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  1. #1

    Four Actions a Turn

    I was considering testing four actions per domain turn in my campaign,
    but I'd like to know if anyone else here has tried it. It does allow
    more actions per timespan but also less time between
    taxations/collections. Comments?

  2. #2
    Craig Dalrymple

    Four Actions a Turn

    From: Olesens

    >I was considering testing four actions per domain turn in my campaign,
    >but I'd like to know if anyone else here has tried it. It does allow
    >more actions per timespan but also less time between
    >taxations/collections. Comments?

    Actually it creates more time between taxations/collections if you still
    stick to the one action per month rule. This gives you 3 Domain Turns per

    I did this once before. It's good for strapping down the resources because
    they have to go one more month on the gold; plus there is one less taxation
    period per year, so the annual income is down 1/4.

    All in all, I preferred it. There were some downsides if you ask the
    players, as they had to stretch their resources; but for me (DM) it helped a
    lot because there wasn't so much action going on due to the lower resources;
    and things got accomplished on a more realistic (to me) timeframe.


  3. #3

    Four Actions a Turn

    In a message dated 3/1/99 6:11:31 PM Central Standard Time, writes:


    I agree totally. It also reduces the mney gererated from TRs by 1/4. All in
    all it makes war a very expensive proposition for small countries, bu as you
    grow, you can wield more power.

  4. #4

    Four Actions a Turn

    Well, I was thinking of including some seasonal modifiers to the tax base, like
    automatically giving the minimum tax money during the winter domain turn.


    Olesens wrote:

    > I was considering testing four actions per domain turn in my campaign,
    > but I'd like to know if anyone else here has tried it. It does allow
    > more actions per timespan but also less time between
    > taxations/collections. Comments?
    > ************************************************** *************************
    > >

    - --
    Can you hear the Thunder?

  5. #5
    Pieter Sleijpen

    Four Actions a Turn

    breye wrote:
    > Well, I was thinking of including some seasonal modifiers to the tax
    > base, like automatically giving the minimum tax money during the
    > winter domain turn.

    Wouldn't that depend on the area you are playing in? I doubt many of the
    southern lands will have that much trouble in winter. Anyway, if you do
    that, you might want to add some bonus in the autumn, when the farmers
    get their harvest. I think that the tax income is an avarage over the
    whole year and takes constant fluctuations into account.

    Pieter Sleijpen

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