Anuire » Eastern Marches » Coeranys
[top]Life and Society
The Inhabitants of Coeranys find themselves happily free. The kingdom is their idea of paradise, and they?ll defend it as necessary. These passionate, dedicated people live their lives in joy.
Those who tend the roaming herds are known as landrunners. Landrunners reap the highest respect in Coeranys, for their work keeps money pouring into the domain.
Those who tend the roaming herds are known as landrunners. Landrunners reap the highest respect in Coeranys, for their work keeps money pouring into the domain.
[top]The Land
The wide, rolling country of Coeranys ends in the southeast at the gulf that bears its name. The kingdom?s terrain varies between grass and swamp, making it prime territory for raising horses and cattle.
Storms boiling down from the mountains of Baruk-Azhik and rumbling across the Heartlands find Coeranys their eventual destination. It?s rare when a whole day remains clear, so the whole of this land remains well watered constantly. The too-common swamps and bogs make peat gathering a normal labor.
Storms boiling down from the mountains of Baruk-Azhik and rumbling across the Heartlands find Coeranys their eventual destination. It?s rare when a whole day remains clear, so the whole of this land remains well watered constantly. The too-common swamps and bogs make peat gathering a normal labor.
[top]Bogsend (3/2)
Bogsend consists largely of good farmland and ample grazing for livestock, but the southern portion of the province consists of marshlands stretching all the way to the Gulf of Coeranys.
[top]Caudraight (4/1)
Caudraight is well known for its Three Towns, three large towns that combined to rival Ruroven in population and economic importance.
[top]Deepshadow (3/2)
Callannadwyl is not the largest settlement in Deepshadow, but as the only true elven village to exist in human lands it is somewhat special.
[top]Duornil (2/3)
Duornil is
Cadfael Duorn is the Count of Duornil. The Iron Road passes through Duornil on its way from the Iron Peaks to Achiese.
Cadfael Duorn is the Count of Duornil. The Iron Road passes through Duornil on its way from the Iron Peaks to Achiese.
[top]Mistil (2/3)
Mistil is
Mistilen is a small port town on the Gulf of Coeranys in Mistil. It seems rather more like someplace you might find in the Chimaeron rather than Coeranys.
Mistilen is a small port town on the Gulf of Coeranys in Mistil. It seems rather more like someplace you might find in the Chimaeron rather than Coeranys.
[top]Ranien (2/3)
[top]Ruorven (4/1)
Ruorven is
The capital, Rourven, sits along the river that springs out of Elinien swampland. Any of Elinie's goods coming down the river reach Ruorven first, enabling Coeranys to tax them as necessary.
The capital, Rourven, sits along the river that springs out of Elinien swampland. Any of Elinie's goods coming down the river reach Ruorven first, enabling Coeranys to tax them as necessary.
[top]Important Figures
[top]Domain Holding Table
Province | Law | Temple | Guild | Source |
Bogsend (3/2) | EC (1) | LPA (1) | GH (3) | Sw2 (2) |
Caudraight (4/1) | EC (2) | HA (2) | DW (2) | - |
LPA (2) | GH (2) | |||
Deepshadow (3/2) | EC (2) | LPA (2) | DW (3) | TBM (2) |
Duornil (2/3) | EC (1) | LPA (1) | DW (2) | TBM (3) |
Mistil (2/3) | EC (1) | LPA (2) | DW (2) | TBM (3) |
Ranien (2/3) | EC (1) | LPA (1) | EL (2) | TBM (3) |
Ruorven (4/1) | EC (3) | LPA (3) | DW (2) | - |
HA (1) | EL (2) | |||
Abbreviations: DW=Diirk Watershold (Royal Guild of Baruk-Azhik); EC=Eluvie Cariele (Coeranys); EL=Elamien Lamier (Points East Trading Guild); GH=Ghorien Hiriele (Highland/Overland Traders); HA=Haelyn's Aegis (Antia Maricoere); LPA=Life and Protection of Avanalae (Medhlorie Haensen); Sw2=Second Swamp Mage; TBM=Three Brothers Mages. |
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Created by Last edited by , 10-23-2011 at 01:52 PM 0 Comments, 29,297 Views |
, 07-21-2010 at 02:01 AM
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