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  1. #1

    Develop Resources

    I once found rules on developing resources such as Iron and fur for an additional way to make an income, I was curious if anyone knows where those rules are hiding and can point me to them.

    I recall a Domain Action called something like find/develop Resource, which allowed you to either search your province for a resource or develop one that you had already discovered there. Different resources had different benefits, though they all made a profit for you when developed.

    Any help would be wonderful. Thanks
    "The Light Grows Dim, Darkness seeps in the cracks."

  2. #2
    Okay, no responses, but a bunch of views. Lets try this again. This is the info I found and would like to expand upon.

    Provinces have resources indicated on the holding pages. Resources have the effects indicated below; 
    	the effect is for the regent (and only that regent) who develops the resource using the Build action.
    Resource 	Development Cost 	Effects for Developing Regent
    Cattle 		5 GB 	1 GB income; province not affected by famines; maximum number of units raised by 1
    Cloth 		10 GB 	3 GB income
    Copper*		5 GB 	1 GB income
    Fish 		5 GB 	1 GB income; province not affected by famines; maximum number of units raised by 1
    Furs 		8 GB 	2 GB income
    Gold/Gems*	10 GB 	3 GB income
    Grain 		5 GB 	1 GB income; province not affected by famines; maximum number of units raised by 1
    Horses 		8 GB 	1 GB income; can muster horse-mounted Cav units in the province for 1 GB less (minimum 1 GB)
    Iron* 		8 GB 	1 GB income; can muster Inf units in the province for 1 GB less (minimum 1 GB)
    Lumber*		8 GB 	1 GB income; can muster Arch and Art units in the province for 1 GB less (minimum 1 GB); 
    	each Lumber resource developed by the regent reduces his building costs for ships by 5%, to a maximum of 50%, 
    	as long as it is connected to his capital by roads or ferried by ships (1 GB cargo space per resource); 
    	other nations can block this delivery at will if the road passes through their territory
    Metalwares 	8 GB 	2 GB income
    Silk 		10 GB 	3 GB income
    Silver* 	8 GB 	2 GB income
    Wine 		8 GB 	2 GB income; +3 to Agitate actions in the province
    Wool 		8 GB 	2 GB income
    Holy Site 	10 GB 	Can only be developed by a temple of the specified faith; gives 3 GB income and 
    	doubles the temple's level for purposes of Contest action
    Development of resources marked by an asterisk may harm the magic level of a province.
    Resource development can be contested in two ways. A developed resource can be attacked with armies; 
    if the attack is successful, the development is removed. Additionally, any law holder in the province can 
    use a Decree action to close a developed resource, as long as his law holding is equal to or higher than 
    the holding that is using the resource. In both cases, the development is merely removed, and the removing 
    regent must use the Build action to develop it again if he wants to use it. Resource usage can be transferred 
    to another eligible regent via the Grant action.
    Last edited by Sarelth; 03-04-2010 at 06:39 PM.
    "The Light Grows Dim, Darkness seeps in the cracks."

  3. #3
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Interesting, thanks for the data - I've thought idly about resources for provinces but never really got anywhere. I think I'd briefly considered allowing trade routes to produce slightly more income than the norm, or allow provinces of similar terrains to trade if they had different resources.

    Looks like a house rule for the wiki - fancy trying to put it on?

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    It seems to me there are really two categories of things being
    described as resources in the list above. The first is natural
    resources. That is, things like various metals, fish or
    lumber. These are things that have to do with the province
    itself. The other is really a kind of infrastructure resource. A
    silk industry, wine or a holy site. These things are constructed by
    the inhabitants of the province rather than the land by itself.

    There is a bit of cross-over between these two kinds of resources,
    but you should bear them in mind when coming up with a set of rules
    to handle these kinds of changes to the domain system. It wouldn`t
    make sense for anybody to construct a gold mine in any
    province. Without some sort of magical aid, the technology of the
    time is such that people aren`t really going to be sure whether or
    not some resources will exist at all, and even if they fail to find
    them they might find something else....

    The more "industrial" resources should be less likely to fail, but
    there should be some some of standard for how those things are
    associated with the province. One shouldn`t be able to have a horse
    resource in a desert province, for example. Furs aren`t terribly
    likely in plain (though it is possible) and fish would, of course,
    require some sort of coast, lake or river access.


  5. #5
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    I felt guilty about how little I've done on the wiki lately, so added the table, and some bits of my own...

    I added some comments to follow up Gary's point, if anyone else has ideas feel free to expand the page

  6. #6
    Love the way the Wiki looks for this idea, but other than posting it here I can not take much credit for it however. I found the info in a PBEM I was in a while back and have seen it elsewhere once before. I would love to find the original writer of the idea.

    We were using a variant on the Decree (Build) action to develop resources. Where you had to either find a resource to develop or develop ones that had no limits to their development.

    I was trying to think of new resources and ideas to go with them. One of my Players and I have been brainstorming a few things.

    Leveled Resources
    We tried to come up with an idea for leveling resources, but have not come up with anything productive as of yet.

    Tiered Resources
    Certain resources require other resources to be developed before you can develop them.
    Example: Metalwares requires Gold/Silver/Iron/Copper.

    We came up with some new resources also.
    Name		Dev.		Effect
    Coal*		5 GB		1 GB Income - Higher quality metalworks
    Oil*		10 GB		3 GB Income - Flaming Oil Weapons Enhanced
    Salt Peter	10 GB		2 GB Income - Allows for development of Gunpowder
    Dye		8 GB		2 GB Income
    Incense	5 GB		1 GB Income - +1 to Diplomacy Checks at Home Court
    Ivory		5 GB		2 GB Income - Requires Ivory producing Creatures
    Spices	10 GB		3 GB income
    Gunpowder	? GB		Develop Cannons
    Cannons	? GB
    Tell me what you think and give me some ideas for this.
    Last edited by Sarelth; 03-07-2010 at 08:41 PM.
    "The Light Grows Dim, Darkness seeps in the cracks."

  7. #7
    Senior Member Beruin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarelth View Post
    Love the way the Wiki looks for this idea, but other than posting it here I can not take much credit for it however. I found the info in a PBEM I was in a while back and have seen it elsewhere once before. I would love to find the original writer of the idea.
    I agree -
    nice write-up, Andrew.
    I believe the the first time I saw this idea was in the old BR netbook compiled by Ian Hoskins. I have no idea whether this is the original idea, anyway, here's the write-up:

    Build - Develop Resources
    Success: 	5+
    Type: 	Free
    Base Cost: 	1-6 GB
    Allows the regent to develop a resource in the realm. Resources can be - Mines, Woods, Stock, Fur, Crops, etc etc.
    Common Developments;
    Can be developed in any province that suits cost 1GB
    TIMBER*; Any province with forests can develop timber. Adds +1 to building time die rolls. Timber developments are required before a forge, advanced forge or shipyard can be built. Timber depletes magic.
    CROPS**; Any grasslands or steppe province can develop crops adds +1GBs to the tax roll of a province in all Spring, Summer and Autumn turns that a "no event" is rolled. Crops also lessen the effects of famines.
    CLOTH CROP**; Any temperate grasslands plains province with a river can grow cloth, cloth adds +1GBs to trade routes with other realms for the province with cloth.
    LIVESTOCK**; Livestock may be developed in any grasslands, steppe, hills and some mountains provinces. Live stock adds +1GBs to tax rolls in all seasons when a no event is rolled and +2GBs in spring turns when a no event is rolled.
    FISHING**; Adds +1GBs to tax rolls in all seasons except winter. Fishing may only be developed in a coastal province.
    BEER or WINE; Any province with hills and rivers can develop wine. Wine adds +1GBs to guild roll of that province all year round if a no event is rolled. Wine may also be developed by temples in which case it adds +1GBs to temple rolls all
    year round when no event is rolled.
    * A road must lead from the timber development to the work face to gain the bonus this is a one of, multiple timber developments don't give multiple +1 to building.
    ** Guilds can also have these developments, but whoever develops it, only one may be developed in each province.
    Note to listmembers; on my campaign map I have the following items marked on the map they represent deposits of rare materials, and are quite often fought over.
    Uncommon Developments;
    Are marked on map cost 1-3 GBs to develop
    MINES*; Mines are marked on the map. Add +1GBs to foreign trade links from the entire realm. Mines can deplete magic.
    HORSES; Stock symbols are marked on the map. Add +1GBs to all foreign trade links from the realm, also pay 25% less to muster cavalry troops if the stock is horses.
    FUR; Fur symbols are marked on the map. Add +2GBs to trade links from the province with fur only.
    HOLY SITE. Doubles income of temples in the province during the DT in which falls the festival of that god. Also adds +1 to the temple level allowed in the province. If the Holy site is of an unknown god in that province, then development will mean a trail pilgrims crossing the realm during the festival of that god.
    MAGIC VORTEX. Doubles the province owned souses strength once per year at mid- summer, it also allows the sours level in the province to exceed it's maximum by one.
    Rare Developments (marked on the map);
    Cost 1-6 GBs to develop
    SILK. Silk symbols are printed on the map. silk developments add +2GBs to all foreign trade links the realm has.
    GEMS or IVORY; Gems and Ivory symbols are printed on the map. Gems and Ivory double the value of all trade links from the province in all seasons except winter.
    MITHRIL or GOLD. Gold doubles the number of trade links the realm may have.
    Each trade route may only be affected by one of the above, no multiple benefits.
    The benefit gained from one of these developments is void if the trading partner already has similar trade goods from some other trade source. Rather than figure this out or if the trade route is overseas, an option is to roll a D20 when you set the trade route up, if the roll is 10+ for common items then the partner already has the good, likewise a roll of 15+ for uncommon goods mean they already have that produce, and a roll of 20 means they already have you rare item, thanks very much, and require no more.
    By Jim Paterson
    I like the idea that some resources are linked with specific holdings, the seasons or domain events and that some influence trade routes rather than producing a generic income.
    Last edited by Beruin; 03-07-2010 at 11:18 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Beruin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarelth View Post

    We came up with some new resources also.
    Name		Dev.		Effect
    Coal*		5 GB		1 GB Income - Higher quality metalworks
    Oil*		10 GB		3 GB Income - Flaming Oil Weapons Enhanced
    Salt Peter	10 GB		2 GB Income - Allows for development of Gunpowder
    Dye		8 GB		2 GB Income
    Incense	5 GB		1 GB Income - +1 to Diplomacy Checks at Home Court
    Ivory		5 GB		2 GB Income - Requires Ivory producing Creatures
    Spices	10 GB		3 GB income
    Gunpowder	? GB		Develop Cannons
    Cannons	? GB
    Tell me what you think and give me some ideas for this.
    Okay, I argued against the use of coal for metal production before and would restrict it's use to dwarves. In my view the technology is too advanced for most BR cultures. Look here for more details.
    If you follow me here, I doubt that there would be a widespread trade in coal. People would use it where it is locally available, but that's about it. So, no income.

    The same is even more true for oil, if I understand you correctly that you mean petroleum, not vegetable or animal oils. I like your flaming weapons idea and oil might increase the missile rating for artillerist units (or even archers), but I don't think there would be enough uses for it to warrant a large amount of income.

    I like your tiered approach to gunpowder, but this is of course something many wouldn't use in their campaigns. Without guns would saltpeter still be a valid resource? For what could it be used?
    Last edited by Beruin; 03-08-2010 at 12:47 AM.

  9. #9
    Thanks for the write-up Beruin, I seems to recall that one, so that might be what I originally saw.

    As to the Coal and Oil, I would agree. Coal could be a Dwarf only thing, though not sure if my bonuses for it would be the best ones, was just a quick idea. Dwarves might not call it coal though, Maybe its called Ember Stones or Burning Rock.

    Oil would be more so the petroleum type that you would find in certain swamps, used by ancient peoples for lamps, weapons and such. It might not have a use in many games. But it could represent the requirement for ships to have burning pitch weapons or siege weapons for that matter.

    The Gunpowder tier was an idea I had for the current game I am running. I want to see how well certain gunpowder weapons would work in Birthright using some old files I found on here a long time ago. The game is not set in the standard Cerilian setting, it is on a custom area with several races one might find in Aduria. I was thinking of adding a race that uses gunpowder for certain things and I am sure my players would try to get their hands on it once they figure it out.

    I was planning on adding more tiers to the Gunpowder list for them, so they would have to either trade with each other. Though I am starting to see a tech tree forming like in a game of Civ or something, I have nothing against that myself.
    "The Light Grows Dim, Darkness seeps in the cracks."

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Birthright-L View Post
    It seems to me there are really two categories of things being
    described as resources in the list above. The first is natural
    resources. That is, things like various metals, fish or
    lumber. These are things that have to do with the province
    itself. The other is really a kind of infrastructure resource. A
    silk industry, wine or a holy site. These things are constructed by
    the inhabitants of the province rather than the land by itself.

    There is a bit of cross-over between these two kinds of resources,
    but you should bear them in mind when coming up with a set of rules
    to handle these kinds of changes to the domain system. It wouldn`t
    make sense for anybody to construct a gold mine in any
    province. Without some sort of magical aid, the technology of the
    time is such that people aren`t really going to be sure whether or
    not some resources will exist at all, and even if they fail to find
    them they might find something else....

    The more "industrial" resources should be less likely to fail, but
    there should be some some of standard for how those things are
    associated with the province. One shouldn`t be able to have a horse
    resource in a desert province, for example. Furs aren`t terribly
    likely in plain (though it is possible) and fish would, of course,
    require some sort of coast, lake or river access.

    I had a requirements list made out at one point that was working well, but I seem to have lost it, so will have to make a new one from scratch. As well as sorting it out by resource type.
    "The Light Grows Dim, Darkness seeps in the cracks."

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