The city of Trie is the one bright spot in a dismal realm. Even the decadent Daugren cannot rival Trie for excitement in Grevesmühl. Grabentod's raiders, Royal Navy of Müden, and dwarven and human traders of Grevesmühl come to Trie to forget their differences and take the chill off. The burgher of Trie once boasted that a party of gnolls, driven from the mountains by the dwarf troops, wandered into the city. Before they knew it, they'd spent their booty on wine and food and had to take jobs as tavern drudges to pay off their debts.


in 970 HC, during the brecht rebellion against the anuirean emprie, Trie was the theater of the grevesian rebellion. The nobility of the city was composed by almost only loyalists, save for Katherine Koert, a young counselor and wizard. When the grafs of the other provinces layed siege on the city in 973 HC, Katherine created an underground rebellion movement.

The count had sheltered all the nobility inside the walls and used the imperial church to rally the people against the rebel kings and grafs, igniting a civil war inside the city itself between loyalists and rebels led by wizard Katherine Koert. As the siege was taking too much time and the grafs feared the arrival of loyalist armies, a mercenary company from Jardwessen was recruited, the company of the black spear lead by minor knecht Richard Roslöw, in the hope of breaching the siege.

Richard managed to infiltrate the city with a small party and organized the resistance from the inside with Katherine, by executing a synchronized strike which led the city's army towards the western gate as the rebels secretly opened the eastern gate. This led to a battle inside the streets which ultimately led to the rebel's victory.

After the battle Katherine was proposed as Graf of Westriet but refused and followed Richard and the black spear company in their adventures.

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