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  1. #1
    Harri Kemppainen

    Design-the-Net-Birthright logo

    On Wed, 20 Aug 1997 wrote:

    > 1. Someone has to volunteer some WWW space to hold the logos. That way,
    > the logos will be publically displayed so people can vote on them.
    > This person will be responsible for collecting the submitted logos (either
    > by email submission or direct uploading to the site.

    I could give that space. It will take week or too to get thing organized.
    Server is actually up and running, but I have to check some things.

    > 9. I am the final arbiter on any rules interpretations or questions that
    > come
    > up about the contest.
    > If there's anything I missed, I will deal with it as it comes up.

    I'd suggest maximum size in KB's to the logo. Less than 50 KB would be
    fine 100 KB should be absolute maximum.

    - ---

  2. #2
    Tripp Elliott

    Design-the-Net-Birthright logo

    Harri Kemppainen wrote:
    > I'd suggest maximum size in KB's to the logo. Less than 50 KB would be
    > fine 100 KB should be absolute maximum.

    I would also specify submissions as .jpg's, not .gif's or anything else. .jpg's are typically smaller due to
    compression in the format.


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