
Tag: ershegh

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  1. new ershegh (long)

    Started by KAI BESTE, 01-29-1998 04:06 PM
    awnshegh, azrai, blood enemies, bloodline, bonus, campaign, character, ershegh, ersheglien, favourite, fun, guess, major, members, minor, monk, npcs, players, powerful, sheghlien, stat, stats, time, trait, type
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,647
    Last Post: 02-11-1998 08:33 PM
    by Tim Nutting  Go to last post
  2. Ershegh

    Started by Osprey, 07-01-2004 05:35 PM
    3rd, 3rd edition, arms, awnshegh, azrai, balance, blood, conversion, convert, describe, description, edition, effect, effects, ershegh, evil, food, heir, major, nature, nightowl, potential, power, powerful, powers, rare, result, standard, transform, type, version, weapon, weapons
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 5,467
    Last Post: 07-01-2004 07:00 PM
    by geeman  Go to last post
  3. New Ershegh

    Started by Magian, 07-02-2004 04:55 AM
    abilities, ability, art, azrai, blood abilities, bloodline, bloodtrait, campaign, cast, character, class, completely, ershegh, explore, feat, god, invulnerability, land, lore, magic, myth, mythical, nightowl, NPC, power, resistance, setting, shadow, spell, spellcaster, spells, strength, translate, wizard, world
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 5,504
    Last Post: 07-05-2004 11:40 PM
    by Magian  Go to last post
  4. The Nightowl

    Started by geeman, 11-26-2003 01:37 AM
    adventure, Aebrynis, Anuire, asked, beauty, blood, boy, calls, campaign, campaigns, char, character, class, comprehensive, day, description, device, divine, ershegh, espionage, explore, instruction, intelligence, level, levels, locate, maximum, modification, night, nightowl, place, prestige class, purpose, rebellion, request, rose, run, shadowdancer, sister, sisters, southern, spear, surprise, type, vision, zodiac
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 4,893
    Last Post: 12-11-2003 03:43 PM
    by geeman  Go to last post
  5. Awnsheghlien/Ehrsheghlien

    Started by anacreon, 03-22-2004 03:36 PM
    abilities, ability, atlas, awnshegh, bloodform, brcs, creature, design, ershegh, est, follow, generic, monster, monsters, physical, place, race, rule, rules, sample, savage, savage species, scion, species, system, tool, transform, transformation, type
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 3,374
    Last Post: 03-24-2004 02:09 AM
    by Osprey  Go to last post
  6. Group Name

    Started by Osprey, 09-16-2003 05:21 PM
    Aduria, awnshegh, change, changed, complete, completed, continent, control, dirty, ershegh, group, heir, human, member, members, obscure, race, races, regent, reset, scion, turn, vassal
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 4,154
    Last Post: 09-17-2003 03:36 PM
    by ConjurerDragon  Go to last post
  7. Blood Mark = Blood Trait?

    Started by geeman, 03-26-2003 10:23 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    attitude, Avan, awnshegh, azrai, blood, bloodline, change, character, characters, current, description, effect, effects, ershegh, general, giant, guy, guys, hair, heir, human, level, nature, nonhuman, prince, regent, run, scion, scions, strange, system, trait, transform, transformation, variants, wizards
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 6,139
    Last Post: 03-28-2003 02:43 AM
    by kgauck  Go to last post
Results 1 to 7 of 7
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