Birthright Domain Cards

Anyone thought the Birthright campaign needs to have its own domain trading cards?

Any color combination can be selected for a specific province, province level / source values can be hidden or changed, castle icon top right can be displayed, etc.

It is possible to select individual colors for provinces, however for speed they use:
  • Bottom right shows the color of the region
  • Above that the sub region color
  • The rest of the card is the domain color.

There are card packs for every province/domain in the BR world (approximately 175 files).

For example, the following card designs are for Anuire:East
Attachment 1862Attachment 1863
Attachment 1864Attachment 1865Attachment 1866

The original cards have backs, with some text detailing population, castles, main cities, etc. (auto generated). These examples are plain with no backs. Future Source/Level/Castle, etc., cards for players will allow them to have their whole domain as a card set.

The discussions page has a number of additional samples including:
  • Domains
  • Actions
  • Domain Holdings
  • Individual Holdings

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