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  1. #1

    Unblooded Regents

    Unblooded Regents in Aduria

    As part of a new description of the Adurian lands I am working on I
    to come up with rules for Unblooded regents, for as we know no-one from
    Aduria was present at Deismaar. These rules can also be used in Cerilia
    you wish, but the people of Cerilia who are used to blooded ruler may
    accept one who lack the bloodline of other rulers.

    Part 1: An Overview of Aduria's regents

    An unblooded ruler can only claim law, temple and guild holdings as
    are beyond their understanding, and in the case of Aduria source
    are unknown. This does not mean that mebhaighl does not exist in Aduria
    though. The magic of the land was present before Deismaar, as the Elves
    Cerilia knew of and used its strength. Throughout the rest of Aebrynis,
    places of natural beauty and wonder mebhaighl collects, waiting for
    to claim it.

    When the Five Tribes, fleeing the Shadows influence on the southern
    fled north and encountered the Elves they first learnt of this magical
    power of the land. They were unable to claim its strength though until
    after Deismaar as they lacked the connection with the land that the
    had. In the empires of Aduria the humans and other races there still
    this connection so are unable to cast true or realm magic. They have
    however taken the arts of Illusion and Divination to new heights
    feat only dreamed about by Cerilian magicians. As a result of the lack
    true magic magicians have risen to highs of power similar to those
    by the Khinasi mages in Cerilia. Many rulers in Aduria have court
    and use their illusionary magic to aid their kingdoms. Thus in Aduria no
    true mages exist, currently, although the land would welcome them should
    they arrive.

    Priests in some lands have taken their place and the ancient religions
    flourished. Many empires support large numbers of priests as both
    and spellcasters. With the destruction of Azari as Deismaar many of his
    followers in Aduria lost faith in his teaching and the gods of the Five
    Tribes gained acceptance in many lands. Azari's priests still hold much
    influence in the south, but now many have also turned to Anduiras,
    Brenna, Vorynn, Masela, and Basaia. Of course these gods also no longer
    exist, but spells may still be cast by their priests as their prayers
    answered by the new gods. The table below list which gods supply spells
    priests of the old gods. Where more than one god is mentioned the spells
    are provided by the god most aligned to the wishes of the priest. e.g. a
    war priest of Azari will receive spells from Cuiraecen.

    Table 1: The Old Gods

    Azari - Kriesha
    - Belinik
    - Eloele (thieves)
    - Cuiraecen (war)
    Anduiras - Haelyn (paladins)
    - Cuiraecen (war)
    Reynir - Erik
    - Kriesha (snow)
    Brenna - Sera
    - Eloele (thieves)
    - Laerme (beauty)
    Vorynn - Ruornil
    Masela - Nesirie
    Basaia - Avani
    - Laerme (fire)

    Other classes such as bards, thieves, and warriors are similar to those
    found in Cerilia.

    Because unblooded regents lack the connection with the land and the
    that the blooded regents of Cerilia have they receive a lot less regency
    points from their holdings and province that they control. This means
    were the blooded regents of Cerilia move south to invade Aduria they
    have little trouble overwhelming the unblooded regents of the empires.
    There are no penalties to collection of money and taxation though and
    empires of Aduria, some of them very large use warfare as a means of
    conquering other lands, rather than contesting holding as Cerilian
    do. Mercenaries are common in the southern empires and many guilds and
    kingdom hire large numbers of them to protect their kingdoms.

    Part 2: Regency Generated.

    The various classes collect regency as set out in the table on pg 41 on
    birthright rulebook. They however do not receive the full amount as they
    are not blooded. Below I have set a table listing the % of regency
    collected by each class for controlling provinces or holdings. The
    percentage listed in the taken from the total regency points generates
    each type of holdings, rounded up.
    Some class do gain a lot more regency that others, but no matter what
    class the maximum regency generated from a holding is 33% or a third of
    what would be generated by a blooded character. The smallest number of
    that be collected by an unblooded regent is 1, so even if an unblooed
    character ruled a single (1/4) province then he would still collection 1
    each round. This give unblooded regent a chance to expand, although very
    slowly. In the example above the regent could attempt to rule the
    once every two turns.

    Table 2: Classes and Regency

    Class Province Law Temples Guilds Sources Trade Routes
    Fighter 33 % 15 % 0 % 10 % - 0 %
    Paladin 10 % 33 % 15 % 0 % - 0 %
    Ranger 0 % 5 % 5 % 0 % - 0 %
    Priest 10 % 15 % 33 % 0 % - 0 %
    Magician 10 % 5 % 0 % 15 % - 0 %
    Thief 10 % 15 % 0 % 33 % - 33 %
    Bard 10 % 5 % 0 % 10 % - 15 %

    This collection of RPs is not effect by the regent's bloodline as he or
    has none. This means that the rulers of the large empires of Aduria
    collect a fair few RPs, but not as many as say the Prince of Avanil or
    of the other larger Cerilian domains.

    Well that is the rules. Please feel free to comment as much as you like.
    am not intending on using these rules in Cerilia, but may be including
    description of the empires of Aduria in my pbem game sometime in the

    Just a couple of notes about this file

    1) I will not be using these rules in my game for Cerilia, but as I
    remember some on the list discussing unblooded regent sometime ago I
    decieded that some rules for Aduria may be needed.
    2) This has mainly been created so I can create the Adurian empires
    using a similar format to the Cerilian kingdoms and realms.
    3) Feel free to change anything that you wish in this file.
    4) Any comments or question then please mail me.

    - --
    Ian Hoskins

    ICQ: 2938300
    Home Page:

    >From the Darkness we came.
    And to the Darkness we will return.

  2. #2
    Morten Helles

    Unblooded Regents

    Dustin Evermore wrote:

    > I hate to be a party pooper, but the Adurians were in fact present at
    > the battle of Deismaar. They fought under Azrai's banner...

    Yes, I also recall something like this, but I cannot find the page on
    which this is stated. But logically, why would all capable soldiers on
    Cerilia journey to far away Mount Deismaar to do battle if the Adurians
    were not involved? They had to be present...


  3. #3

    Unblooded Regents

    Dustin Evermore wrote:

    > I hate to be a party pooper, but the Adurians were in fact present at the
    > battle of Deismaar. They fought under Azrai's banner...
    > Hope this doesn't upset all your hard work. :/

    Perhaps you could point out where this was mentioned in the books. I
    read through the entire atlas which has the history and the battle at
    deismaar, but did not see a mention of Adurian forces.

    - --
    Ian Hoskins

    ICQ: 2938300
    Home Page:

    From the Darkness we came.
    And to the Darkness we will return.

  4. #4

    Unblooded Regents

    Morten Helles wrote:

    > Yes, I also recall something like this, but I cannot find the page on
    > which this is stated. But logically, why would all capable soldiers on
    > Cerilia journey to far away Mount Deismaar to do battle if the Adurians
    > were not involved? They had to be present...

    Yes after rereading everything I agree. Some of the Adurian empires sent
    troops north at Azari's request. Of course as I have just posted none
    survived the fighting south of Deismaar and the rest were killed by the
    elves when they changeds sides.

    - --
    Ian Hoskins

    ICQ: 2938300
    Home Page:

    From the Darkness we came.
    And to the Darkness we will return.

  5. #5

    Unblooded Regents

    > Dustin Evermore wrote:
    > > I hate to be a party pooper, but the Adurians were in fact present at the
    > > battle of Deismaar. They fought under Azrai's banner...
    > >
    > > Hope this doesn't upset all your hard work. :/
    > Perhaps you could point out where this was mentioned in the books. I
    > read through the entire atlas which has the history and the battle at
    > deismaar, but did not see a mention of Adurian forces.

    Wasn't it mentioned in "Test of the Spider"? In the appendix, where
    first days of the Spider are described.
    Too bad, I do not have all BR material with me, so I am not sure.
    (Even the title of the book may be incorrect.)


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