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  1. #1

    Post Scouts as in Complete Adventurer

    Whoa! That is one of the best rogue as ranger alternatives I ever found applicable for Birthright. That class is very good!

    Of course me being poor and with no shop who offers any BR narrowed my perspective...

    If you never read the scout table with feats and such, if you like rogue or ranger do it! It's a worthy work.

    A noble instead of a fighter, a scout, a magician and a cleric woud form my urban base group now, until it is dungeon then rogue scores.

    A druid, a barbarian and a scout melee as a scout archer sure make some base for the wilderness of the most gorgeous Cerilia.

    ANY chance to legally implement it into BR??? Or is it done and I am the last degenerate dumb-faq who didn't know?

  2. #2
    Site Moderator kgauck's Avatar
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    Springfield Mo
    Its perfectly fine in BR. You just can't use the descriptive text that accompanies it, unless its OGL.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Lawgiver's Avatar
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    Nov 2001
    Murray, KY
    Sounds interesting. Any updates?
    Servant of the Most High,

    Isaiah 1:17
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  4. #4

    Exclamation Note

    I read the scout class table and feat description. I have no permission to use it and I only wanted to make it known. The scout suits more BR than the rogue and as I wrote. It is much better balanced, than the generic ranger.

    I put most notes (& in some way) my downloads here, to inspire or constructive-critisize officials. My copyright remains mine though!

    All files I made available for download here were mostly for Arjan and irdeggman (Duane Eggert). But I have no problem sharing with the community.

    It was just sad, that so few people share or contribute anything, as I couldn't ever do it all on my own, especially compared to professionals with teams, correction crew and so on... :confused:

  5. #5
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    London, England
    Quote Originally Posted by Pauper View Post
    It was just sad, that so few people share or contribute anything, as I couldn't ever do it all on my own, especially compared to professionals with teams, correction crew and so on... :confused:
    Trust me, people will be quick to comment on any mistakes...

    I'll look up the class though, I bought complete adventurer a while back but it's still on the 'to read' pile...

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