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Thread: Sword and Crown

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Sword and Crown

    Hi all. I never got or read through the Sword and Crown, and haven't ever been able to find out much about that festival. A Wiki search only seems to bring up the adventure list and brief reviews.

    Can someone share what the Sword and Crown really entails?
    When/how often is it?
    How is it called and organized?
    What kinds of contests and how are they handled?
    What social requirements/stigmas are there?
    How does it fit into domain actions?

    And if it potentially has some impact on selection of a new Emperor, howso? (there's something about a conclave of lords and possible votes...?)

  2. #2
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    London, England
    The only canon is from the adventure.

    I used it as a mix of the olympics, Davos summit, mass party, etc.

    I made an action with a similar premise for the Rjurik setting, the idea was that thematically viable (anything that could be done between the people at the event) diplomacy, intrigue, recruitment,etc actions would be free (albeit a court bonus limited to the amount paid in to the event and a penalty for anything not clearly in line with your courts hopes and a bonus for the host realm) for all attending regents.

    The adventure says every 5 years, and a cost of 6 GB, olympic-style truce for the season, the next host is chosen at the event with all landed regents having equal say per the book, with no land hosting it twice until all realms have hosted it in a cycle. In the event of a tie I suspect that the chamberlain is involved and smaller realms might 'lend' the event to a larger neighbour if they can't afford to sponsor it properly. The adventure implies that bringing a unit of troops is unusual (Boeruine does so) but I would expect that hazards of travel would mean that every major noble comes with a retinue which includes plenty of muscle.

    The adventure said no jousts or other competitive events but I think that is a missed opportunity, I would expect the S&C to be THE event where would-be champions show off to prospective regents, scores are settled through trials rather than war, etc.

    There is apparently a lot of talking at the event but mostly hot air, and the host is officially arbitrar of various disputes until the next S&C albeit this rarely being observed. They do however get to hold on to the regalia which may provide some 'street cred'.

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