Cleric of the Lands Protectorate

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A Cleric of the Land's Protectorate is a special form of priest.

[top]Clerical domains

The temple of the Land's Protectorate mainly focuses on the welfare of the Burrows and its halfling population. Because of their origin from the Shadow World, it has knowledge and skills related to areas outside of Aebrynis that most other temples don't have. It also doesn't align itself directly with the teachings or faith of any particular deity. This allows its clerics (known as Deacons and Guides) to be trained with special shadow abilities and a different selection of domains to those of the standard Cerilian clerics.

Of course, there are some scholars who say that the temple is actually blessed by either Ruornil, Erik or Sera. Depending on your interpretation, you may wish to allow a cleric of the Land's Protectorate to choose where to focus their spiritual energies.

Potential Deities
Name Symbol Portfolio Worshippers
- NA -HarvestHalflings, family, protection, navigation, planarHalflings, farmers, explorers, hunters, rangers
ErikOak treeNature, harvests, huntingRjurik, druids, rangers, hunters, barbarians, farmers, hunters, travellers
RuornilMoon and night skyNight, moon, magic, mysterySpellcasters, explorers, undead-hunters, advisers, counsellors
SeraSilver scalesWealth, luckBrecht, merchants, rogues, bards


The basic Cleric of the Land's Protectorate is there to support the local community with skills and abilities that help it maintain its well-being and the prosperity of its primarily rural environment. However, the temple has two specialised areas of study that allow further development in these and other skills. A cleric may chose to specialise in one of these, replacing the spell list and class abilities of the base cleric with those of their new field of mastery. Of course, there are far fewer clerics with these specialisations.
  • Evanescence - Knowledge of planar movement & communication

    This mastery is about working with the shadows and the planar relationship between Aebrynis and the Shadow Plane. Clerics with Mastery of the Evanescence are able to travel between the planes with ease, hiding and teleporting their presence.

  • Ken - Knowledge of knowing and reality

    This mastery is about understanding and utilising the environment of the Shadow World and those within it. Clerics with Mastery of the Evanescence can tackle the Seeming and shadow magic. There are also some who further specialise in combating the inhabitants of the Shadow World, including the Spirit World and the realms of the Seelie.

[top]Class abilities

All Clerics of the Land's Protectorate are trained in various base abilities, regardless of whether they have specialisation in any Mastery or a halfling. If the cleric is attached to a particular deity, follow the standard rules for clerics of that diety. Depending on the ruleset you are using, some of these may be further expanded with additional abilities and effects.
  • Turn Undead: As the Spirit World is part of the Shadow World, the cleric may have some training to repel or destroy undead. If so, use the standard rules.

  • Resistance to Illusions: The cleric have a small resistance versus illusion magic and the Seeming because of their awareness of the nature of the Shadow World. This may also be considered if applying the Taint.

[top]Rules for D&D editions

The following conversions follow a similar theme.

[top]Dungeons & Dragons 2e (aka AD&D II)

Potential Deities:

If acting as a Priest of Erik, Ruornil or Sera then use the original Birthright specialist priest rules with the new shadow-related class abilities. If acting as a specialist cleric without any deity, then use spells from the following domains:

Name Major Minor Abilities
- NA - (Base)All, Astral, Divination, Healing, LawAnimal, Creation, Plant, Sun, WardsAbjure Shadow, Hide in Shadows
- NA - (Mastery of Evanescence)TBATBAAbjure Shadow, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently
- NA - (Mastery of Ken)TBATBAAbjure Shadow, Hide in Shadows
ErikAll, Animal, Elemental, Healing, Plant, Summoning, WeatherDivination, Protection, Travelers (ToM)Abilities of a Druid,
Move Silently,
Hide in Shadows,
Animal Empathy + 3 Rgr lvls
RuornilAll, Charm, Divination, Healing, Necromantic, Plant, SunCombat, Plant, ProtectionTurn Undead,
L1) spell abilities of Mag at 1/2 Priest lvl,
L9) -2 to opponent saving throws while moon is in the sky
SeraAll, Chaos (ToM), Divination, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, SummoningCharm, Combat, Numbers (ToM)L1) +1 saving throws,
L4) invisibility 1/day,
L7) curse giving target -4 attack saving throws for 1 week 1/day,
L10) fumble 1/day

New Class abilities:
  • Abjure Shadow: TBA

[top]Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e

Potential deities:
If acting as a Priest of Erik, Ruornil or Sera then use the BRCS 3.5e priest rules with any new shadow-related class abilities. If acting as a specialist cleric without any deity, then use spells from the relevant domains shown in the table (see the 3.5e Spell Compendium, if the domain is not listed in the 3.5e PHB).

Name (Deity Power) Alignment Favored Weapon Domains
Base cleric (no deity)Neutral GoodShort swordCommunity, Knowledge, Protection, Liberation
Mastery of Evanescence (no deity)Travel + (Darkness, Celerity, Knowledge/Planning)
Mastery of Ken (no deity)Trickery + (Darkness, Fey, Inquisition/Dream)
Erik (G)NeutralGreataxe or shortspearAnimal, Earth, Plant, Wilderness
Ruornil (L)NeutralQuarterstaffKnowledge, Magic, Moon, Spell
Sera (I)Chaotic NeutralLight flail or heavy flailChaos, Luck, Trade ,Travel
See Also: BRCS Chapter 4: Gods and religion - Table 4.7: Human Deities

Choose two domains from the list for your given deity or specialisation. For Mastery of Evanescence/Ken, there is one compulsory domain but the other domain can be chosen from three other options. If the DM wishes, the Planning domain may be offered instead of the Knowledge domain, and/or the Dream domain instead of the Inquisition domain.

Class abilities:

For D&D 3.5e, use the following rules for all Clerics of the Land's Protectorate:
  • Abjure Shadow: As for "Turn or Rebuke Undead", but works on a single native Shadow World creature (including the undead and fairies), or an individual with a Seeming score or affected by the Taint. By default, this does not extend to destroying or commanding the target. The target is the choice of the cleric.
  • Resistance to Illusions: They have a small resistance (+1 to saving throws) versus illusion magic and the Seeming. This may also be considered if applying the Taint.

As per the original D&D 2e rules for Birthright priests, any Cleric of the Land's Protectorate who follows Erik or Sera cannot Turn Undead, but you may chose to allow them to Abjure Shadow.

For the specialised clerics without a deity, add the following features once a suitable clerical level is reached:
  • Evanescence - Knowledge of planar movement & communication
    - L1) Add Knowledge (Shadow World) to the class skills
    - L1) Hide in Shadows (+4 for Hide checks in low-light or darkness)
    - L2) Pass without trace in low-light or darkness
    - L3) Dismiss Shadow (When using Abjure Shadow, the cleric can banish the target to a random location in the Shadow World for the length of the effect)
    - L4) Shadow walker (as per the feat)
  • Ken - Knowledge of knowing and reality
    - L1) Add Knowledge (Seeming) to the class skills
    - L1) Greater Resistance to Illusions (+2 vs Illusions & Seeming)
    - L2) Blind-fight (as per the feat)
    - L3) Destroy Shadow (When using Abjure Shadow, the cleric can destroy the target as per Turn or Rebuke Undead)
    - L4) Shadow magic (as per the feat)

[top]Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Potential Deities:
Depending on the primary deity chosen for the Land's Protectorate, the cleric must choose from the respective domains*.

Name Domain Abilities
- NA - (Base cleric)Community (HWCS)From L2, Abjure Shadow
- NA - (Mastery of Evanescence)Twilight (TCE)From L2, Abjure Shadow
- NA - (Master of Ken)TrickeryFrom L2, Abjure Shadow
ErikGrave, NatureNo Turn Undead, Proficiencies of a Druid, Druidic language
RuornilTwilight (TCE), Grave, Knowledge, Arcana (SCAG)Turn Undead, Proficiencies of a Magician, spell abilities of Magician at 1/2 Priest lvl, Spell DC +2 if moon in the sky
SeraKnowledge, TrickeryNo Turn Undead, Advantage on an ability check or saving throw roll 1/short
* These are based on the rules of the Birthright Fallen Empire 5E campaign setting

If the non-specific deity version is used, then the choice is either the default Community domain (from HWCS), or Twilight domain (TCE) for Mastery of Evanescence or the Trickery domain for Mastery of the Ken. The only recommended change to these domains is to add Abjure Shadow at Clerical level 2. As per the original D&D 2e rules for Birthright priests, any Cleric of the Land's Protectorate who follows Erik or Sera cannot Turn Undead but they may have access to spells that can be used against the undead. Because magical resistance is handled differently in D&D 5e, there is no Resistance to Illusions ability available.

Alternatively, you may wish to use the following adaptions for the clerics with Mastery specialisations. They are similar to the Twilight and Trickery domains, but with the class abilities and domain spells better tailored for the Land's Protectorate masteries.

Specialist Clerics of the Land's Protectorate (D&D 5e)
Feature Mastery of Evanescence Mastery of Ken
Granted ProficienciesStealthInvestigation
Clerical Level
1Eyes of Twilight
Blessing of the Shadow
Second Glance
Ward of Shadows
2Channel Divinity:
Turn Undead
Divine Domain:
Abjure Shadow
Twilight Sanctuary
Channel Divinity:
Turn Undead
Divine Domain:
Turn Undead
Abjure Shadow
Invoke Duplicity
5Destroy Undead
Dismiss Shadow
Destroy Undead
Destroy Shadow
6Divine Domain: Steps of Night
Eyes of Twilight improves
Divine Domain: Cloak of Shadows
8Divine Strike: +1d8 radiant damage
Destroy Undead improves
Dismiss Shadow improves
Divine Strike: +1d8 psychic damage
Destroy Undead improves
Destroy Shadow improves
10Intervention of the LandIntervention of the Land
11Destroy Undead improves
Dismiss Shadow improves
Destroy Undead improves
Destroy Shadow improves
14Divine Strike improves to +2d8 radiant damage
Destroy Undead improves
Dismiss Shadow improves
Divine Strike improves to +2d8 psychic damage
Destroy Undead improves
Destroy Shadow improves
17Divine Domain:
Twilight Shroud
Destroy Undead improves
Dismiss Shadow improves
Eyes of Twilight improves
Divine Domain:
Improved Duplicity
Destroy Undead improves
Destroy Shadow improves
20Intervention of the Land improvesIntervention of the Land improves
Domain spells
1Faerie Fire
Charm Person
Disguise Self
Pass without Trace
See Invisibility
Leomund's Tiny Hut
Dispel Magic
4Dimension Door
Greater Invisibility
5Circle of Power
Dominate Person
Modify Memory

New Class abilities:
  • Abjure Shadow: Use Channel Divinity to act as for D&D 3.5e Abjure Shadow.
  • Dismiss Shadow: TBA
  • Destroy Shadow: TBA
  • Eyes of Twilight: As per Eyes of Twilight in the Night domain
  • Second Glance: TBA
  • Blessing of the Shadow: As per Blessing of the Trickster in the Trickster domain
  • Ward of Shadows: As per Ward of Shadows in the Night domain
  • Twilight Sanctuary: As per Twilight Sanctuary in the Twilight domain
  • Invoke Duplicity: As per Invoke Duplicity in the Trickster domain
  • Intervention of the Land: TBA
  • Steps of Night: As per Steps of Night in the Twilight domain
  • Cloak of Shadows: As per Cloak of Shadows in the Trickery domain
  • Twilight Shroud: As per Twilight Shroud in the Twilight domain
  • Improved Duplicity: As per Improved Duplicity in the Trickery domain

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