Islands of the East
Main Page » Islands of the East
The Islands of the East lie between the continents of Cerilia and Djapar. The Dragon Isles lie northeast of a line directly from the southeast of Cerilia to the northwest tip of Djapar, the Golden Archipelago to the south west of such a line.
The typical merchant sails via the Dragon Isles on the way to Djapar and via the Sahirde el-Mehare (as the Khinasi name the Golden Archipelago) in order to take advantage of ocean currents. Not that there is such a thing as a typical merchant in these troubled times - though the Khinasi descend from the Basarji who still live in Djapar, relations weakened during the time of the Anuirean Empire and vanished utterly after the proclamation of purity. The proclamation uttered by the Grand Mufti of Basaïa in Djapar declared that the Khinasi belief that Basaïa had died at Deismaar to be succeeded by Avani was foulest heresy and ordered the Khinasi shunned.
With the appearance of the Magian and his swift conquest of Pipryet, interest in Djapar has awakened in Khinasi for the wizard is said to have come from far to the east - and where else could this be but Djapar? Several nations nervous at the Magian's obvious magical power have begun to wonder whether he has allies in Djapar who will aid him in his plans for conquest, or if he was driven forth by enemies who might know of weaknesses that could be used by the Khinasi. Some fearfully whisper that the Magian has been sent by the Grand Mufti of Basaïa to launch a holy war against the faithful of Avani. The Islands of the East may soon see an upsurge in travelers as the truth behind the Magian is sought by his fearful neighbors.
[top]The Golden Archipelago
[top]The Dragon Isles
The lands of the Dragon Islands are said to include:
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