean

    1. Bloodline Derivation: BRCS, p.34, table 2.1. Firstly I'm rolling 1d100 and it's result is 70 and thats mean is Reynir. OK?

    Then, for Bloodline Score; I'm rolling 1d20 it's result is 14 (+2 Modifier), thats mean is in Blood Abilities; 1 Minor and 1 Major ability.

    Regency Points: 28 - 70... OK?

    2. Bloodline Abilities: p.40 Table 2-3f. I'm rolling 1d100 for getting 1 minor and 1 major abilitiy.
    1 minor: Direction Sense
    1 mahor: Forest Walk

    These are like spell-like ability? or and feat or skill?

    3. Andrew Tall and irdeggman; if i play domain what can i do?

    Irdeggman said "Look at Table 5-9&5-10 for RP and GB" but i cannot understand there are alot of table and i dont know anything how i can use these RP and GB in game or what can i do for this?

    Thank you very very much.

  8. #8
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Q1, Q2: Sadly I can't save/print chapter one, and can't access chapter 2 at all...

    Fallen Paladin - In the playtest that I have all blood abilities were 'divine spell-like abilities' although some duplicated feats in their effect. Hopefully that hasn't changed.

    If you email me the revised chapters 1 & 2 ( I'll see if I can be of more help. Sorry for the confusion.

    On the assumption that the other chapters haven't changed either content or number:

    Q3. If you play a domain you can carry out various domain actions i.e. declaring war, using diplomacy, building a trade route, raising armies, issuing decrees, collecting taxes, etc.

    This is described in chapter 5. Domain actions were described on p101 of the playtest.

    In the game each type of domain action has a cost in GB and / or RP. GB / RP can also be used (usually) to increase the likelihood that a domain action is successful.

    If the holdings are magical (temple or source) and the PC is a priest/wizard (as required) then GB and RP can also be used to cast realm spells (once a month as a standard realm action)


  9. #9
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Make sure yuo are using the "sanctioned"versions of Chap 1 and 2 (it appears you are using the "playtest" version instead.

    The entire BRCS has not been updated (and sanctioned) to 3.5 yet. Chapters 1 and 2 have, and as I said there are some substantial differences in how things are done now. There are also some drastic changes in classes and races/cultures too.

    The "sanctioned" vesions are attached below, just swap out the entire chapter(s) from the playtest document.

    Now first off you need to do nothing randomly, except rolling abiltiy scores (unless using the point buy option of the DMG). All of the random tables are provided for those who wish to roll randomly or get an idea of the frequency of occurence of something. D&D 3.5 allows players to choose pretty much anything.

    I'm going to see if I can put together a handy sheet for character creation to help walk people through the process (I just haven't done it yet though).

    Quote Originally Posted by FallenPaladin
    Please forgive me, bcs i can write wrong.

    for example;

    Race: Anuirean

    1. Bloodline Derivation: BRCS, p.34, table 2.1. Firstly I'm rolling 1d100 and it's result is 70 and thats mean is Reynir. OK?

    So far that is correct.

    Then, for Bloodline Score; I'm rolling 1d20 it's result is 14 (+2 Modifier), thats mean is in Blood Abilities; 1 Minor and 1 Major ability.

    First mistake.
    You roll (or assign) a 7th score when doing abilities. This one will become your bloodline score.

    You then double that number and it becomes your bloodline score.

    Ability scores

    The ability scores of BIRTHRIGHT characters are generated as detailed in the Player’s Handbook. When creating a character for BIRTHRIGHT, generate and assign six standard ability scores using any of the systems for elite characters presented in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. See Chapter 2, Blood and Regency, for rules on using a 7th ability score at character creation.
    Random ability score generation is the assumed default for d20 BIRTHRIGHT. Alternatively, your DM may choose to allow the tougher campaign point buy (28 points) or a modified elite array (15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 8).

    The folowing information is based on the playtest version and not the "sanctioned" one so I will try to put together a separate post on what this means.

    Regency Points: 28 - 70... OK?

    2. Bloodline Abilities: p.40 Table 2-3f. I'm rolling 1d100 for getting 1 minor and 1 major abilitiy.
    1 minor: Direction Sense
    1 mahor: Forest Walk

    These are like spell-like ability? or and feat or skill?

    pg 40 of the playtest version "Blood abilities are divine spell-like abilities."

    Chap 2 (sanctioned)

    Using blood abilities
    Unless specified otherwise in the ability description,
    all blood abilities are treated as spell-like abilities

    3. Andrew Tall and irdeggman; if i play domain what can i do?

    Irdeggman said "Look at Table 5-9&5-10 for RP and GB" but i cannot understand there are alot of table and i dont know anything how i can use these RP and GB in game or what can i do for this?

    Thank you very very much.
    You will need to understand Chapters 5, 6 and 7 in order to understand the domain level of play.

    The domain level of play is the part about running and managing empires. Holdings (law, guild, temple, source), provinces (basically think of countries), raising and managing troops (and conducting wars).

    If you are just starting out and have never played a game with a domain level of play - don't do it yet.

    There are far too many variable to keep track of for someone just starting out. And we couldn't possibly explain them adequately to someone over the internet,

    Instead just use the adventure level stuff - blood abilities.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Duane Eggert

  10. #10
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Virginia Beach, Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Tall
    Q1, Q2: Sadly I can't save/print chapter one, and can't access chapter 2 at all...
    What version of reader are you using?

    It appears that Ch 2 was saved with 6.0.

    Someone found a solution to read it on a Windows 98 machine, if that is your problem.

    Here is the link to the thread on that one.
    Duane Eggert

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