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  1. #1
    Craig Greeson

    Ed`s Alternate Combat System (w

    Ed Stark wrote:

    > This is actually very similar to a chart I was including in the revised HC.
    > The system revolved around a very simple minis game. Each mini would
    > represent one unit on a hexagonal map. Terrain "cards" would cover a number
    > of hexes. It allowed for much larger battles and a little more flexibility
    > in movement. It also considered facing.

    Ed, in light of the BR hardback cancellation, is there any chance we could
    see a rough write up of this system? If BR does make it back into print
    (please please please), you could consider the BR list as your

    On a completely non-BR related note, has anyone seen that one of the movie
    studios is supposed to be starting on a Lord of the Rings trilogy? The
    article I read said the 3 films are supposed to be filmed concurrently, and
    they will have a decent budget (something like $130 million). Oooh, I
    would LOVE to see Gandalf and the Balrog duke it out with Jurassic
    Park-like quality.


  2. #2
    Ed Stark

    Ed`s Alternate Combat System (w

    At 06:50 PM 10/13/98 -0500, you wrote:
    >Ed Stark wrote:
    >> This is actually very similar to a chart I was including in the revised HC.
    >> The system revolved around a very simple minis game. Each mini would
    >> represent one unit on a hexagonal map. Terrain "cards" would cover a number
    >> of hexes. It allowed for much larger battles and a little more flexibility
    >> in movement. It also considered facing.
    >Ed, in light of the BR hardback cancellation, is there any chance we could
    >see a rough write up of this system? If BR does make it back into print
    >(please please please), you could consider the BR list as your

    I am still discussing the release of BR material online with the Brand
    Manager in charge of it. While I know it isn't particularly comforting, the
    fact that we haven't posted BOOK OF REGENCY, any of the "Shadow World"
    material, or the revisions to the BR HC online should indicate I'm not
    kidding when I say BR should be back sometime.

    >On a completely non-BR related note, has anyone seen that one of the movie
    >studios is supposed to be starting on a Lord of the Rings trilogy? The
    >article I read said the 3 films are supposed to be filmed concurrently, and
    >they will have a decent budget (something like $130 million). Oooh, I
    >would LOVE to see Gandalf and the Balrog duke it out with Jurassic
    >Park-like quality.

    I've heard this, but not much more than you appear to know. As a huge
    Tolkien fan, I would love to see a decent movie version.

    Ed Stark
    Game Designer, Wizards of the Coast/TSR Division
    Asst. Brand Manager
    TSR Website:

  3. #3

    Ed`s Alternate Combat System (w

    Ed Stark wrote:

    > >On a completely non-BR related note, has anyone seen that one of the movie
    > >studios is supposed to be starting on a Lord of the Rings trilogy? The
    > >article I read said the 3 films are supposed to be filmed concurrently, and
    > >they will have a decent budget (something like $130 million). Oooh, I
    > >would LOVE to see Gandalf and the Balrog duke it out with Jurassic
    > >Park-like quality.
    > I've heard this, but not much more than you appear to know. As a huge
    > Tolkien fan, I would love to see a decent movie version.
    I know a bit more about these movies. I know that they are going to be
    filmed in New Zealand with filming likely to start next year with a 2000
    released planned for the first movie. The director will be Peter Jackson
    (Who made Bad Taste, Braindead, and the Frightners which are all really
    great movies). There was a rumour about Sean Connory playing Gandalf,
    but I am not sure if that is still going ahead.

    - --
    Ian Hoskins


    ICQ: 2938300 AIM: IHoskins

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