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Ruornil's Silver Guard


GB Income:
9 (2E), 8 (3E)
RP Income:
15 (2E), 11
Army + Fortification
3 levies, 1 veteran scout
Haldwaren (1 temple level)


Ruornil's everlasting war against darkness and shadow caught on in Grevesmühl, and his priests have defended the realm for generations. Now, they may be the only true nobility in the realm.

[top]Doctrine and Faith

All members of the the Silver Guard must swear to uphold the Regel Lunaris (/rɛgel lunaris/, law of the moon), a codex composed by 128 rules establishing the just life of a ruornite. The law is divided into 4 sections, one for each moon phase:
  • Neuluna: The first 32 rules describe the division of the order into castes: laymen, monks and knights. The rules define duties for each caste and relationships between ruornites and other faiths;
  • Lunasichel: 32 rules define the virtues for the various castes: laymen must trust their superiors, priests must devote theirself to the study of magic and the shadow world, knights dispense justice and study the tactics of the Enemy - both monsters and the Awnsheghlien;
  • Lunavoll: The full moon rules define the duties of the administrative caste, sergeants and captains, whose duty is to manage the communities, and provide guidelines for judging and deliberating towards subordinates;
  • Abnehluna: The last 32 rules are devoted to magic and the shadow world, describing the behaviour of the Just when confronted with unusual phenomena: the law distinguishes "magical phenomena" - miracles - as benign events, and supernatural phenomena - anything from the shadow world - as heresy.

The preachings of the Regel extends the duties of the ruornite to protect the law and anything magic just as they would protect humanity. Protecting anything magic extends to magic-like begins such as elves, seen as something dear to the eyes of Ruornil (as long as they serve mankind, of course), whereas anything naturally refractary to magic is seen with suspicion. Halflings are considered as magical as the elves - they fleed the shadows, so they deserve the same consideration and protection as humans do. Not everybody however see this the same way inside the order.

[top]The Rule of the white rose

Like many churches of the Brechtür, the Order is actually composed of many faiths, with the exception of Belinik and Kriesha. It is not uncommon for a priest then to pray to Haelyn to guide his judgment, or Kirche for victory in battle; however, Ruornil and its teachings still remain the main ideal the church must follow: the church must protect the land from the darkness, be it by the sword or by reason. this is called The Rule of the White Rose . To the faithful, duke Karlburgher's behaviour is received with nothing more than scorn, in particular his lack of devotion in providing economic contribution to the Guard's cause of protecting the realm.

[top]The Black Rose

The Black Rose or Rosenschwartz is an extremist faction that would like to see the kingdom transformed into a theocracy aimed at eliminating enemies loyal to the shadows such as pirates or the neighboring vos of Rzhlev once and for all in a holy war. As of today the white rose is the predominant lobby in the order, but the Captain fears that many would simply support any cause that would take the Karlburghers out of the equation.

[top]The Land

As prescribed by the Regel Lunaris, the Silver Guard encompass people from all social ranks, and operates as a form of alternative governement often opposed to the Crown rather than complementary. Ruornites can be found everywhere: the local priest, the occasional rural druid, the ranger patrolling the woods, or the monster hunter patrolling the highland, looking for any undead, will probably be ruornites.

The Grevesmühl Guard is perhaps the most notorius layman military company of the order: composed by rangers and woodmen, in times of peace can be found as small patrols wandering the woods or the highland, whereas in times of war it rallies as a whole unit. Once a unit under the command of the crown, it is now managed by the Order, which seems to be the only organization in Grevesmühl caring enough about law and order among the rural communities.

Most noble families have at least one member who is part of the order, and it is beginning to be thought that only a government guided by just precepts and firm morals can restore Grevesmühl to its former glory (if there ever was one).


Both laymen, priests and military units have the same ranks. Ranks are achieved only by full time duty - the occasional muster will give temporary ranks only.
  • The Captain is the highest member of the order, and is in charge of representing the order to the crown, defending the faith, and leading the order into battles;
  • Sergent is the official managing a single province or a single unit. It is the highest title achievable by duty or service years. Sergents also have the duty to interpret the Regel and discipline the behaviour of members of the order;
  • Knechts, Wächters and priests (both referred with the titles Herr by subordinates) have the duty to lead the laymen and the population;
  • In certain times, laymen may be promoted to Corporals, giving them the same rank as Knechts. Such promotion is definitive only for the members fo the Grevesmühl guard;
  • The title of arch-captain or arch-sergent is reserved for the members of the order who renounce active duty in favor of studying magic. They are the equivalent of chamberlains and seneschals.

The Herzglichgarde (/hɛrt͡slɪçgart/) or Ducal Guard, is a renown group of Knechts sworn to defend the Duke and serve as the duke's personal guard.

The Ducal Huntsman is often a Wächter who joined the Ducal Guard. No more than a single Wächter is allowed to join the Ducal Guard.


The most famous and renown figure of the order is the Knecht, the errant knight. Knechts are often second born of noble families; they travel the land in search of fame, fortune and battle against the horrors of the shadow world. Since Grevesmühl has not a strong tradition in authority, knechts often get to dispense justice in the land, provided they are the only authority present - and even then, they always get a say. Certain Knechts however prefer to avoid civilization as much as they can, focusing on studying magic and pursuing the ultimate goal - killing monster. Such wandering warriors are called Wächters, or guardians. unlike Knechts, who enjoy the fame of the nobles, Wächters often come from humble origins and are seen by the commoners as almost as dangerous as the monsters they hunt.


Sir Aethelwulf was a general along the ranks of emperor Roele during the Vosgaard campaign. When the same campaign ended in failure, he heard the call of Ruornil and became an errant preacher, converting the brechts into the faith of the new gods, as they were still attached to their old rites. His faith was based upon the idea of showing the gods - and therefore the empire, as the protectors of Cerilia from the new spawns of Azrai, monsters and such.
During the war of the two roses, the order became the spiritual shield allowing the white rose nobles to justify the control held by the anuirean families in the realm. When the civil war ended with Grevesmühl's indipendence, the order fell into disgrace.

In 169 MR, during the Eve of the Dead, a large mist fell on the Great highland, and a great number of undead woke up in the realm. This forced the nobles to rally once more, this time under the banner of the ruornites. The Mist Plague, as the scholars now call it, lasted 10 years, cementing the relationship between the nobles and the cult of Ruornil. This pushed the order towards a new direction, as the church become more similar to a militant order than a faith rooted in the community. In time, as the Karlburgher dynasty weakened itself and its presence among the people, the Silver Guard strengthened its ranks by bringing in young scions of the grevesmühlig nobility, lured by promises of a life full of adventure and glory as wandering Knechts.

This became the cause of various upheavals and sometimes even rebellions in the 3rd century MR, when the Knechts were called upon to dispense justice instead of the crown, and feuds often arose between the Knechts and the local lords. Worse, the Knechts often used their prestige to make decisions that benefited their families of origin. The Abbot of Gredaur and arch-captain Sigmund Ironhand wrote the Regel Lunaris in those years, to help the knights follow a single path and prevent the name of the order from being used for personal gain. It was quickly adopted as a life manual by the whole order.
The Regel helped the order into infiltrating grevesmühlers' everyday life: between 380 and 390 MR the duke stopped paying the wood patrols claiming elves never really existed, and the Captain of the time, Alfred Helmsen, offered to pay them to prevent the insurgence of brigandism. Since then, the Grevesmühl Guard has become a force at the service of the order.

[top]The fracture

The rebellion of Colin Shaefpaete and the independence of the Zweilunds in 467 MR was the beginning of the rift between the order and the crown. The wizard of the islands is seen by the captaincy as heresy, as Colin uses magic to enrich himself rather than just ends. However duke Alfor Karlburgher did not lift a finger to reclaim the islands and this was seen as a sign of the moral decay of the times, where the crown was now subservient to the needs of the guilds, more concerned with doing business with the enemies of the kingdom than with protecting its inhabitants.

Things did not improve with the current ruler. Duke Shaemes discourages the temple's prctices and disains the use of the Silver Guard in any real military fashion. He even disdains the private guard granted to him by tradition and right.

[top]Important Figures


The Silver Guard should start the game with Protection from realm magic (or equivalent) + 2 domain spells and (if used) at least 2 war magic spells.

As far as living memory goes, human temples and guilds have always been allowed to have their own forces. the Silver guard can muster 3 levies on demand, as well as the Grevesmühl Guards, which counts as a veteran Scout Unit (3E) or a custom unit (2E). If the rule is available, apply the garrison rule for such unit.

[top]Plots and Rumours

  • The Wäcthers are reporting more sightings of undead in the highland every month; could something be going on? In his last report, Gunther wrote about gnoll whisperings about a giant undead monster, an aberration drawn out from the depths of the shadow world... or just another fairytale.
  • Luther may be forced to take action against its own: one of his sregeants is reported to secretly have joined the black rose. This must be dealt quickly - but evidence of foul play is needed.
  • A War against the zweilunds or successful raids against the vos may boost the morale and prove that there is no need for the black rose teachings. The way is not clear, however: should the Captain somehow persuade Karlburgher, or should the Guard move on its own, forcing the crown to join (if victorious of course)?

[top]Domain Holding Table

Domain Table: Ruornil's Silver Guard
Dubeswald, Grevesmühl (3/4)SK (1)LH (2)AA (2)CS (4)
Gredaur, Grevesmühl (3/4)SK (3)LH (3)AA (3)CS (4)
Haldwaren, Grevesmühl (4/3)LH (0)LH (3/1*)AA (4)CL (2)
Rulsfeg, Grevesmühl (6/1)KP (3)LH (3)AA (4)CL (1)
ME (3)DU (2)
Abbreviations: SK = Shaemes Karlburgher (Duke of Grevesmühl); LH = Luther Helmsen (Ruornil's Silver Guard); AA = Arlinda Aldor (Black Ice Traders); CS = Colin Shaefpaete (the Island Mage); CL = Caliene Llwelyn (Grevesmhl Wizard); KP = Kallen Pickbiter (King of Daikhur Zhigun); ME = Morathos Everdark (Bright Ember's Darkness); DU = Dorin Utterlund (Deep Steel Miners); *=Fortified holding levels

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