D20:Horn of the Tritons Wondrous Item

Horn of the Tritons: This device is a conch shell that can be blown once per day except by a triton which can sound it three times per day. A horn of the tritons can perform any one of the following functions when blown.
  • Calm rough waters in a 1-mile radius. This effect dispels a summoned water elemental if it fails a DC 16 Will save.
  • Attract 5d4 Large sharks (01?30 on d%), 5d6 Medium sharks (31?80), or 1d10 sea lions (81?100) if the character is in a body of water in which such creatures dwell. The creatures are friendly and obey, to the best of their ability, the one who sounded the horn.
  • Causes aquatic creatures with Intelligence scores of 1 or 2 within 500 feet to become panicked as if they had been targeted by a fear spell (Will DC 16 partial). Those who successfully save are shaken for 3d6 rounds.

Any sounding of a horn of the tritons can be heard by all tritons within a 3-mile radius.
Moderate conjuration and transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, fear, summon monster V, control water, creator must be a triton or get construction aid from a triton; Price 15,100 gp; Weight 2 lb.

System Reference Document -> Magic Items: Wondrous Items
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