BRCS:Chapter four/Gods and religion/Torazan
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Symbol: Sword and Horn
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Orogs
Domains: War, Earth, Law, Evil
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Torazan (tor-ah-zan) is the infernal lord of the Orogs. Like his chosen people, Torazan's brutish appearance conceals an active mind. Torazan prizes ingenuity and slyness, for such traits bring victory in battle.
Orog priests are extremely powerful and influential; entire tribes march at the words of the high battle priests. Torazan's priests teach warcraft to young orog warriors and advise wise orog generals. Orog priests learn to cast battle magic immediately, and hone their skills regularly.
Torazan shows no preference for a time of prayer. Most of Torazan's clergy pray for their spells immediately after waking each day. Torazan's battle-priests often multiclass as fighters.
Relationships: Torazan hates Moradin passionately; he has little time for other foes, and is only interested in alliances that further his battle against the Dwarffather.
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, 06-14-2009 at 10:26 AM
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