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This article is Fan Fiction The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Birthright lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only. |
Anuire » Northern Marches » Durotar
Copper, grain, zinc,
Livestock, iron, tin, woad, timber
In an alternate Prime, the Horde from Draenor or Outland came into Cerilia through a portal built by the corrupt shaman Ner'zul; although another horde made it to the World of Azeroth before Draenor exploded. Durotar is named after the Warchief who fought valiantly against Azrai, Durotan of the Frostwolf Clan. When the orcs came here, they were surprised at how much the land was so fertile. They made their home here after the battle at Mount Deismaar.
While the orcish horde holds little regard for humans, Durotar is bordered by Talinie, the Five Peaks, and Dhoesone. While some orcish tribes left to form colonies in Arkadyria and Aduria over a thousand years, Thrall rules a land that is controlled by five tribes as Warchief. Thrall rules from the capital of Durotar -- Orgrimmar -- which was named after Orgrim Doomhammer -- one of the valiant heroes who died at Mount Deismaar.
[top]Life and Society
Though barbarians in almost every sense of the word, the orcs have managed to build quite a society in Durotar. The green skinned orcs have rejected the worship of demons (for the most part) and embraced shamanism. Although for some orcs the doctrines of Haelyn, Belinik, and Cuiraecen are attractive to them.
The architecture of the orcs is quite rustic. Wooden slats, huge bones around their buildings, and mud huts make up the villages and towns of the orcs. Orc peons are practically free, although they are orcs that failed their trials and typically make up about half the populace. Peons are treated as less in the society. The orcs seem to be respectful of the land. They typically replant trees after they cut some of them down, and they cover mines that they dug. Such actions confuse Anuireans, who believe them to be (and rightly so) a barbarian people.
Orc culture is all about being:
- Concerned with survival over artistic achievement. Which is why they are attracted to Cuiraecen more than Haelyn or Belinik.
- Reveres its elderly and it's ancestors.
- does not apologize for its actions and demands no apology of others.
- values valor over cunning --- as long as that valor does not lead to disaster.
- resembles the primitive human societies before they fled Aduria, but looks more sophisticated than the Vos are currently when examined closely.
- distrusts arcane magic, especially those wielded by Warlocks; but they do not shun sorcerers or wizards yet.
See Also: Durotar on the WoW Wiki
See Also: Orcs as an optional player character race
[top]The Land
The land of Durotar is a woodland in the Aelvinnwode, with some rolling hills and small rivers flowing out of the Five Peaks providing freshwater for the orcs. It is also bordered on the sea, featuring fabulous beaches and coves. Part of the beach forms a natural harbor where the orcs have a small shipbuilding industry. Although not a maritime culture, over population has forced much of the orc population to expand outwards into the sea and form independent colonies in Arkadyria and Aduria.
Bloodbay is so named because of a great battle between the orcs and the Rjurik here for control of the bay. The bay ran red with Rjurik blood as the Rjurik lost complete control of the area, and the orcs commemorate the day of the liberation of Bloodbay as "The Day of the Battle of Bloodbay." The area is notable for a tribe of kobolds led by Tiroth Redcap (MKld, ftr 5; Azrai, tainted, 11).The Eyeless One controls one source of magic here, and Torele Anviras another source of magic. Torele is the only wizard who is wondering if the Coral Reef of Blood can be tapped as a major source of magic. If it can, it would be a level 9 source of magic. The Reef itself is part of a larger complex that extends as far south of Boeruine.
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[top]Frostwolf Hills
< Writeup on province 2 >[top]Doom's Peak
[top]Warsong Woods
[top]Storm's Release
some-place-of-interest: description[top]History
For a long time, on Draenor, the peaceful orcs lived in harmony. Little did they know that their lives will be eventually turned upside down with the arrival of the Draenei. Although the orcs for a long time co-habitated with the orcs in time Draenor attracted the attention of the Burning Legion -- a loose association of demons and devils.
The orcs were eventually turned into savages and then battled with the peace loving Draenei. In time, their blood thirst would be turned on each other and Ner'zhul found portals to other worlds. One of these was Aebyrnis. It was then that the Orcish Horde spilled into Cerilia and joined Azrai's legions of conquest against the humans. Azrai had little to do with them becoming a part of his war machine -- they were already bloodthirsty.
As the battle of Mount Diesmaar progressed, many of the orc clans finally recognized Azrai for what he is; and split with the Shadow and joined the humans. The clans that joined the humans included: the Frostwolf Clan, the Bleeding Hollow clan, the Warsong clan, and the Bone Chewer clan. The clans that stayed with Azrai included the Twilight Hammer clan, the Black Hammer clan, and the Black Tooth Grin clan. The Blackrock clan and the Dragonmaw Clan retired from the field of battle.
After the Battle was over with, the Frostwolf clan and the Warsong clan received many of the bloodlines that are found in Durotar, while the Black Hammers and the Black Tooth Grin clans were nearly wiped out. The orcs retreated back to Durotar, and Durotar itself would never join Roele's Anuirean Empire. Over a thousand years, the borders of the realm of Durotar fluctuated. It had experienced many "evacuations" towards the continent of Adura and Arkadyria while it was growing smaller. Some of it's populace were taken as slaves until one escaped from Dhoesone five years ago. His name was Thrall, and he revitalized the Frostwolf Clan and the whole of Durotar.
[top]Important Figures
Thrall: (LG male orc shaman (Cuiraecen) 7) Thrall is part of a dynasty of "kings" (actually Warchiefs) stretching from the foundation of the Empire of Anuire. He is basically Thrall the Second. Thrall is a crafty Warchief, seeking to make the better part of his people more civilized. He is still keeping the trappings of their barbarian civilization however. Recently his horde has become less tribal and more oriented around a family.
Saurfang the Elder: Saurfang the Elder is Thrall the Second's general.
[top]Plots and Rumours
[top]Domain Holding Table
below is Roesone's table as an example
Check Domaintable_Roesone for the source code
Abbreviations: MR=Marlae Roesone (Roesone) IHH=Impregnable Heart of Haelyn (Hubaere Armiendin) OT=Orthien Tane (Southern Anuire Shipping and Imports) HMA=High Mage Aelies EH=el-Hadid (Port of Call Exchange) RA=Rogr Aglondier (Ilien) SG=Siele Ghoried (Spider River Traders) RCS=Ruornil?s Celestial Spell (Suris Enlien)
- Law: Marlae Roesone, the baroness, controls half the law in Caercas and Ghoried, two of three levels in Bellam, and one of three levels in each of the rest of the provinces in the realm.
- Temples: Most temples in the domain belong to the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn.
- Guilds: Guildmaster Siele Ghoried (MA; Rog4; Ma, minor, 21; LG), el-Hadid of Ilien, and Orthien Tane (MA, Rog3; An, tainted, 8; CN) fight a vicious underground war to control Roesone's trade.
- Source: The High Mage Aelies from Aerenwe and Rogr Aglondier, Count of Ilien, each seek Roesone's magic.
This article is an Observation The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Birthright history or occurences which are accurate. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
This article is Fan Fiction The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Birthright lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only. |
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Created by Last edited by , 06-11-2014 at 12:56 PM 0 Comments, 17,813 Views |
, 02-11-2011 at 12:47 AM