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    Birthright 5e Concept work

    Birthright 5e Concept work.
    Section 0) Background
    Long ago, but within the historic past (roughly 1600 years), The six good human gods joined the battle as their followers fought the evil god Azrai and his followers. Those on the battlefield who most closely mirrored the nature of the individual gods gained a portion of the power of the gods, and used their gifts to become the new Nobility of the land. These gifts have passed on to their descendants, who are called the Blooded.

    Section 1) Races: Use the standard races with only the following sub-races available

    Elves in Birthright gain the normal elf traits listed in the Player's Handbook (+2 Dexterity, darkvision, keen
    senses, fey ancestry, and trance). However, they have only a single choice available for subrace, Sidhelien Elf
    Sidheilien Elves (Sub-race) -
    Ability Score Increase: +1 Charisma
    Advantage to saving throws vs Enchantment type spells
    Elven Weapons Training: Longsword, Longbow, Short bow (Including composite bows)
    Timeless: Sidhelien Elves are immune to natural aging, Aging attacks, and natural disease.
    Nature Stride: Sidhelien Elves may move through natural hazardous terrain such as thorns or snow without being slowed.
    True Magic: Elves have an innate connection to the magic of nature that allows them to learn Arcane Magic even if unblooded.
    Automatic Languages: Sidhelien
    Favored Class: Any Arcane Spellcaster (Elves need not be blooded to be a Wizard)
    Restrictions: Can not be any Lawful Alignment, may not be any Divine Spellcasting class (though they may use Ranger magic)
    Elves are not trusted by many other creatures, including many humans. The Elves, in some cases (notably the followers of Rhobe Manslayer), continue attacking humans in areas near the Elven Woods. Humans, in many cases, can not tell groups of Elves apart. On first meeting outsiders, others start Distrusting elves, rather than neutral.

    Dwarves in Birthright gain the normal dwarf traits listed in the Player's Handbook (+2 Constitution,
    encumbered speed, darkvision, dwarven resilience, dwarven combat training, tool proficiency, and stonecutting).
    However, they only have a single choice available for subrace, Karamhul dwarf.
    Karamhal Dwarves (Sub-race) -
    Ability Score Increase: +1 Strength
    Increased Density: Resistance vs blunt
    Language: Karamhal (Dwarvish). Bonus Languages: Sidhelien, Orog, Ogrish, or any human language
    Favored Class: Fighter

    Unknown to most races, halflings did not originate in Cerilia but came from the Spirit World, now known as the Shadow World. Halflings in Birthright gain the normal halfling traits listed in the Player's Handbook (+2 Dexterity,
    small size, lucky, brave, and halfling nimbleness). However, they have only a single choice available for subrace, Shadow World Halfling.
    Shadow World Halflings (Sub-race) -
    Ability Bonus: +1 Wisdom
    Shadow Sense: As an action, you may open your awareness to know the location of any fey, fiend, undead, creature of the Shadow World, or awnsheghlien with 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type of being whose presence you sense, but not its unique identity. Within the same radius, you can detect the presence of magic from the necromantic school. You must complete a short or long rest before you can use this ability again.
    Shadow Walk: Halflings may note places where the barrier between worlds is thin and use their abilities to step through. This functions much like the Misty Step ability, but requires a Full Action unless the Halfling has just been using their Shadow Sense ability. The Halfling must complete a long rest before they may use this ability again.
    The halfling may fully enter the Shadow World with slightly more difficulty, and may elect to open a gateway to being others with them. This counts as Ritual Use of the Shadow Walk ability, requiring ten minutes to locate a weak point and open it. Ordinarily the Halfling may bring no more than Twice their Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 2) persons with them, however Halflings have a Racial Feat that allows them bring larger numbers with them (entire army units may be transported this way).
    Language: Any regional human languages
    Favored Class: Rogue

    Unlike many settings, there is no common human language or culture in Cerelia. Each culture has certain cultural expectations. As a human character, you must choose a culture. The human cultures of Cerilia are Anuireans, Brechts, Khinasi, Rjuriks, and Vos. These cultures are described in the Birthright core rulebook. Human characters can use either the standard human traits from the Player's Handbook, or the variant human traits described below (this replaces the variant trait in the PHB). Humans of a specific culture use get one specific attribute and one that can be assigned by the player, the culture they are from will also have certain preferred skills and feats to select from (a Bloodline feat is allowed to any members of Cerelian culture).
    Anuirean Attribute: Wisdom. Favored Skills: Insight, Deception, History. Favored Feats: Charger, Inspiring Leader, Martial Adept, Mounted Combatant, Observant. Language: Anuirean
    Brecht Attribute: Dexterity. Favored Skills: Insight, Investigation, Persuasion. Favored Feats: Defensive Duelist, Keen Mind, Lucky, Mobile, Sentinel. Language: Low Brecht.
    Khinasi Attribute: Intelligence. Favored Skills: Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, Persuasion. Favored Feats: Keen Mind, Linguist, Magic Initiate, Skilled. Language: Basarji (Note: Arcane Magic is not feared in Khinasi culture, unlike other human cultures.)
    Mesatean Mesateans are rare, found only in the off-shore islands to the east of Cerelia, they are not found as adventurers without specific permission.
    Rjurik Attribute: Constitution. Favored Skills: Animal Handling, Nature, Survival. Favored Feats: Alert, Observant, Skulker +1 Fortitude saves, +1 Survival and Knowledge (nature) skills in Forests and Hills. Language: Rjuven.
    Vos - Attribute: Strength. Favored Skills: Intimidation, Nature, Survival. Favored Feats: Athletic, Durable, Mounted Combatant, Resilient, Savage Attacker. Language: Vos

    Goblinoids are quite common on Cerelia, being arguably the dominant race (in terms of numbers at least) before the arrival of the humans. Goblinoids made up the majority of the survivors of the Army of Azrai during the Battle of Deismar and, since Goblinoid leaders are often polygamous, those survivors had a large number of descendants. As a result weak bloodlines are very common (by relative standards) among goblinoids, though strong ones are as rare as they are elsewhere.
    Goblinoids, like humans, generally lack magical aptitude and need to have a Bloodline to cast True Magic. Goblinoids taking the Minor Bloodline feat as a cultural feat are nearly always of the Azrai bloodline.
    - Attributes: +1 constitution
    - speed: Goblins are quick on their feet and Nimble, Hobgoblins have builds similar to humans, and Bugbears are much bigger and bulkier, but still just as nimble, their base speed is 30.
    - Languages: Goblin and one language agreed upon by you and the DM.
    - Darkvision: Goblinoids can see in dim light as if it were bright light and see in darkness as if it were dim light up to 60 feet. They can not discern color in Darkness.
    - Smell Bloodlines: Goblinoids on Cerelia have the ability to detect others who are blooded in their vicinity, this is described as the person or creatures Smelling like Thunder. While they can not determine what bloodline the person has, they can generally determine whose bloodline stronger.
    - Goblinoid Culture: Goblinoids in Cerelia are a culture which is almost as stable and diverse as any of the human cultures.
    - Subraces: as a goblinoid of Cerelia you have one of the following three subraces:

    Cerelian Goblin:
    - Attributes: +2 Dexterity
    - Age: Goblins mature quickly but live as long after maturity as humans, a Goblins reach adulthood at 8 and live up to 60 years.
    - Size: Goblins are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weight 40 to 80 pounds, they are Small creatures.
    - Skills of the wild: Goblins tend to have a number of preferred skills they should pick one skill from the following list: Athletics, Animal Handling, Deception, Nature, Stealth, Survival, and Warfare.
    - Goblins get to pick one of a number of common feats including: Alert, Minor Bloodline, Mobile, Mounted Combatant, Observant, Skulker, Squat Nimbleness, and Tough.
    - Favored Class: Rogue or Ranger, Goblins prefer being sneaky and clever.

    Cerelian Hobgoblin:
    - Attributes: +1 strength, +1 dexterity
    - Age: Hobgoblins tend to mature on a line similar to that of a human, Hobgoblins reach adulthood at 16 and live up to a century.
    - Size: Hobgoblins are between 5 and 6 feet tall and weight between 140 and 180 pounds, they are the medium size.
    - Saving Face: Hobgoblins are careful not to show weakness in front of their allies, for fear of losing status among them. If you miss with an attack roll or fail an ability check or a saving throw, you can gain a bonus to the roll equal to your charisma modifier. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all uses when you finish a long rest.
    - Hobgoblins get to pick one of a number of common feats including: Athlete, Charger, Minor Bloodline, Mobile, Mounted Combatant, Observant, Resiliant, Tough, or Weapon expert.
    - Favored Class: Bard, Fighter, or Ranger, Hobgoblins are very diverse in their fighting techniques.

    Cerelian Bugbear:
    - Attributes: +2 strength
    - Age: Bugbears mature similar to humans, but tend to live a bit shorter of a life, Bugbears reach adulthood at age 16 and live up to 80 years.
    - Size: Bugbears are between 6 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 250 and 350 pounds. Your size is Medium.
    - Long-limbed: When you make a melee attack on your turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.
    - Powerful build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
    - Bugbears get to pick one of a number of common feats including: Athlete, Charger, Durable, Minor bloodline, Resiliant, Tavern brawler, Tough, or Weapon expert.
    - Favored Class: Fighter or barbarian, Bugbears tend to try and use their strength before anything else.
    Hybrid Characters:
    Characters of mixed race are extremely rare on Cerelia and generally distrusted by humans..
    Half elves are unchanged from the Player s Handbook, save for their ability to wield True Magic and their language picks; they speak Sidhelien and the regional human dialect.
    Languages: You speak Sidhelien and the regional human dialect.
    True Magic: You are capable of using true magic.

    This replaces the Half-orc, but has the same abilities.
    Languages: You speak Orog and the regional human language.
    Section 2) Classes

    Barbarians of almost any race can be found wherever large tracts of wilderness remain unclaimed by civilization.
    Barbarians are only common among the Goblins, Rjuvik and Vos.
    As a Martial Class, Barbarians may select the Warfare skill, as addition to their listed skills to choose from at creation.
    Barbarians are otherwise as described in the Player s Handbook.
    The following Primal Path is available in Cerelia

    Bloodline Zealot:
    Some barbarians with otherwise weak bloodlines are able to fuel their rage from their bloodline, granting them special powers. A Minor Bloodline or better is required to take this Primal Path, but scions of Brenna and Reynir are not elegible.
    Empowered Strike:
    Starting at 3rd level, the character can add magic drawn from their Bloodline to their weapon strikes. The first creature struck in any of their turns takes extra damage equal to 1d6+half their barbarian level rounded up. This damage is of a type depending on the bloodline: Anduiras Lightning, Azrai Necrotic, Basaia Fire, Mesala Cold, Vorynn Radiant
    Raging Blood:
    From the time they gain this path, depending on the kind of rage the deity was known for, the Zealot gains a different rage ability -
    Berserker Blood (Azrai, Vorynn) Scions of these Bloodlines can continue fighting to below zero hit points, indeed they can continue into negative hit point as far as if their Bloodline Ability Score was a store of extra hit points they can draw from. If they come out of rage while still at negative hit points, they Lapse into a coma and must begin making death save as usual until restored to positive hit points. Should they be at positive hit points when the rage ends, they immediately fall asleep and can not awaken for as many rounds as they were raging.
    Divine Wrath (Anduiras, Basaia, Masela) These deities were known for their fearsome wrath, others can rarely stand against them when they rage. The scion gains an extra attack each round and inflicts an additional +3 damage (of their associated element). Should they use any magical or blood-ability attacks while raging, these attacks are Maximized. Enemies who face the character under the effect of Divine Wrath suffer from an Intimidation attack whose level is based not on Charisma, but upon the Bloodline Modifier of the Scion.
    Magical Rage:
    Starting at level 3, it they character knows any attack magic that does not require concentration, including bloodline abilities that are direct attacks, they may use these abilities while raging.
    Heroic Rage:
    Starting at level 6, the Bloodline Zealot it treated as if they are under the Heroism spell while raging, they use their Bloodline as casting ability, but gain a minimum of 1 temporary hit point each round.
    Inspire Rage:
    Starting at level 10, the Bloodline Zealot can share their rage with their allies. Up to half their Barbarian level other people can be so inspired and will share Advantage on Attack Rolls and Saving throws until the start of their next turn.
    Wrathful Shield: Starting at level 14: if an enemy damages you in melee, they must make a Dexterity save against your Bloodline Spell Strength or take an amount of damage of your associated energy equal to half your Barbarian level.

    Bards are as described in the Player's Handbook.
    As users of Lesser Magic, Bards do not require the true magic trait to cast those spells on their spell list.
    Bards have been trained in the art of Elven Spellsong, and are mostly found among Humans, Elves, and Half-elves.
    Bards are highly respected in the Rjurik culture but are distrusted in the Kinasi culture.

    Cerilian clerics function as described in the Player's Handbook, except that common clerics serve just a cause,
    philosophy, or abstract source of divine power. Every cleric in a Birthright campaign serves a specific divine power. It is simply impossible for an unblooded person to wield greater divine magic without a patron deity. Clerics may have only one patron deity at a time, but it is possible for a cleric to have a change of heart that causes a change of patron deities.

    Only Scions of Great Bloodlines or better (Exception: A character with the Bloodform or Bloodtrait power is counted as having a bloodline strength one higher than their actual strength, so an Awnshegh or Ehrshegh with a major bloodline counts as Great) can learn to use divine magic without following a deity.
    Clerics add the shills Statecraft and Warfare to their listed skill choices.
    As users of Divine Magic, Clerics do not require the True Magic trait to cast spells.
    Elves, in general, can not be clerics. Elf players wishing to become a cleric must consult their Dungeon Master and explain what exceptional circumstance lead to this to their satisfaction.
    Clerics are otherwise as described in the Player s Handbook.

    New Cleric Domain: Rogue (Eloele)
    As the goddess of Rogues, Clerics of Eloele may elect to take the Rogue Domain. In place of Domain spells, they gain Roguish Features.
    Bonus Proficiency: Thief's Tools, also adds the skills Sneak and Sleight of Hand to the list of skills that may be selected by the class (Still only two class skills).
    Flaw: Proficiency Loss - Limited to Light armor and no shield.

    Roguish Features:
    Level 1: Sneak Attack (Sneak Attack is counted as half the character's level)
    Level 3: Expertise
    Level 5: Cunning Action
    Level 7: Uncanny Dodge
    Level 9: Evasion

    Level 2) Channel Divinity: Shadowy Cover - You can use your channel divinity to vanish from mortal sight,, this gives the cleric Advantage on Stealth rolls for the round. If a sneak attack is made while under Shadowy Cover, the caster inflicts additional damage with the attack as per the Chill Touch cantrip.
    Level 6) At this level, Shadowy Cover is changed to being Invisible as per the spell (including duration).
    Level 8) Magic Hand Legerdemain (As per Arcane Trickster)
    Level 17) Shadow Form (As per the Blood Ability)

    In Cerilia, human druids are priests of Erik, the god of nature and the hunt. Like clerics, Cerilian druids receive their spells from a patron deity the god Erik. The powerful natural magic of the druid is based in the same lore as that of the ranger, but is greatly magnified through the channeling of divine power of the druid's patron deity.
    Elven druids are in tune with their natural surroundings and use mebhaighl to power their abilities. Elven Druids count as Arcane Spellcasters, if they are blooded they can access Source holdings but not Temple holdings.
    As users of Divine Magic, Druids do not require the True Magic trait to cast spells.
    Druids are otherwise as described in the Player s Handbook.

    Fighters are the most common class on Cerelia.

    Fighters may select from the Warfare and Statecraft skills, as additions to their listed skills to choose from at creation.
    The Eldritch Knight class is only available to characters with the True Magic ability.
    Martial Archetype- The following Martial Archetype is added to those available to characters.
    Blooded Noble:
    Like the Nobility in the middle ages, many nobles on Cerelia start as Pages and Squires, training in combat to defend their lands. Many continue on as warriors, though a number enter other fields such as Divine Orders or Arcane Studies. As Blooded Nobles are gifted with Divine Bloodlines, they often have some of the strongest bloodlines in the land and are trained to exploit those bloodlines better than others.
    Maturing Bloodline:
    At 3rd Level Your Bloodline has achieved its mature strength. If you have no bloodline, gain the Minor Bloodline Feat, if you have a bloodline already, and have a strong enough Bloodline Attribute score, increase your Bloodline Power to the next higher rank (it is strongly suggested that the character picking this Archetype have at least a Minor Bloodline and a Bloodline Ability score of at least 12 already, but it is not required. This counts as a During Character Creation gain, adding to the Bloodline Attribute). Should your character's Bloodline Attribute be less than 12, gain one Minor Bloodline Ability.
    Exploit Bloodline:
    Your training in how to properly use your bloodline makes you better at it. Starting at 3rd Level you can use your Bloodline Abilities more often. You gain Blood Exploits that function as spell slots you can use to activate any of your spell-like abilities of the appropriate level additional times each day. A higher-level slot may be used to power a lower-level ability (this is particularly handy for those who only have Minor abilities).

    Fighter Level Minor Exploits Major Exploits Great Exploits
    3 1 0 0
    4 2 0 0
    5 2 0 0
    6 3 0 0
    7 3 1 0
    8 3 1 0
    9 4 1 0
    10 4 2 0
    11 4 2 0
    12 4 2 0
    13 4 2 1
    14 4 3 1
    15 4 3 1
    16 4 3 2
    17 4 3 2
    18 4 4 2
    19 4 4 3
    20 4 4 3

    Bloodline Prodigy:
    Long training has made you learn new ways to use your Bloodline. At 7th level you gain a new Minor Bloodline Ability appropriate to your bloodline.
    Improved Exploits:
    At 10th level, If you have any Blood Abilities at a lower level that are available at higher levels, (such as having Minor Healing) you may spend an appropriate-level exploit to activate the higher-level effect which would not normally be available to you. Your Bloodline must be strong enough to allow abilities of the level to manifest.
    Empowered Bloodline:
    Your character's Mastery over their Bloodline continues to expand. At 15th level if you have any blood abilities of minor level that have a major form, and have a Major Bloodline, you may increase one of your minor Blood Abilities to a Major Ability. If you do not have a Major Bloodline or have no Minor Abilities capable of a higher form, you instead gain a Minor Blood Ability.
    Bloodline Mastery:
    You have learned the greatest secrets you are capable of learning from your current bloodline. At 18th level, you may add a Bloodline Ability at the highest level your Bloodline Strength can allow.

    Technical note: This Archetype is one of the few ways for a person with a Bloodline Ability Score of less than 12 to have any blood abilities at all, it is not entirely useless for low-ability Scions.

    There are no Monks native to Cerelia.

    Paladins are champions of the gods, and as such are required to worship one of the deities in the pantheon.
    As users of Divine Magic, Paladins do not require the True Magic trait to cast spells.
    Paladins may select from the Warfare and Statecraft skills, as additions to their listed skills to choose from at creation.
    Paladins are otherwise as described in the Player s Handbook.

    Rangers are common in the untamed wilds and desolate areas of Cerilia. Given their tendencies to avoid crowds,
    rangers tend to make poor regents and are only rarely found in positions of political or economic power. Rangers are
    bound very closely to nature, able to become practically one with it, and are able to tap into the very wellsprings of the
    earth to power their spells. Unlike Cerilian clerics and druids, Cerilian rangers do not receive their spells from a patron
    deity. The limited spellcasting abilities of Cerilian rangers are rooted in their understanding of nature and the channeling of mebhaighl through their force of will alone.
    Rangers count as lesser path Arcane casters, they do not require the True Magic trait to cast spells.
    Rangers are otherwise as described in the Player s Handbook.

    In Cerilia, rogues are as often merchants and diplomats as thieves, a distinction often lost on those who have come out
    on the losing end of a mercantile transaction. Rogues are everywhere in Cerilia, but no one necessarily expects them to
    be thieves. Depending on their skills and inclinations, rogues may represent themselves as courtiers, scouts, sailors, or even merchant princes.
    Only persons with the True Magic trait can follow the standard path of the Arcane Trickster. For those without said trait, the path is altered to replace Enchantment with Divination in the archetype abilities, and the character can not select any spell over spell level 2 that is not divination or Illusion.
    Rogues can take the Statecraft skill as one of their class skill choices.
    Rogues otherwise function as described in the Player s Handbook.

    Guild Trader In Cerelia, Many people with skills of a roguish nature find it more profitable to make money by legal means, through working for (or operating) trade guilds. People who embrace this archetype may be less inclined to physical theft and more inclined to long cons and embezzlement, but they are still rogues among rogues, out for themselves first, but doing it within the law so they never have to worry about getting a hand cut off (or a head).
    Assayer At level 3 the Guild Trader becomes a master at figuring out what people want and evaluating the worth of items. You become Proficient in the Insight skill if you are not already and double your proficiency bonus when using this proficiency. Additionally, you become an expert at evaluating items, any attempt to determine the worth of an item is made with advantage.
    Tricky Fighter At 3rd level, you gain the ability to decipher an opponent s tactics and develop a counter to them. As a bonus action, you can make a Wisdom (Insight) check against a creature you can see that isn t Incapacitated, contested by the target s Charisma (Deception) check. If you succeed, you can use your Sneak Attack against that target even if you don t have advantage on the attack roll, but not if you have disadvantage on it.
    This benefit lasts for 1 minute or until you successfully use this feature against a different target.
    Supply and Demand Starting at level 9, on a successful History or Nature check, after spending one week per province level in a province you can find out what can be sold there for a profit, and what can be found there which can be sold for a profit elsewhere. You many use this roll as a HELP roll reduce the difficulty of the Establish Trade Route action and to increase the quarterly profits generated by 1 gb.
    Guildmaster - Starting at level 13, if you are not blooded, you may now gain up to half your level in Regency points that can only be used to perform actions suitable for a Guild in the next turn. You may not save these regency points. If you ARE blooded you get to add your class level to maximum amount of Regency collected per month from guilds, which you man you and save normally.
    Undercut the Competition - Starting at 17th level, after spending at least a full round studying a minion with an Insight check of DC 10+their Deception rating, you may a make Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion check, with a difficulty of 10+ the highest relevant skill of the enemy. If successful you may turn one of an opponent s minions against them. The number may be increased, each +1 to the difficulty of both checks doubling the number which may be effected. This may be used in Battle to change the side of a unit of mercenaries (a +8 roll), and in other situation can be used to get past guards, to add a bonus to contest actions, and similar actions. The Difficulty is also influenced by the loyalty of the minion. This can not be used against those under magical control. The control lasts until the end of the current scene, will not function on creatures immune to Charm, and can only be used once between long rests.

    Sorcerers are not well known in Cerilia, and not well regarded by those that do recognize them as distinct disciplines apart from wizards. Their more studious counterparts at Cerilia s few arcane universities may even look down on sorcerers for their unorthodox talents. Ironically, Sorcerers may actually be more common than Wizards...though many of them are nonhuman (such as Goblins and Orogs).
    Sorcerers require the True Magic trait. While Elven and Half-Elven Sorcerers are able to take the standard Sorcerous Origin, Human Sorcerers may only select the one presented below.
    Sorcerers are otherwise as described in the Player s Handbook.
    Sorcerous Origin - Divine Bloodline:
    All Human Sorcerers on Cerelia draw power from a Divine Bloodline, one can not cast spontaneous arcane magic without one. Each particular Bloodline tends to be associated with specific traits, which influence what magic works best for the particular Sorcerer.

    Divine Source: At First Level, you are endowed with the Minor Bloodline Feat and must pick a bloodline Derivation. Each Bloodline is associated with a specific type of damage and a field of magic. If your Bloodline is stronger than a Trace level, you may have additional Known Spells granted by your Blood Abilities that do not count against your usual limits.
    Anduiras Lightning and Enchantment
    Azrai Necrotic and Necromancy
    Basaia Fire and Evocation
    Brenna Thunder and Divination
    Mesala Cold and Transmutation
    Reynir Acid and Summoning
    Vorynn Radiant and Illusion
    Divine Might: Magic associated with your divine Bloodline comes easily for you. Your Proficiency bonus for calculating your Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Modifier is increased by +1 in the magical field associated with your Bloodline. Your damage for damaging spells related to your bloodline is also increased by 1 (total, not per die).
    Energy Affinity: Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell that does damage of the type associated with your deity, you may add either your Charisma Modifier or your Bloodline Modifier (whichever is higher) to your damage. At the same time, you may spend 1 Sorcery Point to gain resistance to the same damage type for 1 hour.
    Divine Totem:
    Each of the Divine Bloodlines has an associated totem, and even if your Bloodline Ability is not strong enough, you are able to access that power at 14th level. Animals of the type will never attack the character and regard the character as a friend, the character can speak with animals of the type and the animal will usually grant reasonable requests to the best of their ability. The character may gain an Animal Companion or Familiar of the animal type, if they have a companion animal, in addition to the usual benefits, they may locate their animal companion if they are anywhere within one mile. The character can turn into an animal of the type as if using the Druidic Wild Shape ability.
    Anduiras Lion
    Azrai Snake
    Basaia Eagle
    Brenna Cat
    Masela Dolphin
    Reynir Wolf
    Vorynn Owl
    Divine Aura:
    At 18th Level, even if you are not otherwise qualified, you gain the Divine Aura Blood Ability, which you may activate by spending 5 Sorcery Points for the Major level effect.

    Warlocks can choose any pact, although the pacts represent deals made with powerful Awnshegh or creatures of the Shadow Lands, such as deities, tanarii lords, or even the Cold Rider himself:
    Warlocks are not able to directly channel magic, rather it s granted to them by their pact with their patron as such, they do not require the True Magic trait, nor can they gain access to Source or Temple holdings.
    Warlocks can select from additional patrons, including any creature with both a True bloodline and the Bloodform or Bloodtrait power. Most of these are Awnshegh, such as the Gorgon (presented Below).
    Warlock Patrons -
    The Gorgon:
    Raesine was the illegitimate child of the king of the Andu. He chose to join Azrai at the battle of Desimar, but was away from the center of the conflict fighting his half-brother Roule when the gods died. Had be been closer, he might have become a god, but as it stands he became the most powerful living Awnshegh.
    Expanded Spell List:
    Level 1: Fog Cloud, Magic Missile
    Level 2: Blur, Enlarge/Reduce
    Level 3: Dispel Magic, Haste
    Level 4: Fire Shield, Stone Skin
    Level 5: Scrying, Wall of Stone
    Divine Aura functions like Fey Presence
    At level 1, your connection to the Gorgon grants you a portion of his own fell presence.
    Gorgon's Ward Functions like Entropic Ward
    The Gorgon is one of the most skilled fighters in the world, capable of easily turning enemy plans to his own advantage. He loans you a portion of his massive skill to defend yourself.
    Starting at 6th level, when a creature makes an attack against you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that roll. If the attack misses, your next attack on that creature has advantage if you can make it before the end of your next turn.
    Once you use this feature, you may not use it again until you take a Short or Long rest.
    Stony Defense Functions like Fiendish Resilience
    Starting at 10th level, you can select one damage type when you take a short or long rest. You gain resistance to that damage type until you change it again with this feature. Damage from magical or silver weapons ignores this feature.
    Create Thrall Functions like the Great Old One ability

    The Cold Rider:
    The Cold Rider is the dark nightmare that has turned the fey lands into the Shadow World. Somewhere between an Awnshegh and a Demigod, worshipers consider him the reincarnated spirit of Azrai. He does not act directly, but wherever he appears, great danger follows.
    Expanded Spell List:
    Level 1: Detect Magic, Guiding Bolt
    Level 2: Darkness, Enhance Ability
    Level 3: Animate Dead, Sleet Storm
    Level 4: Dimension Door, Ice Storm
    Level 5: Mislead, Teleportation Circle
    The Cold Rider's Blessing Functions the same as the Dark One's Blessing
    At level one, when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier+your warlock level (minimum of 1).
    Shadow Step Functions like Misty Escape
    Starting at 6th level, you can step into the shadow world. When you take damage you may, as a reaction, fade into shadows and teleport into an unoccupied space within 60 feet that you can see. Until you attack, or the start of your next turn, you remain shadowy and hard to hit (Enemies have disadvantage on hitting you).
    Once you use this feature, you may not use it again until you take a Short or Long rest.
    Shadowed Mind Functions Like Thought Shield
    Starting at level 10, your patron protects you from having your thoughts read by telepathy or other means unless you allow it. You have resistance to psychic damage and, whenever a creature deals psychic damage to you, the creature takes the same damage you do.
    Shadowland Exile Functions like Hurl Through Hell
    Starting at 14th level, when you hit a creature with an attack, you can instantly transport that creature into the depths of the Shadow World. The creature vanishes into a nightmarish landscape filled with cold fog and undead.
    At the end of your next turn, the target returns to the space it occupied, or the nearest unoccupied space. If the target is not a Halfling, they take 10d10 psychic damage from the terrifying experience.
    Once you use this feature, you may not use it again until you take a Short or Long rest.
    Wizards of normal traditions require the True Magic trait. The only Available tradition for those lacking this trait is as follows:

    Wizard Arcane Tradition -
    The Magician:
    In Cerelia, one must have Immortal Blood to freely use Arcane Magic of most sorts, what is considered True Magic. While your normal Wizards do exist, and are particularly common among the Elves, humans are limited in what spells they can handle without a Bloodline to connect them to the magic of the land. Humans without Bloodlines can still be decently effective, within their limits, but are considered mere Magicians rather than true Wizards (at least, others look at them that way).
    Magician Combat: Magicians are better trained in combat than other Wizards, they gain proficiency in all Simple Weapons and Light Armor.
    Magician Magic: While Magicians can cast as many spells as other wizards, they are limited to spells of Illusion, Divination, and certain Enchantment spells for any spell higher than spell level 2.
    Armored Caster: Due to their special training, starting at level 2 Magicians are able to cast spells while wearing Light Armor, without a spell failure chance.
    Cantrip Master: Starting at level 6, a magician can drop a prepared spell in order to cast any cantrip that can be cast by the class, even if it is not in their spellbook. Further, the number of cantrips the Magician knows is increased by their Intelligence modifier.
    Known Spell: At level 14, the Magician has successfully memorized a spell and no longer forgets it. Pick one spell the Magician has in their book, that spell is considered always prepared, they can drop any spell the same level or higher to cast the Known Spell and do not need memorize the Known Spell to do so. Even if the Magician loses their spellbook, they may still cast the Known Spell as many times a day as their spell slots would allow.
    Spontaneous Metamagic: At 18th level, the Magician gains a single metamagic ability (as per a sorcerer) that can be added to a magic spell as it is cast. The Magician is counted as having a number of Sorcery points equal to half their level, for purposes of using this feature.
    Section 3) Skills, Backgrounds, Languages, and Feats

    New Skills:
    In addition to the skills in the Player's Handbook, the Birthright campaign adds an extra pair of skills to reflect the roles of war and rulership in the world of Cerilia.

    Statecraft (Charisma)
    You are trained in the leadership of a domain (including administration etc.). On each Domain turn you can do one of the following on a successful check:
    reduce your maintenance costs by 25% for a domain turn.
    reduce the base GB cost of a domain action by 1.
    gain a +1 to your success chance in a Create Holding, Decree, Rule or Espionage domain action.
    increase the resolution of a Matter of Justice random event by one level (e.g. a fair result becomes a good result)
    improve the loyalty rating in one province by one level.
    This replaces Birthright's Administration, Law and Leadership proficiencies.
    Availability at character creation: The following backgrounds may choose the Statecraft skill instead of one of the skills
    listed in the PHB: Acolyte, Noble (including Knight), Guild Artisan (including Guild Merchant) and Sage.

    Warfare (Intelligence)
    You are trained not only in the tactics of combat but in the strategies of war. Your Intelligence (Warfare) check measures your ability to formulate military strategy and tactics, judge troop readiness, direct siege engine teams, reposition military assets, lead war campaigns (including underhanded campaigns against the legitimate ruler of an area). This allows for the use of abilities as listed under the Siegecraft and Strategy proficiencies in the Birthright rules.
    Availability at character creation: The warfare skill is available as a skill proficiency option for the following classes:
    Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin and Ranger. It is also available to the following backgrounds: Blooded Scion, Knight (variant Noble) and Soldier.


    Suggested Backgrounds by Culture
    The following backgrounds are most appropriate for characters in a Birthright campaign.
    Culture Suggested Backgrounds
    Anuirean Acolyte, Folk Hero, Guild Artisan, Knight (variant Noble), Noble, Sage, Soldier, Urchin
    Brecht Acolyte, Guild Merchant (variant Guild Artisan), Noble, Sailor, Spy (variant Criminal), Urchin
    Halfling (Cellwair) Charlatan, Entertainer, Folk Hero, Guild Artisan, Hermit, Spy (variant Criminal), Urchin
    Dwarf (Karamhul) Acolyte, Guild Artisan, Guild Merchant (variant Guild Artisan), Noble, Sage, Soldier
    Khinasi Acolyte, Entertainer, Folk Hero, Knight (variant Noble), Noble, Sage, Soldier
    Rjurik Acolyte, Criminal, Folk Hero, Hermit, Noble, Outlander, Spy (variant Criminal)
    Elf (Sidhelien) Hermit, Knight (variant Noble), Outlander, Sage, Spy (variant Criminal)
    Vos Acolyte, Folk Hero, Hermit, Noble, Soldier

    Additional Background Blooded Scion
    At some point in the past, you became blooded. Perhaps you are the younger child or bastard of a Noble family, possibly you were simply nearby when a powerful Scion died and close enough in nature to attract the released divine essence, you might even have committed Bloodtheft. The source of your bloodline does not matter much, what matters is that you now have divine blood running through your body, and people know it. You have spent time learning and developing your Bloodline Abilities or Arcane Magic and are possibly regarded with a bit of awe and fear by those around you.

    Skill Proficiency: Insight, Persuasion
    Languages: One of choice
    Equipment Proficiency: One of choice (should be appropriate for character history)
    Equipment: A set of Traveler's Clothes, A belt pouch containing 15 gp

    Source of bloodline:
    1. Younger Child: Your family is noble, but you are not in the line of inheritance. You are not going to get much from hanging around with you family, though they financed your education. If you want anything more, you are going to have to earn it.
    2. Byblow: You are the child of a noble with someone other than their spouse, they might not even know of you, but you still have their bloodline to prove it, even if it may be weakened.
    3. Black Sheep: For whatever reason, you were cast out of your family. You simply did not fit in and were sent your own way with little but the clothes on your back.
    4. Invested: A dying Scion elected to pass their Bloodline to you. They probably could not formally invest you, but in their moment of death they laid their hands on you and willed their power to you.
    5. Accidental Gift: A scion of a powerful line died near you. You might have been holding their horse when they fell off it, or been sitting nest to them when they were shot with an arrow. However it happened, you inherited part of their Bloodline.
    6. Bloodthief: It might have been self defense, or a tragic accident, but there is no doubt you killed someone or something with a bloodline, piercing their heart with a melee weapon. Their full bloodline passed to you in that moment.

    Feature: Marked
    People know who you are, even if they do not know you personally. There is simply something about you that makes it so you stand out in a crowd. People can tell you have a Bloodline, though what this means will vary. Some People will fear you, others might try to kill you for your bloodline, and some may see you as a leader or hero.
    You gain the next tier of the Bloodline Feat Tree (Unblooded to Minor, Minor to Major, Major to Great) if you otherwise meet the requirements. You gain the Bloodmark Blood Ability (even if you would not normally qualify for it) in addition to any others.
    Personality: (Select 2)
    1. There can be no doubt that I am destined for great things, it is in my blood, the blood of the gods.
    2. Having a bloodline does not make me any better. Everyone has their gifts.
    3. I believe that anything worth doing is worth doing right, I am a perfectionist.
    4. I judge people by their actions, not their words.
    5. Things go wrong, so I have a plan for when they do.
    6. I am easily offended by insults and slights, they can goad me into rash actions.
    7. I believe that there is someone out there meant for me, and I plan to keep looking until I find them.
    8. I am optimistic and perhaps a bit naive, possibly I was a bit sheltered as a child.
    1. Aspiration: I am determined to make something myself. (any)
    2. Might: The strong are meant to rule. (Evil)
    3. Sincerity: I am what you see, there is no sense in pretending to be something I am not. (Neutral)
    4. Generosity: My talents are meant to benefit the world, not for personal gain. (Good)
    5. Independence: It is time for me to make my own way in the world, not follow the path someone else laid out for me. (Chaotic)
    6. Honor: If I dishonor myself, it reflects badly on my family and teachers.
    1. My family matters to me, they made me who I am...whether or not they accept that.
    2. Some people see me as a hero, and I just can't let them down.
    3. I never had the chance to be what I can be, I am going to show they were wrong to overlook me.
    4. I was cheated out of my rightful place. I will do what I must to get my due.
    5. My life was saved by the loyalty of another, I will never leave a friend behind.
    6. I owe a debt I can never repay to my old mentor, I seek to follow in their footsteps.
    1. I once faced a monstrous foe and barely escaped. I know they are still hunting me and fear that encounter.
    2. My pride will probably kill me.
    3. I speak without thinking through my words, which invariably insults others.
    4. I remember every slight, forgiveness is not in my nature.
    5. I enjoy finding out and keeping secrets, and will only share them if I get equal or greater secrets in return.
    6. There is something I want that I would pay nearly any price for.

    The following languages are spoken in Cerilia. If you would have the ability to speak, read, and write Common (which
    isn't a language of Cerilia), pick one language of your choice instead.
    Standard Languages
    Language Typical Speakers Script
    Anuirean Anuireans Sidhelien
    Basarji Khinasi Basarji
    Cellwair Halfling Halfling
    Karamhul Dwarves Karamhul
    Low Brecht Brechts Karamhul
    Rjuven Rjurik Sidhelien
    Sidhelien Elves Sidhelien
    Vos Vos (none)

    Exotic Languages Typical Speakers Script
    Andu Anuirian Scholars Sidhelien
    Draconic Dragons (None)
    Giant Giants Giant
    Gnoll Gnolls (None)
    Goblin Goblinoids Goblin
    High Brecht Brecht scholars Karamhul
    Ogrish Ogres Giant
    Orog Orogs Giant
    Troll Trolls Giant

    Minor Bloodline:
    The power of one of the ancient gods flows in your veins. Select a Bloodline Derivation (if this Feat is gained later in play, the derivation will be determined by the circumstances under which it is gained).
    By selecting this feat, the character is granted a base Bloodline Attribute of 8, which can then be raised either as a normal attribute, or by special means described elsewhere.
    Unlike most feats, this feat (and all other Bloodline feats) can be gained and lost during play.
    True Magic: This feat adds the capacity to cast True Magic, if the characters does not already have said ability. True Magic is required to cast most Arcane magic spells
    A Bloodline attribute is absolutely required to gain and use Regency.
    This feat enables a character to gain Blood Abilities of a Minor level.
    If this feat is lost during play, the character does not gain a replacement feat.

    Major Bloodline:
    Your divine blood is strong, noble families will seek you out to wed their children. People from distant lands may have heard of you, for good or bad.
    Requirements: Minor Bloodline Feat, Bloodline Ability 12 or higher. If Bloodline Ability ever drops below 12, this feat is lost.
    Gain access to Blood Abilities of Major level.
    If taken during Character Creation, this feat adds +4 to Bloodline Ability.

    Great Bloodline:
    You have one of the strongest bloodlines in the land. The great nobles of the land will court you and most people will know who you are.
    Requirements: Minor Bloodline Feat, Major Bloodline Feat, Bloodline Ability 20 or higher. If Bloodline ability ever drops below 16, this feat is lost.
    Gain access to Blood Abilities of Great level.
    If taken during character creation, this feat adds +4 to Bloodline Ability (for a total of +8).

    True Bloodline:
    You have achieved the nearly impossible, reaching levels of divine potency not seen in generations. Having gifts of this potency may enable you to seize the Iron Throne of Anuire, the Throne of the Prophets in Kinasi, or the Thorn Throne of the Elves, should such be your goal.
    Requirements: Bloodline Strength 28, Minor Bloodline Feat, Major Bloodline Feat, Great Bloodline Feat. If Bloodline ability drops below 20, this feat is lost.
    There are no known blood abilities of True level, however characters with a True bloodline have been known to grant followers divine or arcane magic spells, effectively becoming Demigods or Warlock Patrons.
    In theory, a character with a Bloodline strength of True and a blood Ability of 36 or higher might be able to ascend to divinity (as far as is known, it has never happened since Desimar).

    Potent Bloodline:
    While your bloodline has not increased in power, long practice has strengthened your ability to use it.
    Prerequisite: Bloodline 13 or higher (unless gained from as a result of having multiple abilities that grant a bloodline turn up during creation), Minor Bloodline or greater
    Increase your bloodline ability score by 1 (by 2 if taken during character creation).
    You have advantage in all rolls to prevent bloodline usurpation and on contested Regency rolls.
    You may increase one Bloodline Ability to the next tier if you and it qualify. If you have no abilities that have tiered effects, or are already at the highest available Tier, you may pick one ability that has limited daily uses and double the number of uses per day.
    Any Bloodline Abilities that involve rolled dice on the part of the Scion, are incapable of rolling a 1 on the die, any die that rolls a 1 is treated as a 2.
    The character may, if other conditions are right, gain ONE Bloodline Power of a strength one greater than their Bloodline would otherwise support (IE a minor bloodline with a Major bloodline ability).

    Blood of Mercy:
    When you use the Healing Blood ability, you can extend it over a group.
    Prerequisite: Healing Blood Ability
    Increase one ability score of choice from Bloodline Ability or the ability which Heighten Ability from your bloodline enhances (maximum 20 on the other ability unless you have Heighten Ability).
    When using the ability in standard play, this makes Cure Wounds work like Healing Word. It can also allow using Lesser Restoration over a 30' radius, or double the radius of a Mass Heal Wounds from a Great Bloodline. Further, if used in Mass Combat, a Cure Wounds can be used like Battle Magic to cure the entire unit the character is a member of, and Mass Cure Wounds can Cure all adjacent units.

    Shadow Guide:
    Requirements: Halfling or Azrai travel power, Wisdom 13+
    You can lead additional people through the Shadow World. A Shadow Guide can lead a number of travelers equal to the base 8 + their level + their Wisdom Modifier through the shadow world.

    Improved Shadow Guide:
    Requirements: Shadow Guide, Wisdom 13+
    You can lead a number of units equal to your Wisdom Modifier through the Shadow World.

    Section 4) Bloodline:
    4a) Playing the game
    The thing that sets Birthright characters apart from those in other settings is the presence of bloodlines, divine magic inherited from the survivors of the battle of Desimar. Bloodlines are rare and potent, therefore they should have a
    corresponding price.

    There are really three possible ways to play a Birthright game: The Regents game, the Scions game, and the Entourage Game. The Classic Birthright game is a Regents game, one or more of the players is the Regent of a land...often each of the characters is a Regent for a different Resource (Regent over Law, Regent over the Church, Regent over the Guilds, and Regent over the Sources. Usually most of the players in this type of game are Blooded, and the point of the game is for the players to work together to help the land prosper.

    The Scion's game has one or more characters as Blooded, but none start as running a land. Often the members of the Scion party are members of the Regent's extended family. People the Regent can trust to act as troubleshooters. Possibly the Regent is grooming someone to be their heir, or to be future ministers of the land. This can be run similar to either a Regents Game or an Entourage Game, depending on whether you want the Blooded characters to be more powerful than normal characters, or roughly equal to them.

    The Entourage party may have Blooded heroes or may not, it is more similar to a standard D&D game, except that someone might possibly have some odd gifts.

    For the Entourage game, I personally would suggest using the point distribution system, adding a new attribute called Bloodline purchased via feat. Like all attributes it theoretically starts with a value of 8 before adding points. The price that have to come from the same starting pool of 27 points, blooded characters do not get any extra points and, thus having to pay initially to raise the attribute would make the character weaker in other ways, acting as a balance for the abilities they can gain. If using a Standard Array character, add an extra attribute score of 8 to the array, if you want a notable Bloodline you will have to sacrifice to get it.

    If you are playing a Classic Birthright game, Characters should all start with a Minor Bloodline for free, and randomly roll/distribute points to all attributes as normal. The Regent character or characters will probably want at least Major bloodlines. If you are playing a Standard Array set, give the characters an extra score of 12 to put into one ability. If you are using point distribution, give the characters an extra 4 points to work with. I strongly advise requiring taking feats to increase Bloodline Power (especially during character creation), though allowing gaining those feats from the Blooded Scion Background and the classes that can provide Bloodline Feats. Done this way, a character needs to put some effort and thought into making their character to optimize for what they want.
    Note about Randomly Rolled Bloodline Attribute: The minimum Bloodline attribute a person can have is an 8, a score of less than an 8 can not be placed into Bloodline.

    If playing any game with both blooded and non-blooded characters, the Unblooded characters gain the following:
    +1 to one ability score of choice (Maximum is still 20). Note that those who lose a bloodline during play do not gain this ability bonus, nor do those who gain a Bloodline during play lose it.
    Those without bloodlines automatically gain a point of Inspiration after each long rest if they don t currently have Inspiration. They can also earn Inspiration normally, but are still limited to having one use of Inspiration at a time.

    A Bloodline has the following traits: Ability Score, Derivation, Power, Modifier, and Abilities.

    4b) Bloodline Ability Score
    Bloodline Ability Score functions like any other Ability Score, with the exceptions that it can be permanently raised or removed by means other than leveling and has no maximum nor can it be reduced below 6 without losing it entirely (and the Minor Bloodline Feat). For purposes of character creation, add the effects of bloodline feats (other than the Minor Bloodline Feat) after all attribute points added from distribution, but apply the Minor Bloodline feat BEFORE distributing/assigning. When gaining Regecy from domains, the most a character can gather in a single season is equal to twice their current Bloodline Ability Score, while the maximum they may hold without spending or losing it is five times their Bloodline Attribute. Certain Magical Items (created from stones where powerful magical bloodlines were grounded into the earth) can add to a character's Bloodline Ability Score for purposes of gaining and holding Regency (and, sometimes, for purposes of gaining additional blood abilities, though those abilities are lost should you lose the item), if they happen to be invested with a Bloodline Derivation matching the character's own.

    Blood Score Modifier Minor Major Great R. Collect R. Pool Max
    6 -2 0 0 0 12 30
    7 -2 0 0 0 14 35
    8 -1 0 0 0 16 40
    9 -1 0 0 0 18 45
    10 0 0 0 0 20 50
    11 0 0 0 0 22 55
    12 +1 1 0 0 24 60
    13 +1 1 0 0 26 65
    14 +2 1 1 0 28 70
    15 +2 1 1 0 30 75
    16 +3 1 1 0 32 80
    17 +3 1 1 0 34 85
    18 +4 1 1 1 36 90
    19 +4 1 1 1 38 95
    20 +5 2 1 1 40 100
    21 +5 2 1 1 42 105
    22 +6 2 2 1 44 110
    23 +6 2 2 1 46 115
    24* +7 2 2 1 48 120 (Maximum for starting PC)
    25 +7 2 2 1 50 125
    26 +8 2 2 2 52 130
    27 +8 2 2 2 54 135
    28 +9 3 2 2 56 140
    29 +9 3 2 2 58 145
    30 +10 3 3 2 60 150
    (Blood Abilities increase by 1 for every 8 points of blood score after they first are listed. A character with a blood strength less than that required to manifest an ability at the level shown will initially manifest at a lower level if possible. IE: A character with a Major Bloodline can not have a Great Bloodline power, even if their blood score should allow it. The player will have to select a power that has lower levels and only manifest the lower level of power until their Bloodline Strength is somehow increased.)

    4b.i) Increasing/decreasing bloodline score
    Like other ability scores, bloodline may be increased using the standard ability score increase granted to characters every four levels. Bloodline differs from other ability scores, however, in the additional means for permanently increasing or decreasing a character's bloodline score .
    A scion may increase his bloodline ability score via usurpation, described later in this chapter. Another method of in-
    creasing his bloodline score is through a ceremony of Investiture, described later in this book. The remaining method of a scion increasing his bloodline score is through wise rulership. A scion s bloodline ability score can be permanently increased by one point by spending a number of RP equal to four times the character s current bloodline ability score. This increase occurs automatically when a scion s regency reserve exceeds the amount necessary
    for the increase for two successive domain turns (six months).
    Such an increase is uncommon (many characters will never realize an increase in bloodline score). A scion's bloodline cannot increase more than two points per year. A character's bloodline score may decrease if they are forced (or choose to) spend regency points exceeding the points in their current regency reserve. If a scion spends RP beyond their reserve, their bloodline ability score is permanently reduced by one point. This reduction, however, provides RP equal to twice the character's previous bloodline ability score. This process continues as necessary to pay the required RP debt. If the payment for an RP debt would reduce a character s bloodline score to below the minimum for their bloodline strength, the character reduces their bloodline strength instead (retaining their current bloodline score).
    4b.ii) Usurpation
    Soon after Deismaar, when newly blooded scions from the two sides met in battle for the first time, a strange discovery
    was made. If two scions met in battle, and one perished, it was possible for the victor to claim a portion of his slain foe s divine energy and thus become all the stronger. The awnshegh known as the Spider was among the first to discover this ability as he fought to become leader of one of the surviving goblin tribes; this Usurpation of the other scion s power help turn him into the corrupt being that exists today. Since that day, thousands of other scions have fought to claim other s birthrights, drawing their enemies into traps or even challenging them outright, for usurpation of enemy s divine bloodline remains one of the easiest ways to increase one's own power. However, because the scions divine essence is contained in his blood, this usurpation can only occur if a scion dies in a violent manner and his blood is literally spilled. If a blooded character dies non-violently, by poison, or a spell that doesn t result in the spilling of blood, then the divine essence of their bloodline passes with them, either to their heir or to into the land itself if they had not designated a heir. However, if a scion s blood is spilt as a result of his death in hand-to-hand
    combat then the divine essence of his or her birthright is re-
    leased in a burst of immediate power.
    For a weak bloodline (a minor bloodline with a score of 11 or less), the release of a dying scion's divine essence may only produce a slight tingling perceptible only to those in the immediate area of effect. The slaying of a scion of a minor bloodline will produce more noticeable effects: crackling static dis charge, gusts of wind, etc. The violent death of a scion with a bloodline of Major strength always results in a storm of crackling energy and violent winds, while the effects associated with the slaying of a scion of a Great bloodline may be visible for miles.
    People, animals, and on very rare occasions, even objects in the immediate area of a scion's violent death may absorb a
    portion of the scion's divine essence. This burst of divine energy can be measured in the form of RP equal to ten times the victim s bloodline ability score. The radius of this burst of energy is equal to one foot for every point of power released. For example, a scion with a bloodline score of 20 is slain in combat, the result burst of energy will have a radius of 200 ft. This burst of energy is not affected by the scion s current regency reserve (which normally passes to her invested heir), but from her very body.
    Any blooded character within the radius of the effect may absorb the RP released in this burst, however the actual amount absorbed will depend on the strength of the receiving scion s bloodline. A scion with a particularly weak bloodline will only be able to absorb a small portion of the released regency. A scion of a very strong bloodline, on the other hand, may find the released energy does very little to enhance their bloodline strength.
    Each scion within the area of effect absorbs the released RP as follows. Start with the closest scion; in the case of ties, select the scion with the highest bloodline strength and score. This scion is exposed to the released RP. If the RPs in the burst are less than double the scion's current bloodline ability score then the released bloodline is too weak to affect her it is absorbed to no effect. If the RP in the burst are at least double the scion's current bloodline strength, then she absorbs the RP, up to a limit of four times her current bloodline strength. Any unabsorbed RP continue out in a burst that affects the next closest scion.
    For example, if a scion with a bloodline score of 12 is slain, he releases a burst of energy equal to 120 RP. Three other
    scions are within the 120 ft. range of the blast; the closest has a bloodline ability score of 7, the next closest a score of 14, and the farthest scion has a score of 20. The first scion absorbs his maximum limit (28 RP) and the remaining 92 RP burst continues to the next scion. The second scion also absorbs their maximum limit (56 RP) and the remaining 36 RP pass to the final scion. The final scion absorbs the remaining energy, but does not gain the RP. 36 RP is less 40 (twice the scion's ability score) and thus the energy is absorbed to no effect. Scions of very power may gain nothing from slaying scions of very weak bloodlines.
    While this bloodline usurpation may seem an easy way to increase a scion s blood power, it does come with its risks.
    When a scion absorbs the bloodline essence of a scion with a bloodline score higher than his, then he faces the risk of the victim s bloodline derivation effectively overwhelming his own. It is actually possible for a scion s bloodline derivation to change as the new, more powerful bloodline grounds itself in the slayer s body. This can only occur if the slayer absorbs the maximum RP (four times his current bloodline score) during usurpation. If this happens, then the scion must make a contested bloodline check or change the derivation of his bloodline to the newly absorbed derivation.
    The scion normally gets a +10 circumstance bonus to this check, unless the slain scion possessed a bloodline derived
    from Azrai. The corrupting influence of the dark god s bloodline is particularly difficult to resist, and scions absorbing the energy of Azrai do not gain this bonus in this case. This is one of the reasons why Azrai s bloodline is still so prevalent in Cerilia; many a scion has slain an Awnshegh only to discover his has become corrupted by Azrai's foul taint. If a scion s bloodline derivation changes, then any blood abilities he possessed that are not available to his new bloodline derivation are immediately lost and replaced by blood abilities by blood abilities permitted by the new
    4b.iii) Bloodtheft
    If a blooded character is slain as the result of being pierced through the heart (via a coup de grace), then the victim's
    divine essence passes, in its entirety, to the slayer (blooded or not). Specifically slaying a scion through a blow to the
    heart to claim their bloodline is commonly referred to as bloodtheft . Bloodtheft also occurs when a scion is slain by
    a weapon made of bloodsilver (Tighmaevril).
    A scion that commits bloodtheft is not subject to any maximum limit for absorbing RP (normally four times the
    receiving scion's bloodline score). Furthermore, this regency is immediately used to raise the scion's bloodline ability score at the standard cost (four times the current bloodline ability score).
    4b.iv) Becoming blooded through usurpation
    Non-blooded creatures exposed to divine energies released during usurpation may spontaneously become blooded. This
    occurred on a massive scale at Deismaar and transformed its heroes into the first scions. If a non-blooded character absorbs RP from a source whose derivation agrees with their basic nature, they may become blooded.
    The non-blooded character must make a character level check (d20 + character level) against a DC of 20 (15 if the
    derivation is Azrai). If successful, the character becomes blooded and gains a bloodline ability score of 6 with the
    Bloodline Derivation tell which of the fallen gods the character's Power comes from. Members of any race may have bloodlines derived from any god, though some derivations are more common in some groups than others. bloodline strength template and derivation of the victim.
    Newly created scions are not subject to a maximum regency collection they absorb all available regency in their share of the burst. None of this regency is stored; it is immediately used to raise the new scion's bloodline ability score at the
    standard cost (four times the current bloodline ability score). This process is repeated until all RP are spent (the remainder is dis carded).
    For example, a scion of Anduiras (major, 16) is slain by a blow through the heart by a non-blooded character. A burst of
    divine energy with an intensity of 160 RP is released and absorbed in its entirety by the slayer. The non-blooded slayer
    makes a character level check against DC 20. If the check fails, the 160 RP are forever gone (the RP are not absorbed by the non-blooded character, but instead pass through him and into the land with no permanent effect to character). If the check succeeds, the slayer becomes a scion with a bloodline of Anduiras (major, 13). The bloodline score was calculated as follows. A starting score of six plus four (for gaining the major blooded scion template) gives a base of 10. The absorbed regency increases this total by +3; from 10 to 11 (40 RP spent, 120 remaining), from 11 to 12 (44 RP spent, 76 remaining), and from 12 to 13 (48 RP spent, 28 RP remaining). The remaining 28 RP are discarded, and the newly created scion starts with a regency reserve of 0 RP.
    Note that Bloodtheft is the easiest way to increase the Power of a bloodline (such as from Major to Minor), if a character commits Bloodtheft upon another who has a higher Bloodline Power.

    4c) Bloodline Power is how pure your blood runs, it depends on both the Bloodline Attribute and upon feats used to increase the power. Any Bloodline with a Bloodline Attibute of less than 12 is called a Trace level bloodline, which is still enough to allow the character to collect Regency and enough to allow the use of Arcane Magic. If want to have a Bloodline Attribute during character creation, you need to take the Minor Bloodline Feat, which can be gained a number of ways (by selecting it as a Feat, by gaining it from a Background, or by gaining it from an Archetype). At Bloodline Attribute 12 (4 higher than the minimum of 8), a character can select the Major Bloodline Feat (this is a separate feat, and must come from a different source), at a base (unadjusted) Bloodline Attribute of 16 (4 higher than the requirement for Major, 20 after modification) a character can select the Great Bloodline Feat (the highest that can be gained during character creation (yet another separate feat, which must come from a different source during character creation) which raises your Bloodline, no character may select the True Bloodline Feat during character creation. A Minor Bloodline Gives you the ability to have a Bloodline, Selecting the Major Major Bloodline feat during character creation adds a +4 to your Bloodline Attribute, selecting the Great Bloodline adds an additional +4 to your Bloodline Attribute, and a True Bloodline would, theoretically, add an additional +4 if it could be taken during character creation. The Potent Bloodline Feat (requiring a Bloodline Attribute of 12 or higher) adds +2 to your Bloodline Attribute, but does not increase the level of your Blood Power.

    4d) Bloodline Modifier is similar to other attribute modifiers, and is used to figure out things like the character's saving throw against Bloodline Usurpation and the difficulty of saving throws against the character's Bloodline Abilities.

    4e) Bloodline Abilities are active magical gifts drawing upon the character's Bloodline. Some abilities are constant, but most can be activated a limited number of times each day in the manner of spell-like abilities. A character gains a number of Bloodline Abilities chosen from the list available to their derivation, but in number based on their Bloodline Ability Score and each selection depends upon their Bloodline Bloodline Ability can be selected from a list that is higher than the Bloodline Power of the character (though selection from a lower list is allowed). In addition to their effects available to all Blooded Scions, certain Bloodline Abilities grant additional Known Spells to any character with Spellcasting or Pact Magic (that is, the spell-like abilities granted by the Blood Abilities can be used by the expenditure of spell slots, in addition to the standard uses per day).

    4e.i) Blood Powers
    This section contains a breakdown of the blood abilities available to scions. Where a blood ability mimics a spell the scion s Bloodline Modifier is used as his spell casting ability modifier. Additionally, if a character is a Spellcaster or has the Pact Magic ability, any spell granted by a bloodline ability is added to their spell list as an additional known spell of appropriate level that does not have to be learned on a daily basis. For Wizards and others classes that memorize or otherwise select daily spells, these can be used as described in the Blood Ability, and additionally, though they do not add to the number of spells which can be cast per day, a memorized spell of the appropriate level can be dropped to activate the blood ability as a spell cast using the standard casting ability (rather than using Bloodline).

    Blood Powers
    Blood Score Modifier Minor Major Great R. Collect R. Pool Max
    6 -2 0 0 0 12 30
    7 -2 0 0 0 14 35
    8 -1 0 0 0 16 40
    9 -1 0 0 0 18 45
    10 0 0 0 0 20 50
    11 0 0 0 0 22 55
    12 +1 1 0 0 24 60
    13 +1 1 0 0 26 65
    14 +2 1 1 0 28 70
    15 +2 1 1 0 30 75
    16 +3 1 1 0 32 80
    17 +3 1 1 0 34 85
    18 +4 1 1 1 36 90
    19 +4 1 1 1 38 95
    20 +5 2 1 1 40 100
    21 +5 2 1 1 42 105
    22 +6 2 2 1 44 110
    23 +6 2 2 1 46 115
    24* +7 2 2 1 48 120 (Maximum for starting PC)
    25 +7 2 2 1 50 125
    26 +8 2 2 2 52 130
    27 +8 2 2 2 54 135
    28 +9 3 2 2 56 140
    29 +9 3 2 2 58 145
    30 +10 3 3 2 60 150
    Alertness (Minor):
    Derivation(s): Azrai, Basa a, Brenna, Reynir
    You passive Perception increases by 2. You cannot be surprised while you are conscious, and other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being hidden from you
    Alter Appearance (Major):
    Derivation(s): Brenna, Vorynn, Azrai
    You can cast Disguise Self spell as a spell-like ability. You regain this ability when you take a long rest.
    Animal Affinity (Minor, Major, Great): Level: Minor, Major, Great
    Derivation(s): All
    The scion possesses an affinity and skill for communicating with the totem animal of their bloodline derivation. The ancient totem animal for Anduiras was the lion; for Basa a, the eagle; for Brenna, the cat; for Masela, the dolphin; for Reynir, the wolf; for Vorynn, the owl; and for Azrai, the serpent.
    Minor: Empathic communication: The scion has an empathic communication with the animal to a range of 60 feet, although the scion must be able to see the animal. This ability is similar to the wizard/sorcerer s ability to communicate with his familiar. Members of the species will never attack him unless they are magically controlled. The scion gains a +4 bonus to any Animal Handling skill checks involving his totem animal and may use this skill untrained for activities involving his totem animal. Scions spellcasters with this level of ability add Speak With Animals to their spell list.
    Major: In addition to the Minor effects the scion gains the following: Speak with totem animal: The scion s empathic communication increases to the ability to speak with animals of the totem species at will, as per the spell Speak with Animals. The animal must be within speaking distance of the scion. Members of the species regard the scion as an ally and friend and will cooperate with reasonable requests. An animal might guide or guard the scion during a trip in the wilderness, but it wouldn t follow him into civilized or inhospitable lands.
    Great: In addition to the Minor and Major effects the scion gains the following: Detect totem animal location: The scion can detect a single totem animal within a l-mile radius, as per the spell Detect Animals or Plants. The scion learns the location of the nearest animal first, but may continue concentrating to learn the location of other animals. The scion may do this indefinitely at a rate of one animal per round. Animals of the species will give their lives in the service of the scion. Enhanced communication with totem animal: By concentrating for one round (full round action), the scion can see through the eyes of a single previously detected totem animal using the creature s vision instead of the scion s own, summon it to his location, or relay information to it through mental communication. The scion may only use one of these options at a time. The animal must be within 1-mile of the scion. Additionally, the Scion can Shape change into totem animal: Once per day, the scion may shape change into the particular animal form for up to two hours, as per the druid s Wild Shape ability (detailed in the Player s Handbook).
    Battlewise (Major):
    Derivation(s): Anduiras, Azrai
    The scion with this ability is a military genius, blessed with an uncanny power to analyze enemy weaknesses, create sound plans of attack, and inspire troops to victory. Any army the scion leads is far more effective than a similar force under another commander. The scion gains a +2 bonus to their effective character level when determining the EL of a Hero's unit of which they are a part.
    In addition, as long as the scion is on the field of battle, all allied units gain a bonus to morale. This bonus is equivalent to the bonus that the scion would normally provide to a unit under their direct command (+1 bonus to morale for every 5 ranks of Warfare). Additionally, they have advantage on Intelligence (Warfare) checks and may substitute their Bloodline Mod for their Intelligence mod.
    **Berserker Blood (Great):
    Derivation: Azrai
    When you would be reduced to zero hit points, you can make a Constitution saving throw (DC 10) to keep fighting. If the saving throw is successful, you go into a berserk fury gaining the advantages of the Barbarian s Rage Ability (as if you were a Barbarian of your level). You are only able to fight with melee weapons or your bare hands, and when you defeat one opponent, you move onto the next. When you run out of opponents, you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 10) or continue attacking the next closest living (or undead) thing, including friends.
    You continue to fight until you either:
    1. Run out of things to attack;
    2. Are healed to positive hit points; or
    3. You suffer damage beyond zero equal to your bloodline strength score. Should this occur, you fall into a coma and, if not bought to positive hit points within two rounds, must start making saving throws against death as outlined in the Players Handbook.
    If you are bought to positive hit points, you lapse into a deep, but normal, sleep. You must rest for a number of rounds equal to twice the time spent fighting at zero or less hit points. If woken before then, you suffer one level of exhaustion for each round remaining in which you should have been resting (e.g. if you needed to sleep for 6 rounds and are woken after 2, you suffer 4 levels of exhaustion).
    Finally, after recovering from the berserker s fury, you must make a final Charisma saving throw (DC 10) to see if you suffered any permanent effects to your bloodline. If you fail, you permanently lose one point of bloodline strength.
    Blood History (Minor):
    Derivation(s): Brenna, Masela, Vorynn
    The scion is blessed (or cursed) with the memories of his/her ancestors.
    With concentration, the scion can call upon the memories of all direct ancestors. A scion gains these memories at the time of his birth; therefore, the scion will have none of his parent s memories of events later than the scion s birth. A sibling born two years later, however, would gain two years of memories that the older sibling would not have. Likewise, the scion would gain his grandfather s memories up to the time of the scion s father s birth; from that point on, the scion would gain the memories of his father, not the memories of his grandfather. Not all memories recalled are pleasant; knowing the sin's and sorrows of one's parents is often as much of a curse as it a blessing.
    Knowledge: A scion with this ability has access to stray knowledge about notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. The scion may make a Bardic Knowledge check (see the Player's Handbook ) as if they were a Bard of equal level. A bard with this ability receives a +2 bonus to their normal check. If the scion's ancestors could not possibly have insight into the problem, then this check automatically fails. This ability also grants advantage on Knowledge (History) checks involving events their ancestors would have known about.
    Skills : The scion may call this ability to provide a temporarily gain any skill possessed by their ancestors that has Intelligence or Wisdom as its key ability. With a successful bloodline check, the scion gains 5 ranks in the skill. If the scion already has 10 or more ranks in the skill, they add only 2 ranks. The scion retains the temporary skills for 1 minute per character level. To use this ability, the scion must concentrate (as a move-equivalent action) and succeed on a bloodline check verse a DC based upon how difficult the memories are to access. This check could range from DC 10 for a skill fairly common to the scion's ancestors to DC 35+ for insight into a skill very rare among the scion's ancestors. You regain the use of this ability when you take a long rest.
    The DM should feel free to spontaneously invoke this ability to parlay necessary information that the scion s ancestor might have known which will advance the story line.
    You can cast the Legend Lore spell, but only about topics related to your own bloodline. You regain the use of this ability when you take a long rest.
    *Bloodform (Major, Great):
    Derivation: Azrai
    This is the power that causes an awnshegh s form to shift toward its most corrupt state; from the scion s perspective, he is achieving power that ultimately suits his nature , if not his aesthetic wishes. An initially dormant Bloodform blood ability will only manifest in a scion of Azrai when he continually taps his blood powers. The god Azrai was the epitome of corruption, and by using his powers, many scions of his bloodline in turn corrupt their own bodies.
    In many ways Bloodform is more of a curse than an ability, but many awnsheghlien look at it as a mixed blessing. Initial changes are small but noticeable; for example, a human female with Azrai s bloodline is wounded, and when she uses her regeneration ability, her body heals over the wound with differently textured, inhuman skin. Continual use of blood abilities brings these physical changes more to the forefront until they totally alter the original creature, creating an awnsheghlien; our example of the human female could eventually become the Troll or some other suitably scaled fast healing creature. Depending on the amount and frequency of powers used, as well as the scion s bloodline strength, the transformation to awnsheghlien form could take as little as three years or as many as six centuries.
    Of all the blood abilities, Bloodform and its non-Azrai counterpart Bloodtrait, require the most DM involvement since the individual effects of these abilities inherently vary. The DM should carefully plan the ultimate transformation of a scion to awnsheghlien status so that there is a logical progression of the creature s form, attack and defense modes, and final powers based on the scion s personality and nature. If this is a player character, discussions with the DM on the scion s drives and goals can help to divine how the PC s Bloodform blood ability will manifest.
    Major/Great: A scion s form undergoes a graduate trans- formation into a creature fitting their darkest nature. The details of this transformation are covered in Chapter Nine: Creatures.
    Bloodmark (Minor):
    Derivation: Any
    If the bloodmark is visible, and when an NPC recognizes your bloodmark, you gain Advantage to rolls to influence that NPC through Persuasion or Intimidation. On the downside, you suffer Disadvantage when deliberately trying to hide your identity if the bloodmark is visible.
    *Bloodtrait (Major, Great):
    Derivation: Any except Azrai
    Scions can alter their physical forms to access their blood abilities more evocatively. A scion with this gift can alter his body to more powerfully channel the manifestations of his blood abilities. The scion has some conscious control over the use of this power. The scion does not control the exact form of this transformation, but the timing of the change is under their control.
    Of all the blood abilities, Bloodtrait and its Azrai counterpart Bloodform require the most DM involvement since the individual effects of these abilities inherently vary. It is rare that any regent or scion of any bloodline would choose to significantly change his form, as this sort of alteration of form is most closely linked in many peoples minds with the awnsheghlien.
    Within the first eight centuries after Deismaar, though, circumstances forced this ability into use in order for the forces of good to vanquish the growing evil of rampaging awnsheghlien. While no one in the public eye has actively used this power to change in recent centuries (rumors suggest there may be a few which are NOT in the public eye), a few ancient heroes embraced this ability to become servants of good who moved beyond humanity. Known ehrsheghlien (elvish for blood of the light ) that are still alive in Cerilia include the Pegasus, the Phoenix, and the Treant.
    A scion may attempt to invoke a significant physical change to their form to enhance any of their other major or minor bloodline abilities. The details of this transformation are covered in Chapter Nine: Creatures.
    Character Reading (Major):
    Derivations: Basa a, Brenna, Vorynn
    The scion is an unnaturally perceptive judge of character and can quickly form accurate assessments of another character s intentions attitudes and motivations. You have Advantage on all Insight skill checks. The exception is against those with the Unreadable Thoughts ability who are normally immune. In those circumstances, you lose Advantage but may still roll.
    *Charm Aura (Major, Great):
    Derivations: Azrai, Basa a, Brenna
    Description: The scion projects an invisible shroud of power. This ability gives you Advantage on Persuasion rolls.
    Major: The scion can charm (per the spell charm person) up to six non-hostile creatures or scare (per the spell of the same name) up to six enemies within a 50 foot radius. This power is usable three times per day and will only affect only non-blooded creatures. Charm aura, when used in combination with divine aura, can extend the range of either aura to 100 feet.
    Great: The scion can charm (per the spell mass charm) all non-hostile creatures and confuse (per the spell confusion) all
    hostile beings within a 75-foot radius. This power is usable three times per day and only affects non-blooded creatures.
    Charm aura, when used in combination with divine aura, can extend the range of either aura to 100 feet.
    Courage (Minor, Major, Great):
    Derivation: Andurias
    If a fear-causing effect grants a save, the character is completely immune to that effect. If a fear causing effect does not allow save, the character may make one, although they suffer Disadvantage to the roll. As a Major ability, this power extends to allies within 10 feet. As a Great ability, all units in the scion s area of the battlefield automatically succeed on morale checks.
    *Death Touch (Minor, Major):
    Derivation: Azrai
    Those afflicted by this power are required to make a Constitution save. On a failed save, the afflicted suffers 1d6 damage and becomes poisoned. The poisoned creature take another 1d6 damage every 24 hours. This damage cannot be healed by any means until the poison is neutralised via a Protection from Poison spell or similar effect.
    As a Major effect, the poison is much more virulent and, if the save is failed, the character takes 1d6 damage every round.
    On a successful save, the afflicted still suffers the effects of the minor ability.
    Detect Illusion (Minor):
    Derivation: Any except Anduiras
    You have advantage on all saving throws and Intelligence (Investigation) checks against illusions. You automatically examine Illusions.
    Detect Lie (Minor):
    Derivation: Any except Azrai
    You have Advantage on Insight skills checks when trying to discern whether an individual is lying or not.
    Once per day, the character can concentrate on an individual and determine whether they are lying or not. (This can be blocked by Unreadable Thoughts or similar counter magic.)
    *Detect Life (Minor):
    Derivation: Any
    The scion can sense all life within a particular range.
    Minor: By concentrating for a round (full round action), the scion can Detect Animals or Plants as per the spell. This ability is usable once per day.
    Major: The effects of the Minor ability are increased such that the scion detects all types of animals and plants at the same time.
    Great: The effects of the Major ability are increased such that the scion gets the maximum effect in 1 round.
    Direction Sense (Minor):
    Derivation: Masela and Reynir
    As long as the scion knows his destination, he has an unerring sense of the direction in which the destination lies. This does not mean that the scion always follows the easiest course when traveling, since the scion could easily encounter impassable terrain and be forced to detour around it. The scion can also retrace his steps with ease. Scions of Reynir s derivation have this ability only in wilderness or rural settings, while descendants of Masela s blood cannot get lost at sea.
    You always know which way is north. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to avoid getting lost (Masela) while at sea, (Reynir) while in the wilderness.
    Divine Aura (Major, Great):
    Derivations: All except Brenna
    An intangible mantle of power and nobility surrounds some scions, commanding respect from all they meet.
    Major: Influence non-blooded characters. Divine aura marks the character as a scion of power. The Divine Aura s effect grants advantage to Charisma-based skills.
    Enthrall non-blooded characters: The scion can enhance his aura once per day with one round of concentration (a full round action). The scion can enthrall (as per the bardic spell of the same name) any non-blooded creatures within 30 feet.
    Great: In addition to the Major effects the scion also gains the following: The scion's bonus to Charisma-based skills is increased by +2.
    Hypnotic pattern/fear non-blooded characters: The scion s enhanced aura acts as a hypnotic pattern (as per the spell of the same name) against non-hostile creatures and as a fear spell (as per the spell of the same name) against enemies.
    This ability affects only non-blooded characters.
    If combined with Charm Aura, the range of both abilities increases to 100 feet.

    Divine Wrath (Great):
    Derivation: Anduiras, Basaia or Masela
    When a scion with this abilit y is moved to great anger, he becomes a terrible enemy. The scion s body is imbued with extreme strength, and the mere sight of his angry visage terrifies his enemies.
    When triggered (as described in the AD&D 2E Birthright Rulebook), you gain Advantage on all melee attack rolls and saving throws, and an extra attack every round. Weapons inflict +3 damage and spell damage is maximized.
    You suffer one less damage per die of damage inflicted, to a minimum of 1. Your gaze also causes fear to any who meet it.
    The divine wrath can be triggered once between long rests, and only when decided by the DM. Its effects last 1D4 minutes or until the battle is over, whatever comes first.
    Enemies who face the character under the effect of Divine Wrath suffer from an Intimidation attack whose level is based not on Charisma, but upon the Bloodline Modifier of the Scion.
    Elemental Control (Minor, Major or Great):
    Derivations: Anduiras, Basa a, Masela, Reynir
    Several of the old gods were closely tied to one of the four elements. Masela was goddess of the sea; Basa a was associated with the sun; Reynir was tied to earth; and Anduiras was associated with the skies. A few particularly powerful scions of these lines also inherited their progenitor s powers over these elements.
    At minor level, characters gain a cantrip associated with their element. Anduiras (Gust), Basaia (Control Flame), Masela (Shape Water) and Reynir (Mold Earth).
    At Major level, scions of Anduiras may create a gust of wind once every short rest? scions of Basaia mar cast the Flame Blade spell once a short rest? scions of Reynir may meld into stone once between short rests? and scions of Masela may water walk once between short rests rests.
    At Great level, as an action, you can cast Conjure Elemental to summon an elemental matching your derivation once every long rest. It will stay and obey your orders as long as you concentrate, up to 10 minutes, vanishing of the character s concentration is broken.
    Enhanced Sense (Minor, Major):
    Derivation: All
    Enhanced Senses manifest differently depending upon the scion s bloodline.
    As a minor ability, Scions of Anduiras can as an action cast detect evil (but not good) once between short rests? as a Major ability they can detect evil at will.
    Scions of Azrai gain darkvision 60 ft. and Advantage on Perception checks against creatures hiding in shadow? as a Major ability, they gain the Shadow Sense of halflings.
    Scions of Basaia have the vision of a hawk and do not gain Disadvantage on ranged attacks at long range? as a Major ability, they can see in both normal and magical darkness up to 60 ft for up to 10 minutes once between long rests.
    Scions of Brenna have continuous Advantage to Perception skill checks.
    Scions of Masela, The senses of scions of Masela are not hindered by rain, snow, or other weather-related obscurement. The scion can see at least 120 feet, even in the worst conditions, although darkness affects the scion normally. The scion s hearing is also unaffected by the weather and will not be hampered by howling wind or driving rain. As a Major ability, In addition to the minor effects the scion can hear their name spoken (as well as anything said about them) anywhere within a 10-mile radius of his current location, providing that both the scion and the speaker are outdoors at the time. The wind carries conversations about the scion to them; enemies must be careful of speaking their name.
    Scions of Reynir gain Advantage on Survival and Perception skills checks made to follow tracks when outdoors.
    Scions of Vorynn are particularly in tune with the natural magic of Cerilia. You can sense whenever anyone casts any type of arcane spell within a 100 feet radius and determine the school of magic that the spell was from. Further, they have Advantage when trying to locate Source Manifestations.
    Fear (Major):
    Derivation: Azrai
    On a successful touch attack you can cause fear to your target, as per the spell (although limited to the single target). You can do this once between short rests. Additionally, you have Advantage on all saving throws against fear.
    **Forest Walk (Minor, Major, Great):
    Derivation: Reynir
    You can use this ability to harmonize with the forest, moving through it without affecting it.
    As a Minor ability, you may moving through any forest does not slow you down (i.e. cost you extra movement) and you leave no sign of your presence as if you were under the effects of a Pass Without Trace spell. All natural tracking abilities, such as the sense of smell of hunting hounds, are useless.
    As a Major ability, you gain the effects of the minor power and are also resistant to magic forms of tracking while in a forest and gain advantage on any saving throws against magical detection.
    As a Great ability, you enter the edge of any forest and, after walking through it for a number of hours (24 minus one half your level), emerge from the same forest at any point desired. While in the forest, you travel in the normal manner (and can have encounters etc.), but at the moment your walk ends, you instantaneously teleport to your chosen location.
    Note that you must decide your destination when you enter the forest. If you change your mind while traveling, you may continue traveling normally to your new destination, or leave and re-enter the forest to activate Forest Walk again.
    Those with the Great level of this ability, also gain both the minor and major effects of the Forest Walk power.
    Healing (Minor, Major, Great):
    Derivation: Anduiras, Basa a, Reynir
    As a Minor ability, you can use cure wounds as a 2nd level spell once between short rests without using a spell slot.
    As a Major ability, add Lesser Restoration to you list and cast as a 4th level spell once between short rests.
    As a Great ability, add Mass Cure Wounds and cast as a 6th level spell once between short rests.
    Heightened Ability (Minor):
    Derivation: All
    This ability increases the attribute associated with the scion s bloodline derivation by 1. You can increase your ability score beyond 20 this way (max of 22).
    The associated abilities are: Anduiras - Charisma or Strength (choose which one or roll for it when this ability is gained); Basa a - Intelligence; Brenna - Dexterity; Reynir - Constitution; Vorynn - Wisdom; Azrai - Charisma or Intelligence (if a bloodline has two options, choose which one or roll for it when this ability is gained).
    Once per long rest, the character can cast the Enhance Ability spell, limited to the same ability previously chosen.
    **Home Hearkening (Major, Great):
    Derivation: Brenna
    If you are a regent you have a greater connection to the land and holdings then most other regents. As a Major ability, this power is typically dormant. However, if any of your holdings (or provinces) suffers a challenge or threat (such as a contest domain action, or a monster random event), you immediately feel uncomfortable and needed, no matter where you are.
    As a Great ability, you may project this feeling, and a desire for action, to a family member, extremely close friend, vassal or lieutenant. No two way communication is possible, but you can make your feelings and desires known in a general way. As a result you can respond to threats to their domains over vast distances.
    If you are not a regent, your initial connection is to your homeland but, over time, you can redirect it to any semi-permanent base (taking at least six-months of occupation). While you cannot undertake domain actions (as you are not a regent), you still experience disquiet and, as a great ability, can contact family or close friends.
    *Invulnerability (Great):
    Derivations: Azrai, Basa a, Vorynn
    This ability grants the scion a limited form of immortality. He is not immortal in the true sense of the word, but he cannot be killed except under very specific circumstances.
    *Only characters with the Bloodform ability, the Bloodtrait ability, or the Great or True Bloodline Feat may take this ability.
    A scion with Invulnerability can be killed only under a particular set of deadly conditions, which are unique for each blooded scion. The scion cannot be slain save through this vulnerability. The scion is immune to all polymorph and magical death effects. The scion cannot be slain by poison, nor can any effect reduce their ability scores below 1. If reduced to negative hit points the scion is rendered unconscious but can t be reduced below 10 (such damage in instantly regenerated). A scion's vulnerability may be as simple as a vulnerability to magical weapons to as complex as a need to sever his limbs and burn them to ash. Unless the appropriate vulnerability is exploited, the scion regenerates at their normal rate.
    Iron Will (Minor):
    Derivation: Anduiras, Reynir, Azrai
    You have Advantage on Constitution skill checks and gain the Tough Feat. You also gain Advantage on savings throws against mind controlling spells.
    **Light of Reason (Minor, Major, Great):

    Derivation: Basaia
    As a Minor power, you can use the light cantrip as an action, with yourself at the center of the effect. Like all cantrips, it can be used an unlimited number of times between rests.
    As a Major ability, Light of Reason functions as the minor power. Additionally you may unleash a brilliant flash of light that functions as a Color Spray spell. The major ability may only be used once between short rests.
    As a Great ability, you may generate both the minor and major effects above and additionally can invoke the Sunburst spell once per long rest.
    *Long Life (Minor, Major, Great):
    Derivation: All
    With this ability, a scion enjoys a greatly increased life span, as the aging process is vastly slowed down. This does not protect a scion from normal damage from combat or poisons, but simply postpones the ravages of age.
    Minor: After reaching young adult -hood, the scion will only age at the rate of one year for every five that pass.
    Major: This abilit y increases so that for every twenty-five years that passes the scion only ages a single year.
    Great: The scion now ages only one year for every century that passes
    *Major Regeneration (Great):
    Derivation: Azrai, Reynir
    A scion with this ability can regenerate severed limbs, damaged organs and senses, and heal damage much faster than normal or blooded beings. If limbs, organs, or senses are lost, they are restored in weeks (30 days, reduced by one day per Constitution point).
    *This ability is available only to those blooded scions that already possess natural regeneration (usually through the Regeneration blood ability).
    Finishing a short rest reduces your exhaustion level by 2 and recovers half your hit die.
    When you take a long rest, you regain all your hit dice.
    You have advantage on death saving throws.
    As a bonus action, you can spend one Hit Die to heal yourself. Roll the die, add your Constitution modifier, and regain hit points equal to the total (minimum of 1)
    *Major Resistance (Minor, Major, Great):
    Derivation: All
    Like the Resistance ability, this provides resistance to the listed effects (if applicable). In addition, Minor resistance affords Advantage on saving throws? as a Major ability, you may re-roll a failed save once between long rests. As a Great ability you may re-roll on a failed save three times between long rests.
    Resistance to Charm: You gain resistance as per the Andurias bloodline. Available to scions of Azrai, Brenna and Reynir.
    Resistance to Magic: Only available to those of Great bloodline rank and higher, and only available as a Minor ability (Advantage on saving throws), this applies against all magic. It is available to scions of Andurias, Azrai, Brenna and Reynir.
    Resistance to Non-magical Attacks: Unlike other major resistance, this does not prevent attacks from happening but breaks down as follows minor ability reduces damage by 25%; major ability reduces damage by 50%; great ability reduces damage by 75%. This is available to scions of Azrai, Brenna and Masela.
    Resistance to Poison: You gain resistance to poison as described above. A successful saving throw neutralizes the poison completely. This is available to scions of Azrai, Basa a, Brenna, Masela, and Reynir.
    **Mebhaighl Sense (Minor, Major, Great):
    Derivation: Vorynn
    You are particularly in tune with the natural magic of Cerilia.
    As a Minor ability, you can sense whenever anyone casts any type of arcane spell within a 100 yard radius.
    As a Major ability, you have access to the minor power, and can also determine the school of magic that the spell was from (e.g. evocation, divination etc.).
    As a Great ability, you gain both the minor and major abilities, and can also attune yourself to an area of about 100 yards diameter, and feel whether any spells have been cast in that area and of what school. You can sense back one week per level.
    This ability allows you to sense both regular magic and realm spells. If a realm spell has been cast on a province you are in (or to which you attune yourself, as per the great ability) , you know the spell has been cast and may (depending upon the strength of the ability), also know the school.
    This ability does not allow you to detect the spells of clerics or druids, but does allow you to detect the spells of bards, sorcerers and warlocks. While bards, sorcerers and warlocks gain their ability to use arcane magic from different sources to wizards (and magicians), their spells still manipulate mebhaighl and can therefore be detected.
    Persuasion (Major):
    Derivation: Azrai, Brenna
    When trying to convince others through clarity and logic, you can make Persuasion skill checks using your Intelligence ability score and with Advantage.
    Once between long rests you can as an action effect another creature as if casting a Suggestion spell.
    Poison Sense (Minor):
    Derivations: Azrai, Reynir
    You can make a Perception skill check to detect a poison or other harmful substance with 10 ft. of you.
    Once per day short rest, you may cast the spell Detect Poison.
    Protection from Evil (Major, Great):
    Derivation: All but Azrai
    As a minor ability, this Ability allows the character to cast the Protection from Evil spell once per short rest.
    As a Great Ability, this works constantly as a paladin s Aura of Protection (as described in the Player s Handbook). If the scion is a paladin, increase the aura s radius to 15 ft.
    Regeneration (Great):
    Derivation: Anduiras, Reynir, Azrai
    You automatically regenerate 1 hit point per hour. This allows you to regenerate burns, scars, broken limps, blindness, lameness, etc. at a rate of 1% per day. You cannot regenerate lost body parts, although you can reattach a severed part by holding it to the stump during a short rest. When at 0 hit points, the scion automatically succeeds on their death saving throws. Regeneration stops if you die.
    Resistance (Minor, Major, Great):

    Derivation: All
    As a Minor ability you gain resistance (if applicable) and Advantage on saving throws against the type spells appropriate to the scion s bloodline? as a Major ability, in addition to having advantage, you may reroll a failed save (again with advantage). You can t re-roll a failed save again until after you have taken a long rest. As a Great ability you may choose to re-roll a failed save three times before you need to take a long rest. Where applicable, the damage resistance and saving throw bonuses stack up. For example, if a fireball hits a scion of Basaia then she first gets to make a saving throw with Advantage. If the saving throw fails she only takes half damage, and if it succeeds she takes only one quarter damage.
    Scions of Anduiras have resistance against all mind affecting spells.
    Scions of Azrai have resistance against all necromancy spells.
    Scions of Basaia have resistance against all light and fire based spells.
    Scions of Brenna have resistance against all restraining spells.
    Scions of Masela have resistance against all water based spells. In addition, if a Scion of Masela drowns and then makes a successful saving throw (with the bonus above applied), he gains a permanent water breathing ability.
    Scions of Reynir have resistance against cold based spells. In addition, in regard to hunger and thirst scions of Reynir have two extra levels of exhaustion (with no negative side effects) that must be used up before the normal levels of exhaustion are used.
    Scions of Vorynn have resistance against all evocation spells.
    **Sea Song (Major):
    Derivation: Masela
    You have a particular affinity for water and the sea and when standing on or in a large body of water (i.e. a bay, sea, ocean, lake or large river), you may ask the body of water questions in the same way a Cleric can use the commune spell. The questions must pertain to the water itself, or land directly touched by the body of water. After using this ability, you cannot use it again until you have had a long rest.
    Shadow Form (Great):
    Derivation: Brenna, Azrai
    A scion with this power can change himself and anything he carries on his person into living shadow once per day for 1 minute per level. As a living shadow, the scion blends perfectly into any other shadow and vanishes in darkness. In regions where no objects are present to cast shadows, the scion appears an unattached shadow moving across the ground and may be easier to detect.
    The scion can move at his normal speed, but can move on any surface, including walls and ceilings, as well as across the surface of liquids even up the face of a waterfall. Undead ignore the scion, assuming him to be one of their own. While in Shadow form the scion cannot physically harm anyone, or manipulate any objects he might encounter, such as door knobs or weapons.
    In shadow form, the scion can only be detected by spells and abilities that detect thoughts, life, or presences (including true seeing), or by suspicious movements in lighted areas. If the scion remains in a shadowed area, add a +15 bonus to his Hide checks. The scion is nearly undetectable in darkness.
    While in shadow form, the scion gains damage reduction 25/+1. The scion is immune to blindness, critical hits, damage to ability scores, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning, and all abilities, spells, or attacks that affect the scion s physiology or respiration.
    Touch of Decay (Great):
    Dreivation: Azrai
    A scion with this ability can destroy inanimate objects with a mere touch. Metal rusts, stone crumbles to sand, and wood rots away to pulp. The scion can use this power once per day and can affect up to 10 cubic feet of material plus 1 cubic foot per level. The effect is nearly instantaneous, and any item touched is instantly rusted, pitted, rotted, or turned to sand and effectively destroyed.
    This ability has the disturbing tendency to manifest accidentally about once per month, possibly destroying items the scion does not wish to ruin.
    If used against the weapons or armor of an enemy. The scion must succeed in a touch attack roll.
    Travel (Great):
    Derivation: Any except Anduiras and Reynir
    This potent ability allows a scion to use a limited form of teleportation based on his derivation. Anything the scion wears or carries is teleported with him, and the scion may take one companion with him per level.
    A scion may use this power once a week per five levels; thus, scions of levels 1-4 may teleport once per week, scions of levels 5-9 may teleport twice per week, etc. The scion must know his destination through a prior visit or by using some form of magical viewing or scrying to study the area before invoking this power.
    Azrai: You can only cast this between dusk and dawn, you must be in dim light or darkness, and your destination must be in dim light or darkness..
    Basaia: Basaia s descendants travel by stepping from flame to flame. A scion must enter a fire large enough to immerse his entire body, and must emerge from a fire of similar size. The Scion is immune to harm from this fire, but if you bring anyone with you, they take 3d10 fire damage.
    Brenna: A scion of Brenna who stands on any road, path, or trail can travel to any point on that same road or any road that splits from it. Generally, this allows travel from any part of Cerilia to almost any destination on the continent.
    Masela: Masela s children can travel across bodies of water. By standing in the shallows of a river, lake, or sea, the scion can move to any point on its shore.
    Vorynn: A scion of Vorynn s bloodline can travel at moonrise or moonset to any destination. The timing is crucial the scion has only about ten minutes per day in which this ability will function
    Unreadable Thoughts (Minor):

    Derivation: All
    You are immune to (almost) any effect or ability, magical or otherwise, that permits someone else to determine what you are thinking, planning or feeling. If you encounter a scion with the Character Reading ability, the effects of this power cancel that character s Advantage, but that character may still attempt an Insight roll to try and determine motivations, lies etc.
    *Wither Touch (Major, Great):
    Derivation: Azrai
    When touched, the victim of the Major version of this ability must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer 1d8 damage, and loses full use of one limb for 1d6 days. The victim s Strength is also reduced by an amount equal to the damage suffered, to a minimum of 2. If the blighted limb is not removed or subject of a Heal or Regeneration spell (or similar effect) within 2d4 days, the character permanently loses the Strength and ability to fully use the limb.
    At Great rank, Whither Touch emaciates an entire creature and initially reduces Strength and hit points by 1d12 points each. The victim must also make a Constitution saving throw every day for 2d4 days. On a failure, they take another 1d12 damage to hit points and Strength. If the victim survives the whole 2d4 days, Strength and hit points are permanently reduced, but the victim takes no more damage. If subject to a Heal or Regeneration spell (or similar effect) before the end of the 2d4 days, then the damage can be reversed.
    Both ranks of wither touch can only be used once every eight days.

    Unmarked abilities are from the AD&D 2nd Edition Birthright Rulebook. Those marked with an * are from the Blood Enemies sourcebook. Those marked with ** are from the Book of Regency.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Melbourne, Australia
    Thanks, will read it later but can I suggest it be broken up into separate posts, so people can link them specifically if they want to look at your blood abilities or classes or races.

    I can remove this post later so all your posts are grouped together (perhaps make stand-in posts quickly then edit them once they are posted).

    Information Communication ILLUMINATION!!

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