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  1. #1
    Gary V. Foss

    Rebellion and a Head Count

    The Olesens wrote:

    > I'd like to know how many people would be interested in playing a PBeM
    > set in Khinasi where the PCs meet up and travel to the temple of Rilni
    > with lots of fun and adventure along the way (not to mention a plot or
    > two). I'd like, in order of quantity, True wizards, magician, warriors,
    > priests of Rilni. I just want a general idea on how interesting this
    > adventure/campaign sounds.

    I might be interested.

  2. #2
    The Olesens

    Rebellion and a Head Count

    Well my mostly wizards campaign went down the drain for running it face
    to face. My players insisted on playing Geometers and Artificers from
    the Player's Option books. So I told em that they didn't fit the
    Birthirght feel cause they had to much magical item creation powers
    (someone please support me here, am I the only one who feels this
    way?). They wanted to play them in FR after I told em that. Oh well.

    I'd like to know how many people would be interested in playing a PBeM
    set in Khinasi where the PCs meet up and travel to the temple of Rilni
    with lots of fun and adventure along the way (not to mention a plot or
    two). I'd like, in order of quantity, True wizards, magician, warriors,
    priests of Rilni. I just want a general idea on how interesting this
    adventure/campaign sounds.

  3. #3

    Rebellion and a Head Count

    Count me in if you go ahead with this project ;-)

    ICQ: 17080887

    - ----------
    > From: Gary V. Foss
    > To: birthright@MPGN.COM
    > Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Rebellion and a Head Count
    > Date: domingo, 13 de setembro de 1998 1:52
    > The Olesens wrote:
    > > I'd like to know how many people would be interested in playing a PBeM
    > > set in Khinasi where the PCs meet up and travel to the temple of Rilni
    > > with lots of fun and adventure along the way (not to mention a plot or
    > > two). I'd like, in order of quantity, True wizards, magician,
    > > priests of Rilni. I just want a general idea on how interesting this
    > > adventure/campaign sounds.
    > I might be interested.
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    > 'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

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