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  1. #1

    Birthright and GenCon

    Looks likes there's a few BR events at GenCon- Enough to justify the attendence
    of Regent Randax.

    Is Jonathan Rathbun a member of this list? I see he's DM for a number of BR
    adventures including multiple runnings of the modules Sword of Roele and
    Sword and the Crown. No Birthright Benefit this year as far as I can tell.
    :( Says Randax who's taken first place in his session two years in a row.

    Looks like the Council of the Kings will reconvene this year. Will Andrei
    attend again this year? I don't know. He hasn't been requested to yet.
    Someone has to make sure those scheming Brechts pull their own weight.


  2. #2
    Scott Koester

    Birthright and GenCon

    >Looks like the Council of the Kings will reconvene this year. Will Andrei
    >attend again this year? I don't know. He hasn't been requested to yet.
    >Someone has to make sure those scheming Brechts pull their own weight.

    Well, I know I signed up for the Council of Kings, and for the Legacy of
    Kings events. Now, it's only to be seen if I *actually* made it in or not.
    If not, you'll see one less exhuberent gamer. =) I didn't sign up for any
    of the adventures. I've read them already (I own them), so it wouldn't be
    fair. Besides, I couldn't pass up on a lot of the other good stuff that
    was everywhere. =)


  3. #3

    Birthright and GenCon

    Randax wrote:
    > Looks like the Council of the Kings will reconvene this year. Will > Andrei attend again this year? I don't know. He hasn't been
    > requested to yet.
    > Someone has to make sure those scheming Brechts pull their own
    > weight.

    Don't know about the Brechts, but have no fear, the Rjurik Necromancers
    will be accounted for by yours truly.

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