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Thread: Gorgon`s armies

  1. #1
    Aleksei Andrievski

    Gorgon`s armies

    Just a random thought here...

    What prevents the Gorgon from casting Legion of Dead every round until he
    has dozens of undead legions, then overrunning Anuire with all those
    undead? At least that's what he does in BR computer game, and quite
    successfully, too. I doubt any army could withstand an onslaught of 20
    undead legions.


    Aleksei Andrievski
    aka Solmyr, the Archmage of the Azure Star
    Visit the Archmage's Tower at

  2. #2
    Aleksei Andrievski

    Gorgon`s armies

    On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, Petras Astrauskas wrote:

    > > What prevents the Gorgon from casting Legion of Dead every round until he
    > > has dozens of undead legions, then overrunning Anuire with all those
    > > undead? At least that's what he does in BR computer game, and quite
    > > successfully, too. I doubt any army could withstand an onslaught of 20
    > > undead legions.
    > >
    > > Thoughts?
    > Donno. He didn't overran me somehow in BR: the Gorgon's Alliance. Was I
    > just lucky?
    Well, what country were you playing? I noticed that if Tuarhievel and
    Sielwode are CPUs, they invariably get overran by Rocky and his vassals.
    Mhoried falls quite often, too. And then there's that darn alliance :)

    Aleksei Andrievski
    aka Solmyr, the Archmage of the Azure Star
    Visit the Archmage's Tower at

  3. #3
    Aleksei Andrievski

    Gorgon`s armies

    Oh yes, I just remembered. The caster has to stay with his undead or they
    will fall apart. Still, the Gorgon *could* spend a year building up udead
    armies at his fortress (at 13 undead legions per casting that's 13*3*4=157
    undead legions after a year), and then personally lead them in a takeover
    of Tuarhievel. Once that is done, proceed to the next country.

    Aleksei Andrievski
    aka Solmyr, the Archmage of the Azure Star
    Visit the Archmage's Tower at

  4. #4
    Petras Astrauskas

    Gorgon`s armies

    > What prevents the Gorgon from casting Legion of Dead every round until he
    > has dozens of undead legions, then overrunning Anuire with all those
    > undead? At least that's what he does in BR computer game, and quite
    > successfully, too. I doubt any army could withstand an onslaught of 20
    > undead legions.
    > Thoughts?
    Donno. He didn't overran me somehow in BR: the Gorgon's Alliance. Was I
    just lucky?

  5. #5

    Gorgon`s armies

    As far as the game is concerned, you also must remember that you don't
    have all the options there as you do in the RPG. Plus, the alliances change
    very often from game to game. I've had games where Mhoreid and Ghore were
    allies fighting Ilien, Endier, Elinie and Roesone. If you want to take out
    the Gorgon in the CPU game, either play an elf domain (I prefer Seilwode) or
    somewhere down south and work your way up. I've played many games on the
    hardest level and have taken the Gorgon off the game board. He has produced
    over 15 units in one province when that's all he owns. In the game, I believe
    he does the creating of many undead legions because he has the Chalice of the
    Dead and he's able to create one unit per action (thus three per turn) not
    including any he creates by spell. Also, he starts out the game with 2000+
    Gold Bars, 2000+ Regency Points and an extremely high income. I don't know if
    that's in the RPG version or not, so that could factor in. If you notice in
    the game, the elven kingdoms (especially Seilwode, if ruled by the computer)
    tend to give lands away to their allies (including the dwarves) so I see
    certain things in the CPU game that won't happen in the real RPG game. In the
    CPU game, it's quite easy to find pretty much all the artifacts, and that most
    likely won't be happening in the real game. Any more questions about the game
    itself (like the easiest way to take land without going to war), feel free to
    e-mail me direct.

    Take care

  6. #6

    Gorgon`s armies

    You should also remember that in the PnP game, the Undead Legion spell has a
    duration. One month + 1 week per level which with the Gorgons mage level
    would add up to 5 months. The computer game doesn't have this limitation, I

    - -----Original Message-----
    From: Aleksei Andrievski
    To: birthright@MPGN.COM
    Date: Tuesday, March 31, 1998 5:43 AM
    Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Gorgon's armies

    >Oh yes, I just remembered. The caster has to stay with his undead or they
    >will fall apart. Still, the Gorgon *could* spend a year building up udead
    >armies at his fortress (at 13 undead legions per casting that's 13*3*4=157
    >undead legions after a year), and then personally lead them in a takeover
    >of Tuarhievel. Once that is done, proceed to the next country.
    >Aleksei Andrievski
    >aka Solmyr, the Archmage of the Azure Star
    >Visit the Archmage's Tower at
    >************************************************* **************************
    >>'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

  7. #7

    Gorgon`s armies

    In a message dated 98-03-30 02:55:41 EST, you write:

    > > What prevents the Gorgon from casting Legion of Dead every round until he
    > > has dozens of undead legions, then overrunning Anuire with all those
    > > undead? At least that's what he does in BR computer game, and quite
    > > successfully, too. I doubt any army could withstand an onslaught of 20
    > > undead legions.
    > >
    > > Thoughts?
    > Donno. He didn't overran me somehow in BR: the Gorgon's Alliance. Was I
    > just lucky?
    I ran Sielwode on Expert. It was pretty easy to destroy tons of undead.
    Battle Magic and Warding is utterly devastating. But, remember the computer
    games always "cheat" a little. I'm not sure Summon Undead Legion is a
    permanent spell, though I'd have to look it up...

    - -DKE

  8. #8
    Gary V. Foss

    Gorgon`s armies

    Memnoch wrote:

    > You should also remember that in the PnP game, the Undead Legion spell has a
    > duration. One month + 1 week per level which with the Gorgons mage level
    > would add up to 5 months. The computer game doesn't have this limitation, I
    > believe.

    This brings to mind a problem I have with the Legion of Dead spell. Why bother
    with it? A 10th level mage can cast two Animate Dead spells a day, creating 20
    skeletons/day. In a month s/he could create 600 skeletons (3 units). The same
    10th level mage casting LoD would create 4 units, but they would vanish at the
    end of the spell's duration.

    In the next few levels the mage's ability to raise undead goes up quite a bit.
    An eleventh level character gets three 5th level spells and and twelvth level
    character gets four.

    So why use the Legion of Dead spell?

    - -Gary

  9. #9

    Gorgon`s armies

    >Memnoch wrote:
    >> You should also remember that in the PnP game, the Undead Legion spell
    has a
    >> duration. One month + 1 week per level which with the Gorgons mage level
    >> would add up to 5 months. The computer game doesn't have this
    limitation, I
    >> believe.
    >This brings to mind a problem I have with the Legion of Dead spell. Why
    >with it? A 10th level mage can cast two Animate Dead spells a day,
    creating 20
    >skeletons/day. In a month s/he could create 600 skeletons (3 units). The
    >10th level mage casting LoD would create 4 units, but they would vanish at
    >end of the spell's duration.
    >In the next few levels the mage's ability to raise undead goes up quite a
    >An eleventh level character gets three 5th level spells and and twelvth
    >character gets four.
    >So why use the Legion of Dead spell?

    Well, it comes down to the composition of the units. A legion of Dead spell
    creates or raises normal skeletons, zombies and monster skeletons and
    zombies. If you would check out the dragon annual that works out the
    differences between the war cards and the battlesystem (#2 I believe), you
    will see the difference between the units. Essentially, a undead unit of
    archers is an archer unit that ignores all R and F results except those
    caused by magic, but the scores are the same as the archer unit. The Undead
    legion is much more powerful.

    >************************************************* **************************
    >>'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

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