It Murgen?s notes on Khinasi Culture: Grace

DM Tips: Khinasi culture: grace

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Khinasi » Khinasi culture » Khinasi Culture:Grace


The Khinasi dress in bright, tastefully harmonized clothes. A man will typically wear linen breeches and soft shoes, a high-collared shirt with half sleeves, a vest, sash, and hat. A woman would be dressed similarly, but with long sleeves and a sheer head scarf. Garish or clashing colors, or completely bland and monochromatic dress, are seen as inelegant. Both men and women take great pride in their appearance, and to be able to hold a conversation about style and cut, fit and fabric, is seen as being educated.
Women will make sure that their hair and mouth are covered when in the presence of males who are not part of their family. But they will use cosmetics to beautify their eyes and nose. The practice of leaving a small part of their hair- a bit of bang, a decorated pony tail- sticking out from under their shawls is common as well. Khinasi women take great pride in their ability to stop a man in his tracks with just a glance.
Khinasi of both sexes also wear jewelry at all life stages. Their preference is for many small, intricate pieces which offset or enhance their outfits. Large and gaudy jewelry is dismissed as low class. Beauty and refinement is central to their jewelry. It should appear graceful and charming.


Begging, and beggars, is seen as a blight upon society. Asking for money is not a beautiful, refined, or dignified way to earn a living. Those who beg for coins are without Sayim at all. Those who beg for jobs and are willing to do anything to be employed are not considered beggars. ?Is there anything I can do for you, honored sir?? is a common call in large cities. If the unemployed are given a task to do, it is ungraceful to ask for payment of any sort. Of course, they will be paid but this arrangement allows the employer to show their grace and generosity through their payment. It also allows the employee to show effort on behalf of someone not something. Both parties gain Sayim from this transaction.


Birthdays are not celebrated in Khinasi society. It is seen as bragging and taking credit for something that is not within your power. Most people see life and death as part of the Avaniahura. It is the plan and logical progression of events that is the driver of people?s lives. Celebrating your birthday is tantamount to claiming that the plan was designed for your life, which is braggadocio in extreme.


Khinasi are avid pet owners. The pets tend to be reflections of the kinds of occupations the family is involved in. Merchant ship captains will have pet cats to keep the rats in check. Herders employ large herding dogs. Cattlemen and ranchers favor small, aggressive dogs to keep the hole-digging rodent populations down. Metalworkers will have cages of birds in their smithy, to warn of dangerous fumes. Khinasi favor long, sleek animals with short fur. Long fur is seen as unnecessary in the warm climates. Many families will have a small group of birds in their garden. These birds are never kept in cages. To do so is seen as an affront to their nature, and against the Avaniahura. Instead, great pains are taken to train them to stay in the garden, or in particular trees.
The color and refinement of the plumage is the main factor for selecting birds. Horses, of course, are a Khinasi passion. Long of leg and lean of coat, they are considered some of the greatest of pets. Many a struggling merchant will spend their lives dreaming of owning just one of the magnificent creatures. Rodents, such as hamsters and mice, are disdained as pets. They are considered crass, un-trainable, and inelegant creatures. The concept of a zoo, or of holding animals against their will, is anathema to Khinasi.


The game of Polo was a Masetian creation, designed to practice horsemanship and mounted combat. Polo stresses speed, turning ability, and precision. The Khinasi adopted it and refined the sport, turning it into their national past-time. Individual nobles, Geirhou, and nobility all fund and field teams. Matches draw large crowds of men and boys, and are a central topic in coffeehouses. Plays and turns, horsemanship and mallet handling are endlessly debated and discussed. The Khinasi see much beauty and elegance in the sport.

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