Gulf of Coeranys
The Gulf of Coeranys is a large bay of the Suidemiere, as the Anuireans call it. This mighty ocean is known as the Baïr el-Mehare in the Basarji tongue. The western shore of the gulf is Anuire, and her Eastern Marches. The eastern coast, such as it is, is just a great marsh called the Harrowmarsh. This saltmarsh marks Khinasi as the lands beyond, the Plains States, are Khinasi domains. Coeranys, Osoerde, Aerenwe, and the Chimaeron have ports on the gulf. Rohrmarch's city of Kiedel has access during high tide through an estuary in the Khurinbyrn River.
Scores of caravels and carracks ply these waters, fishing and trading along these shores.
Scores of caravels and carracks ply these waters, fishing and trading along these shores.
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, 05-25-2009 at 11:25 PM
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