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Thread: Naval combat

  1. #1
    Pieter Sleijpen

    Naval combat

    Vladislav Slavov wrote:
    > Hello,
    > Does anybody have the "Naval combat rules: Seas of Cerelia" accessory?
    > I'm thinking of useing some naval combat in my campaign and I need more info
    > about massive naval battles. Something like the war cards but for the sea.
    > Does it worth buying it?
    > Thanks.
    > Vlad
    Try the find Cities of the Sun boxed set, not only does it give exactly
    the same information as the Naval Battles thing, but also it gives
    information on the Khinasi. It is its money much more worth...

  2. #2

    Naval combat

    If you can buy Cities of the Sun... It has all the rules in it... And yes, it
    is worth buying...

  3. #3

    Naval combat

    If you have the Khinasi supplement, then you have the Naval combat rules. I
    can't remember if the Khinasi supplement had all the ships of cerilia's
    warcards but if it didn't then the Seas of Cerilia accessory is worth the buy.
    I did like having all my info in the book instead of on the cards.


    On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Vladislav Slavov wrote:

    > Hello,
    > Does anybody have the "Naval combat rules: Seas of Cerelia" accessory?
    > I'm thinking of useing some naval combat in my campaign and I need more info
    > about massive naval battles. Something like the war cards but for the sea.
    > Does it worth buying it?
    > Thanks.
    > Vlad
    > ************************************************** *************************
    > > 'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

  4. #4
    Gary V. Foss

    Naval combat wrote:

    > If you have the Khinasi supplement, then you have the Naval combat rules. I
    > can't remember if the Khinasi supplement had all the ships of cerilia's
    > warcards but if it didn't then the Seas of Cerilia accessory is worth the buy.
    > I did like having all my info in the book instead of on the cards.

    It seems to me it had the exact same stuff in it that the CotS boxed set had in
    it. Maybe there were a few more warcards or something. The printed materials was
    pretty much exactly the same stuff you can get in thhe CotS boxed set. No enough
    to warrent spending the extra money on it, IMO.


  5. #5
    Vladislav Slavov

    Naval combat


    Does anybody have the "Naval combat rules: Seas of Cerelia" accessory?
    I'm thinking of useing some naval combat in my campaign and I need more info
    about massive naval battles. Something like the war cards but for the sea.
    Does it worth buying it?



  6. #6

    Naval combat

    > It seems to me it had the exact same stuff in it that the CotS boxed set had in
    > it. Maybe there were a few more warcards or something. The printed materials was
    > pretty much exactly the same stuff you can get in thhe CotS boxed set. No enough
    > to warrent spending the extra money on it, IMO.

    I guess I wasn't crystal. ;)I guess I just stated it wrong, but that was what
    I meant. I said if you had the Khinasi box you had the Naval Rules. I
    wasn't sure if the war cards
    amount or type differed, my stuff is at home and I don't use warcards. ;) I
    bought the naval rules set with out reading the back (I already had the
    Khinasi rules), it had Birthright on it so I bought it. I was hoping it had
    some additional information like some pirate clans and piracy rules. So I was
    suckered. But after shelling out the dough by mistake, not that I am
    recommending it, it is nice to have all the information in one book instead in
    the Khinasi supplement and spread out onto those huge information cards. If
    you are as AR about Birthright as I am, then get it. If you just want the
    naval rules and cards, get the Khinasi as it is indeed a better deal, and if
    you have it you don't need to get the Naval Rules.

    You might also check out Dragon Mag#232 p8 Weapons and Waves by Rich Baker. I
    has some older ship types and talks about the introduction of "hell powder"
    into the Birthright setting.

    By the way, since I will be off the list for the next week, may everyone on
    the list, Ed, Rich, and TSR have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!

    (Still waiting for Ed Stark and Rich Baker to come to work armed to the teeth
    and demand the return of Birthright in 1999 first quarter!)

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