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I would agree that Lawful Neutral is intrinsically =
ends-justify-the-means when the the questions are ethical and concern =
harming others, but it is also possible to consider who Chaotic Good is =
the exemplar of ends-justify-the-means thinking when the good of =
indivduals and the good of groups is considered. Robbing from the rich =
to give to the poor is a classic example of a Chaotic Good decision to =
do wrong against the law because it helps people. =20

When we consider both the axis of good-evil and law-chaos, it is evident =
that a stripe from Lawful Neutral, through True Neutral, to Chaotic Good =
described the alignments most given to this balancing act between ends =
that the character values and ethical and legal means that society =

Indeed each of the alignments that will employ this thinking will =
arrange the values to be advanced and to be comprimised slightly =

Nevertheless I don't see Lawful Good or any of the Evil alignlments =
using it.

Kenneth Gauck

-Original Message
From: Ben
To: birthright@MPGN.COM
Date: Sunday, February 21, 1999 1:17 AM
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Neutral Alignment (was I feel a duty)

I would go so far as to say that the "ends justify the means" =
mentality is intrinsically tied with lawful alignment. Whereas CG =
characters are more concerned with means--and CE don't really care.=20

-Original Message
From: Kenneth Gauck
Date: Saturday, February 20, 1999 8:40 PM

>(Sidebar comment: LN often DOES use "ends justify the means." =
That's why you can have LN >Bounty Hunters, LN Assassins, and LN =
politicians. (sorry))

I agree with Brandes, and will add that Neutral alignments (on the =
good-evil axis) are the ends-justify-the-means charcters par excellance. =
Good characters believe the means must be good as well as the ends. =
Evil characters don't care about the means. =20


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I would agree that Lawful Neutral is intrinsically=20
ends-justify-the-means when the the questions are ethical and concern =
others, but it is also possible to consider who Chaotic Good is the =
exemplar of=20
ends-justify-the-means thinking when the good of indivduals and the good =
groups is considered.  Robbing from the rich to give to the poor is =
classic example of a Chaotic Good decision to do wrong against the law =
it helps people. 
When we consider both the axis of good-evil and =
law-chaos, it=20
is evident that a stripe from Lawful Neutral, through True Neutral, to =
Good described the alignments most given to this balancing act between =
ends that=20
the character values and ethical and legal means that society=20
Indeed each of the alignments that will employ this =
will arrange the values to be advanced and to be comprimised slightly=20
Nevertheless I don't see Lawful Good or any of the =
alignlments using it.

-From: Ben <>To: birthright@MPGN.COM <birthright@MPGN.COM>Dat=
Sunday, February 21, 1999 1:17 AMSubject: Re: =
Neutral Alignment (was I feel a duty)

    I would go so far as to say that the "ends justify the =
mentality is intrinsically tied with lawful alignment. Whereas CG =
are more concerned with means--and CE don't really care. =

-Original =
Kenneth Gauck <>Date:=20
Saturday, February 20, 1999 8:40 PM
>(Sidebar comment:  LN often DOES use =
justify the means."  That's why you can have LN >Bounty =

Hunters, LN Assassins, and LN politicians. (sorry))
I agree with Brandes, and will add that Neutral =
(on the good-evil axis) are the ends-justify-the-means charcters par =

excellance.  Good characters believe the means must be good as =
well as=20
the ends.  Evil characters don't care about the means. =20



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Created by , 02-21-1999 at 07:49 PM
Last edited by , 10-23-2011 at 12:04 PM
Last comment by on 08-15-2007 at 09:36 PM
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