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  1. #1

    Two questions about terrain

    - Premise: We are playing using the Player's secret of Diemed , not sure if canonical or not, but it is for us.

    [h3]First question[/h3]
    The book states that Aerele is mostly a *hill region*. So I assume that the primary terrain for Aerele is Hills. One of the other players wants to level up Ilien, so the dieman player says that if Aerele counts as hills, Ilien should count as forest, since it has some of the erebannien forest. Is Aerele hills or plain (1)/hills(2)? what about Ilien then?

    [h3]Second question[/h3]
    BRCS states that being close to a major river gives +1, being close to the coast gives +2 to the max level. Is this a sum? or is it exclusive (either +1 or +2)? Ilien is a good example.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Osprey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witness3 View Post
    - Premise: We are playing using the Player's secret of Diemed , not sure if canonical or not, but it is for us.

    [h3]First question[/h3]
    The book states that Aerele is mostly a *hill region*. So I assume that the primary terrain for Aerele is Hills. One of the other players wants to level up Ilien, so the dieman player says that if Aerele counts as hills, Ilien should count as forest, since it has some of the erebannien forest. Is Aerele hills or plain (1)/hills(2)? what about Ilien then?
    Ilien is an open coastal province (max level 10) with a Forest minor terrain feature (the province supports 1 forest trade route, the rest must be open terrain from Ilien).

    Going by PS descriptions, Aerele is a coastal Hills province (max level 8), and I'd rule as a GM there is enough arable Open terrain to count as a minor terrain type and support 1 trade route (most typically grain, ale, and spirits in Anuire).

    That all being said, it sounds like most of Diemed is hilly, yet not SO hilly that the mapmaker thought it worth drawing as a defining feature. So I would say this is rolling Open terrain that includes low hills but probably not enough to count as a minor terrain in Ciliene, Duene, Moere, or Tier unless the DM rules otherwise.

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